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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Their eyes were wide as Kahlan told them about the Central Council and how she protected the interests of peoples like the Mud People from the threat of invasion by more powerful lands so the Mud People and others in small munities could live as they wished。 She explained that although she was able to mand people; she did so only because she was the servant to all the people。 When they asked if she manded armies of men in battle; Kahlan told them that it wasn’t like that; that what she did was try to help the different lands work together so there wouldn’t be fighting。 They wanted to know how many servants she had and what sorts of fabulous dresses she had。 The questions were beginning to make the older women nervous; and to frustrate Kahlan。
 She flopped a ball of dough down on the board; sending up a little cloud of flour。 She looked the younger women in the eye。
 ‘The prettiest dress I will ever have will be the dress Weselan is making me; because she is doing it out of friendship; and not because I manded her to make it There is no possession to pare to friendship。 I would give up everything I have; and live in rags; and grub for roots; just to have one friend。’
 That seemed to quiet the young girls; and settle the older women。 The chatter drifted back to the subject of the wedding; and Kahlan was happy to let it。 She tried to keep out of it; to let the older women lead the talk。
 Near the end of the afternoon; Kahlan saw a motion across the field。 She saw a taller figure; Richard; taking long strides toward Savidlin and Weselan’s home。 Even from a distance; she could tell he was angry。 A throng of hunters followed in his wake; trotting at times to keep pace。
 Kahlan wiped her flour…covered hands on a cloth。 She threw the cloth on a table as she stepped off the plank floor of the shelter and jogged the distance to the men。 She caught them as they went down a wide passageway。
 Pushing through the hunters; she finally caught up with Richard just before he reached Savidlin’s doorway。 Chan…dalen was right at his heels; along with Savidlin。 Chandalen had blood down his shoulder; with some kind of mud pack over a wound on top。 He looked to be in a mood to chew rocks。
 She grabbed Richard’s sleeve。 He spun around with a hot expression that cooled a little when he saw it was her。 He removed his hand from the hilt of the sword。
 ‘Richard; what’s wrong?’
 He glared around at the men; mostly Chandalen; then settled his gaze back on her。 ‘I need you to translate。 We had a little 。。。 ‘adventure’ 。。。 this afternoon。 I haven’t been able to make them understand what happened。’
 ‘I want to know how he could dare to try to kill me!’ Chandalen was saying over Richard’s words。
 ‘What’s he talking about? He wants to know why you tried to kill him。’
 ‘Kill him! I saved his fool life。 Don’t ask me why! I should have let him get killed! The next time I will!’ He ran his fingers through his hair。 ‘My head is killing me。’
 Chandalen pointed angrily at the wound on the top of his shoulder。 ‘You did this deliberately! I saw how you shoot! It could not have been an accident!’
 Richard threw his hands in the air。 ‘Idiot!’ he said to the sky。 He lowered his glare to Chandalen’s fierce eyes。 ‘Yes; you saw me shoot! Do you have any doubt that if I wanted to kill you; you would not be breathing right now! Of course I did it deliberately! It was the only way to save you!’ He reached over her shoulder; putting his hand close to Chandalen’s face; holding his first finger and thumb half an inch apart。 This is all the room I had! At the most! If I didn’t take it; you would be dead!’
 ‘What do you mean?’ Chandalen demanded。
 Kahlan put a hand on his arm。 ‘Calm down; Richard。 Just tell us what happened。’
 ‘He couldn’t understand me。 None of them could。 I couldn’t explain it to them。’ He looked at her in frustration。 ‘I killed a man today。’
 ‘What!’ she whispered。 ‘You killed one of Chandalen’s men?’
 ‘No! That’s not what they’re angry about。 They’re happy I killed him。 I was saving Chandalen’s life! But they think 。。。’
 She collected herself。 ‘Just calm down。 I will explain your words to them。’
 Richard nodded and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands。 He looked down at the ground as he bed the fingers of both hands through his hair。 He looked back up。 ‘I’m only going to explain this once; Chandalen。 If you can’t get it through your thick head; then we are going to stand at opposite ends of the village and shoot arrows at each other until we can’t argue anymore。 And I will only need one arrow。’
 Chandalen lifted an eyebrow and folded his muscular arms。 ‘So explain。’
 Richard took a deep breath。 ‘You were standing a long way off。 For some reason; I knew he was there; behind you。 I spun around。 All I could see of him 。。。 here; like this。’ He grabbed Kahlan by her shoulders and turned her around; facing Chandalen。 He held her shoulders and ducked down behind her。 ‘Like this。 I couldn’t see any of him but the top of his head。 He had his spear ready。 In one second more; he would have put it through your back。 I had only one chance to keep him from killing you。 Only one chance。 I couldn’t see enough of him; there was nothing else to shoot at from where I was。 Only the very top of his head。
 The top of his forehead sloped back。 If I hit it too high; the arrow would have deflected off; and he would have killed you。 The only way to stop him; to kill him; was to let the arrow nick the top of your shoulder。’
 He held his finger and thumb half an inch apart again。 This is all I had。 If I put the arrow that much lower; your bone would have deflected the arrow; and he would have had you。 If I would have put it that much higher; just enough not to nick you; he would have lived; and you would be dead。 I knew Savidlin’s bladed arrow could pass through a little of your flesh and allow me to kill him。 There was no time for anything else。 I had to shoot instantly。 I think a dozen stitches is a light price to pay for your life。’
 Chandalen’s eyes looked a little less sure。 ‘How do I know you are telling the truth?’
 Richard shook his head; muttering。 He suddenly thought of something。 He snatched a cloth sack from one of Chandalen’s men。 He thrust his hand in the sack and pulled out a head; lifting it by blood…soaked; matted hair。
 Kahlan gasped。 She put a hand over her mouth as she turned away。 But before she did; she saw an arrow jutting from the center of the forehead; the blade end sticking from the back of the head。
 Richard held the head behind Chandalen’s shoulder and laid the feathers of the shaft on his shoulder; next to the wound。
 This is all I saw。 If it were not as I say; if he had been standing straighter; and I put the arrow where I did; it would not have touched you。’
 The hunters all started nodding and whispering among themselves。 Chandalen looked down at the shaft of the arrow lying on his shoulder。 He looked back at the head。 He thought about it a minute and then unfolded his arms and took th
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