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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘Please; dear spirits; I can’t go on if I don’t know。 I’ve given up everything to see right done。 Please grant me this。 Let me know if she is alive。’
 His head hanging; tears dripping from his face; he saw flickers of light on the ground before him。
 Richard looked up。 A glowing spirit towered over him。
 When he recognized who it was; he went rigid。
 Kahlan had walked around the garden countless times。 Part of her hesitation was dread that she might be granted confirmation of her fear。 Finally; she she knelt down and folded her hands together on a rock before her。 She bowed her head。
 ‘Dear spirits; I know I am not worthy; but please grant this。 I must know if Richard is all right。 If he still loves me。’
 She swallowed back the burning sensation in her throat。 ‘I must know if I will ever see him again。
 ‘I have been disrespectful; I know; and I have no excuse but my own failing as a good person。 If you grant me this; I will do whatever the good spirits require of me。
 ‘But please; dear spirits; I must know if I will ever see my Richard again。’
 Her head hung as he cried。 Tears dripped from her face。 Before her; on the ground; flickers of light danced。
 Kahlan looked up; into the face of the glowing spirit towering over her。 She felt the warmth of the calm smile from the face she knew。
 Slowly; involuntarily; Kahlan rose to her feet。
 ‘Is it really 。。。 you?’
 ‘Yes; Kahlan; it is I; Denna。’
 ‘But 。。。 you went to the Keeper。 You took the mark Darken Rahl put on Richard。 You went to the Keeper in Richard’s place。’
 The glowing smile of peace swelled Kahlan’s heart with joy。
 The Keeper was repulsed by what I had done。 He rejected me。 I went instead to be with what you think of as the good spirits。
 ‘In much the same way that what I did earned me peace I never expected; the sacrifices you and Richard have self…lessly made for others; and each other; have merited the granting of this peace to the two of you。 Because you each possess both sides of the magic; and are linked to me by deeds; before I pass beyond the veil I am empowered to bring you together; for a brief time; in a place between the worlds。’
 Denna; draped in long; flowing robes; spread her arms wide。 The luminous folds hung from her arms all the way to the ground。
 ‘e; child。 e into my arms; and I will take you to Richard。’
 Trembling; Kahlan stepped under Denna’s outstretched arm。
 Richard stood under the illumination of Denna’s arm as it came tenderly around him。 The world vanished into the radiance。 He didn’t know what to expect; only that he wanted to see Kahlan more than life itself。
 The overpowering; white blaze dimmed to a mellow glow。
 Kahlan appeared before him。 She gasped; and then threw herself into his arms。 She wailed his name as she clutched him。
 They embraced; without words; just feeling the presence of each other。 He felt her warmth; her breathing; her quaking。 He didn’t want to ever let her go。
 They sank to the soft support under them。 He didn’t know what it was; and he didn’t care; it was solid enough to hold them。 He wanted her arms around him forever。 She finally stopped weeping; and put her head against his shoulder as he held her tight。
 At last; she looked up to his face; her beautiful green eyes gazing deeply into his。 ‘Richard; I’m so sorry I made you put that collar around your 。。。’
 Richard put his ringer to her lips。 ‘It was all for a reason。 It took me time to understand how foolish I was being; and how brave you are。 That is all that matters。 It makes me love you all the more; because you sacrificed your own needs to save me。’
 She shook her head。 ‘My Richard。 How did you get here?’
 ‘I prayed to the good spirits。 Denna came。’
 ‘Me too。 Denna made a sacrifice for you; too。 She took the power of the mark; so you would live。 Denna gave your life back to me。 She is at peace now。’
 ‘I know。’ He ran his hand down her head; down her short hair。 ‘What happened to your hair?’
 ‘A wizard cut it off。’
 ‘A wizard。 Well then; I guess a wizard will have to restore it to you。’
 Richard ran his hand lovingly down her hair。 He remembered the way Zedd had stroked his hand down his own jaw to make his beard grow。 It seemed as if from having seen Zedd do it; he knew how to do it; too。 With each stroke of his hand; her hair lengthened。 Richard continued to pull from the calm center within him; and her hair continued to lengthen。 When it was the same as before; he stopped。
 Kahlan lifted a long lock of her hair; looking at it in wonder。 ‘Richard; how did you do that?’
 ‘I have the gift; remember?’
 She beamed with her special smile; the smile of sharing she gave no other。 Kahlan ran her hand down his cheek。
 ‘I’m sorry; Richard; but I don’t like your beard。 I like you the way you were before。’
 He lifted an eyebrow。 ‘Really? Well then; since we set you back to right; we will just have to do the same for me; too。’
 Richard drew his hand down his jaw; again pulling the power from the calm center。
 Kahlan gasped in astonishment。 ‘Richard! It’s gone! Your beard is gone! You made it vanish! How did you do that!’
 ‘I have the gift for both sides of the magic。’
 She blinked in surprise。 ‘Subtractive Magic? Richard; is any of this real; or am I just dreaming it?’
 And then he kissed her; long and deep。
 ‘Feels real to me;’ he said breathlessly。
 ‘Richard; I’m afraid。 You’re with the Sisters。 I will never again be able to be with you。 I can’t go on if you are going to be taken from 。。。’
 ‘I’m not with the Sisters。 I’m in Aydindril。’
 He nodded。 ‘I left the Palace of the Prophets。 Sister Verna helped me。 Then I had to go to D’Hara。’
 Richard told her everything that had happened since he had left her; and she told him all she had been through。 Richard could hardly believe the things she had done。
 ‘I’m so proud of you;’ he said。 ‘You truly are the Mother Confessor。 You are the greatest Mother Confessor that ever lived。’
 ‘Go back to the hall before the council chambers; and you will see big paintings of Confessors who were greater than I will ever be。’
 ‘That; my love; I doubt。’
 He kissed her again。 A hot; passionate kiss。 She kissed him back; desperately; as if she needed nothing so much from life as to be in his arms kissing him。 He kissed her cheek; her ears and her neck。 She moaned against him。
 ‘Richard; is the scar; Darken Rahl’s mark; really gone?’
 He pulled his shirt open to show her。
 Her hand stroked his chest。 ‘It’s really true;’ she whispered。
 Tenderly; she kissed his chest。 She ran her hand over him; kissing where it had been。 She gave a sucking kiss to his nipple。
 ‘Not fair;’ he said breathlessly。 ‘I get to kiss anything on you that you kiss on me。’
 Kahlan looked him in the eye as she unbuttoned her shirt。 ‘Bargain struck。’
 She started pulling at his clothes as he t
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