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tg.stone of tears-第章

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r apart as you could get。 It must be; she finally decided; a connection in the distant past。
 Richard was still staring at the ceiling。 She put her hand on his shoulder; giving it a squeeze。 ‘How is your head?’
 Richard jumped hard。 He looked around and blinked at her。 He rubbed his eyes。 ‘What? 。。。 I was asleep。 What did you say?’
 Kahlan frowned。 ‘You weren’t asleep。’
 ‘Yes I was。 Sound asleep。’
 Kahlan felt a flutter of apprehension。 ‘Your eyes were wide open。 I was watching you。’ She left unsaid that as far as she knew; only wizards slept with their eyes open。
 ‘Really?’ He looked around。 ‘Where are those leaves?’
 ‘Here。 Does it still hurt bad?’
 ‘Yes。’ He sat up。 ‘But it’s been worse。’ He put some of the leaves in his mouth and ran his fingers through his hair。 ‘At least I can talk。’ He smiled at her。 ‘And I can smile without my face feeling like it’s going to break。’
 ‘Maybe you shouldn’t go shoot arrows today if you don’t feel well enough。’
 ‘Savidlin said I couldn’t back out。 I’m not going to let him down。 Besides; I really want to see this bow he made for me。 It’s been 。。。 well; I don’t even remember how long it’s been since I shot a bow。’
 After he chewed some of Nissel’s leaves for a while; they folded up the blankets and went looking for Savidlin。 They found him at his home; listening to Siddin telling stories of what it was like to ride a dragon。 Savidlin liked listening to stories。 Even though it was a little boy telling them; he listened with the same interest he would accord a hunter returning from a journey。 Kahlan noted with pride that the little boy was giving a remarkably accurate rendition; without fanciful embellishment。
 Siddin wanted to know if he could have a dragon for a pet。 Savidlin told him the red dragon was not a pet; but a friend to their people。 He told him to find a red chicken; and he could have that。
 Weselan was cooking a pot of some sort of porridge with eggs mixed in。 She asked Richard and Kahlan to join them and passed each a bowl as they sat on a skin on the floor。 She gave them flat tava bread to fold and use as a scoop for the porridge。
 Richard had her ask Savidlin if he had a drill of any kind。 Savidlin leaned way back; and with a finger and thumb pulled a thin rod from a pouch beneath a bench。 He handed the rod to Richard; who had the dragon’s tooth out。 Richard turned the rod around with a puzzled look; put it at the base of the tooth; and twisted it experimentally。
 Savidlin laughed。 ‘You want a hole in that?’ Richard nodded。 Savidlin held out his hand。 ‘Give it to me。 I will show you how it is done。’
 Savidlin used his knifepoint to start a small hole and then held the tooth between his feet as he sat on the floor。 He placed a few grains of sand in the hole; followed by the rod。 He spat in his palms and then spun the rod back and forth rapidly between his hands; stopping occasionally to drop a few more grains of sand down the hole and wipe a little spittle into the opening。 In a little while; he had drilled all the way through the tooth。 He used his knife to clean the burrs from where the drill went through the other side of the tooth; and then held it up; grinning; showing off the hole。 Richard laughed and thanked him as he strung a leather thong to the tooth。 He hung it around his neck with the Bird Man’s whistle and the Mord…Sith’s Agiel。
 He was getting quite a collection。 Some of it she didn’t like。
 Wiping out his porridge bowl with a piece of tava bread; Savidlin asked; ‘Is your head better?’
 ‘It’s better; but still hurts something fierce。 Nissel’s leaves help。 I’m embarrassed I had to be carried back last night。’
 Savidlin laughed。 ‘One time; I had a bad hurt; here。’ He pointed at a round scar in his side。 ‘I was carried home by women。’ He leaned closer and lifted an eyebrow。 ‘Women!’ Weselan cast a disapproving eye toward him。 He made a point of not noticing。 ‘When my men found out I was carried home by women; they had a good laugh over it。’ He put the last of the tava bread in his mouth and chewed for a few minutes。 ‘Then I told them which women carried me home; and they stopped laughing and wanted to know how to get a hurt like mine so they too could be carried home by those women。’
 ‘Savidlin!’ Weselan scolded in a scandalized tone。 She turned to them。 ‘If he didn’t already have a hurt; I would have given him one。 A good one。’
 ‘So how did you get this hurt?’ Richard asked。
 Savidlin shrugged。 ‘Like I told my men: it was easy。 You just stand there like a surprised rabbit while a trespasser puts a spear through you。’
 ‘And why didn’t he finish you?’
 ‘Because I put a few ten…step arrows in him。’ He pointed at his throat。 ‘Here。’
 ‘What’s a ten…step arrow?’
 Savidlin reached to the side and pulled a barbed; fine…pointed arrow from his quiver。 ‘One of these。 See the dark stain? Poison。 Ten…step poison。 When it sticks you; you get only ten steps; and then you are dead。’ He laughed。 ‘My men decided to think of a different way to get those women to carry them。’
 Weselan leaned over and stuffed the rest of her tava bread in her husband’s mouth。 She turned to Kahlan。 ‘Men enjoy telling the most awful stories。’ She broke into a shy smile。 ‘But I worried for him until he was well。 I knew he was well when he came to me and made Siddin。 Then I did not worry anymore。’
 Kahlan realized she had translated before she had paid attention to the meaning of the words。 She felt her ears burn。 Instead of looking at Richard; she paid close attention to eating her porridge。 She was glad her hair covered her ears; at least。
 Savidlin gave Richard a look of a put…upon male。 ‘ You will find that women; too; like to tell stories。’
 Kahlan tried desperately to think of a new direction for the conversation。 She couldn’t。 Thankfully; Savidlin did。 He leaned back; looking out the door。
 ‘It will soon be the time to go。’
 ‘How do you know what time we are to go?’
 Savidlin shrugged。 ‘I am here; you are here; some of the men are here。 When they are all here; that is the time to go。’
 Savidlin went to the corner and retrieved a bow that was taller than the one Kahlan had seen him use before。 Taller for Richard。 With the aid of his foot; Savidlin stretched the cord to the bow。
 Richard had a wide grin on his face。 He told Savidlin it was the finest bow he had ever seen。 Savidlin beamed with pride and gave him a quiver full of arrows。
 Richard tested the weight of the draw。 ‘How did you know how strong to make the pull? It’s just right。’
 Savidlin pointed at his chin。 ‘I remembered how strong your respect for my strength was when we first met。 It is too heavy for me; but I estimated it was right for you。’
 Kahlan stood up next to Richard。 ‘Are you sure you want to go? How does your head feel?’
 Terrible。 But I have the leaves; they help a little。 I think I’ll be all right。 Savidlin is looking forward to this。 I don’t want to disappoint him。’
 She rubbed h
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