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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Terrible。 But I have the leaves; they help a little。 I think I’ll be all right。 Savidlin is looking forward to this。 I don’t want to disappoint him。’
 She rubbed her hand on his shoulder。 ‘Should I e with you?’
 Richard kissed her forehead。 ‘I don’t think I’ll need anyone to translate to tell me how badly I’m being beaten。 And I don’t think I want to give Chandalen’s men any excuse to humiliate me any worse than they are already going to。’
 ‘Zedd told me you were pretty good。 In fact; he told me you were better than good。’
 Richard stole a look at Savidlin; who was stringing his own bow。 ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve shot a bow。 Zedd was just trying to stir up trouble; I’ll bet。’
 He stole a kiss while Savidlin was finishing and then went out the door with him。 Kahlan leaned against the doorframe; still feeling the print of his lips on hers as she watched him walking away。
 Showing no emotion; Chandalen stared up from sighting down one of his arrows。 Prindin and Tossidin flashed sly smiles。 They were looking forward to this。 Richard glanced around; meeting the eyes of all the men as he walked past。 They fell in behind him。 He was a good head taller than any of them。 They looked like a bunch of children following an adult。 But these children had poison arrows; and some of them didn’t hold any favor for Richard。 Suddenly she didn’t like this。
 Weselan stood next to her; watching the men go。 ‘Savidlin said he will watch Richard’s back。 Don’t be concerned; Chandalen would not do anything foolish。’
 ‘I worry about what Chandalen considers foolish。’
 Weselan wiped her hands on a cloth; turning back to keep a watchful eye on Siddin。 Siddin wanted to go out; and was sitting; poking a finger along the ground; looking dejected because his mother said she wanted him to stay inside。 Weselan stood over him a long moment watching。 He looked up; his chin resting in one palm。 She gave him a gentle snap with the cloth。
 ‘Go outside and play。’ Weselan sighed as he tore through the door with a squeal of glee。 She shook her head to herself。 ‘The young don’t know how dear life is。 Or how fragile。’
 ‘Maybe that is why we all wish we were young again。’
 Weselan nodded。 ‘Maybe so。’ A handsome smile came to her tanned face。 Her dark eyes sparkled。 ‘What color would you like to wear when you wed your man?’
 With both hands; Kahlan pulled her long hair back over her shoulders and thought a minute。 A smile welled up from within。 ‘Richard favors blue。’
 Weselan twined her fingers together。 ‘Oh; that would be just right; then。 I have just the thing。 I have been saving it for something special。’
 She went into her small bedroom and came back with a bundle。 Sitting on the bench next to Kahlan; she carefully unfolded it in her lap。 The cloth was finely woven; a rich blue with a print of lighter blue flowers dappled across it。 Kahlan thought it would make a gorgeous dress。
 She tested the weave between her finger and thumb。 ‘It’s beautiful。 Where did you get it?’
 ‘I traded for it。’ She flicked her hand over her head。 ‘With people from the north。 They like the bowls I make。 I traded with them for it。’
 Kahlan knew fine cloth when she saw it。 Weselan would have had to make many bowls for this cloth。 ‘I wouldn’t feel right using it; Weselan。 You worked hard for this。 It is yours。’
 Weselan held up the corners of the blue fabric; giving it a critical appraisal。 ‘Nonsense。 You two e here and teach our people how to make roofs that don’t leak。 You save Siddin from those shadow things; and in the process rid us of an old fool and make it so Savidlin can be one of the six elders。 He has never been so happy。 When Siddin is carried off; you find him and bring him back to us。 You destroy the man who would have enslaved us。 You two are guardians to our people。 What is a piece of cloth?
 ‘I will be proud the Mother Confessor of all the Midlands is wedded in a dress I make。 Me; just a simple woman。 For you; my friend; from all those faraway places; with all those grand things that I cannot even imagine。 You would not be taking something from me。 You would be giving me something。’
 Kahlan’s eyes filled with tears。 Her lower lip trembled。 ‘You can’t know the joy you have given me; Weselan。 To be a Confessor is to be feared。 My whole life; people have feared and shunned me。 No one has ever treated me as just a woman; talked to me as a woman。 Only as a Confessor。 No one before Richard ever saw me as a person。 No woman before you ever weled me into her home。 No woman has ever let me hold her child。’ She wiped away some of the tears。 ‘It will be the most beautiful dress I have ever worn; the most treasured dress I will ever have。 I will wear it; proud that a friend made it for me。’
 Weselan gave her a sidelong look。 ‘ When your man sees you in this dress; he will make you a child of your own。’
 Kahlan laughed and cried and hugged her。 She had never dared to dream that all these things could happen in her life; that she could ever be treated as anything but a Confessor。
 Kahlan and Weselan spent the better part of the morning starting the dress。 Weselan seemed as excited about making the dress as Kahlan was about wearing it。 The seamstresses back in Aydindril had nothing over Weselan with her fine bone needles。 They settled on a simple design fashioned something like a kirtle。
 They had a light lunch of tava bread and chicken broth。 Weselan said she would work on the dress later; and asked what Kahlan wanted to do in the afternoon。 Kahlan said she really would like to cook something。
 Kahlan never ate meat when she was here before on official business because she knew the Mud People ate human flesh; ate their enemies to gain their knowledge。 To avoid offending them; she had always used the excuse that she didn’t eat meat。 The night before; Richard had reacted strangely to eating meat; so Kahlan didn’t say anything to change the menu when Weselan suggested a vegetable stew。
 The two of them cut up tava; some other rust…colored roots Kahlan didn’t recognize; peppers; beans; some nutty kuru; and then added greens and dried mushrooms into the big iron kettle hanging over the little fire in the corner cooking hearth。 Weselan pushed a few sticks of hardwood into the fire as she told Kahlan the men probably wouldn’t be back until dark。 She suggested they go to the mon area with the other women and bake some tava bread in the ovens。
 ‘I would like that;’ Kahlan said。
 ‘We will talk about the wedding with them。 Talk of weddings always makes for good conversation。’ She smiled。 ‘Especially when there are no men around。’
 Kahlan was happy to find that the young women talked to her now。 In the past they had always been too shy。 The older women wanted to talk about the marriage。 The younger women wanted to talk about faraway places。 They wanted to know if it was really true that men followed her orders; that they did as she said。
 Their eyes were wide as Kahlan told them about the Central Council and how she protected the interests 
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