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tg.stone of tears-第章

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to go to Richard。 He stared at his boots。
 Shota put her fingers under his chin and lifted his head。 ‘You should be happy; your father was not ugly。 Some of his looks are the only thing of his you have。 That; and a bit of his temper。 And the gift。’
 Richard pulled his chin away from her fingers。 The gift。 I don’t want the gift。 I don’t want anything to do with it。 I wouldn’t call anything I got from Darken Rahl a gift。 I hate it! I hate magic!’
 ‘It es from Zedd; too;’ Shota said with surprising passion。 ‘From both sides。 That is the way you get the gift; it is passed down; sometimes skipping one; or even many generations。 Sometimes not。 You received it from both sides。 In you; it is more than a single dimension。 It is a very dangerous mix。’
 ‘Passed down。 Like any other deformity。’
 With a sneer; Shota gripped his face in her long fingers。 ‘Remember that before you lie with her。 From Kahlan; the boy would be a Confessor。 From you … he would have the gift。 Can you even fathom the danger of that? Can you conceive of a Confessor with the gift? A male Confessor? I doubt you can。 You should have killed her when I told you to; you ignorant child; before you found a way to be with her。 You should have killed her。’
 Richard glared at her。 ‘I’ve heard enough of that talk。 I intend to hear no more of it。 I told you before; it is through Kahlan I defeated Darken Rahl。 Had I killed her; he would have won。 I hope you didn’t waste your journey here just to repeat this nonsense。’
 ‘No;’ Shota said quietly。 ‘None of these things matter。 That is not why I am here。 I came because of what you have done; not because of what you might do someday。 What you have already done; Richard; is worse than anything you could ever do with this woman。 No monster you conceive with her could equal the monster you have already created。’
 Richard frowned。 ‘I stopped Darken Rahl from ruling the world。 I killed him。 I created no monster。’
 She shook her head slowly。 The Magic of Orden killed him。 I told you; he mustn’t open a box。 You didn’t kill him; you let him open one of the boxes of Orden。 The Magic of Orden killed him。 You were supposed to kill him before he opened one of the boxes。’
 ‘I couldn’t! That was the only way! There was no other way to kill him! And what difference does it make anyway? He’s dead!’
 ‘It would have been better if you had let him win than let him open the wrong box。’
 ‘You’re crazy! What could be worse than Darken Rahl gaining the Magic of Orden and ruling the world unchallenged!’
 Her eyebrows lifted。 The Keeper;’ she whispered。 ‘It would have been better to let Darken Rahl rule us; or behead us; or even torture us to death; than what you have allowed to happen。’
 ‘What are you talking about?’
 The Keeper of the underworld is kept in his place; kept from the world of the living; by the veil。 The veil holds him and his minions back。 Holds the underworld back。 It keeps the dead from the living。 What you have done has torn that veil。 Already; some of the Keeper’s assassins have been loosed。’
 The screelings 。。。’ Richard whispered。
 Shota nodded。 ‘Yes。 By freeing the Magic of Orden; you have allowed its magic to somehow tear the veil to the underworld。 If it tears enough; the Keeper will be freed。 You can’t even conceive of what that means。’ Shota lifted the Agiel at his neck。 ‘It will make what was done to you with this seem like a lover’s kiss pared to what he will do。 To everyone。 It would have been better to have let Darken Rahl win; than to have let this happen。 You have condemned everyone to a fate beyond horror。’
 She gripped the Agiel in her fist。 ‘I should kill you for what you have done。 I should make you suffer unspeakably。 Do you have any idea how much the Keeper would like to settle his gaze upon one with the gift? Do you have any idea how much he wants those with the gift? Or how much he wants witch women?’
 Kahlan saw tears run down Shota’s cheeks。 With a flush of understanding that sent an icy ripple of panic through her; Kahlan realized Shota wasn’t angry。 She was afraid。
 That was why she was here: not because she was angry at Kahlan being alive; or at them having a child。 She was here because she was terrified。 The idea of Shota; a witch woman; being afraid was worse than anything her own mind could conjure。
 Richard stared at her; his eyes wide。 ‘But 。。。 there must be something we can do; some way to stop it。’
 ‘We?’ she screamed; jabbing her finger at his chest。 ‘You! Only you; Richard Rahl! Only you! Only you can fix it!’
 ‘Me! Why me?’
 ‘I don’t know;’ she cried through gritted teeth。 ‘But you are the only one with the power。’ She pounded her fist against his chest。 ‘You!’ She kept hitting his chest as he just stood there。 ‘You are the only one who has a chance! I don’t know why; but only you can fix it。 Only you can repair the tear in the veil。’ Shota was sobbing now。 ‘Only you; you stupid; foolish child。’
 Kahlan was dazed by the magnitude of what was happening。 The idea of the Keeper being loose was beyond prehension。 The dead in the world of the living; she couldn’t imagine the horror of it; but seeing Shota’s fear put dimension to the dread。
 ‘Shota 。。。 I don’t know anything about it。 I don’t have any idea of how to 。。。’
 Shota was still hitting his chest as she cried。 ‘You must。 You must find a way。 You have no idea what the Keeper would do to me; what he’d do to a witch woman。 If you won’t do it for me; do it for yourself。 He would be no easier on you than me。 And if you won’t do it for yourself; do it for Kahlan。 He would have her for an eternity of pain for no other reason than that you love her。 He would do it to her just to make it worse for you。 We will all be held on the cusp between life and death for all eternity; twisting in anguish。’ She was sobbing uncontrollably now。 ‘Our souls will be stripped from us 。。。 He will have our souls 。。。 forever。’
 Shota hit Richard’s chest again。 He put his arms around her and pulled her against him; forting her as she cried。 ‘Forever; Richard。 Soulless minds trapped by the dead。 An eternity of torment。 You are too stupid to even prehend it。 You could never even imagine the horror of it; until it happens。’
 Kahlan stood next to Richard; putting her hand reassuringly on his shoulder。 She felt no anger at the sight of him 。 forting Shota。 She could see how terrified the witch woman was。 Kahlan couldn’t share the same level of terror; because she didn’t know the things Shota knew。 But in some ways; seeing Shota’s reaction was knowing enough。
 ‘Screelings came into the Reach;’ she cried。
 Richard looked down at her。 ‘Screelings! In Agaden Reach?’
 ‘Screelings; and a wizard。 A particularly nasty wizard。 Samuel and I escaped with little more than our lives。’
 ‘A wizard!’ With his hands on her shoulders; Richard pushed her away。 ‘What do you mean a wizard? There are no other wizards。’
 ‘There is one in the Reach。 The Screelings and the wizard are in Agaden Reach now。 They are
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