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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘There is one in the Reach。 The Screelings and the wizard are in Agaden Reach now。 They are in my home。 My home!’
 Kahlan couldn’t hold her tongue。 ‘Shota; are you sure it was a wizard? Could it be someone pretending to be a wizard? There are no more wizards。 Except Zedd。 They are all dead。’
 Shota gave a tearful frown。 ‘Do you think anyone could deceive me about having magic? I know a wizard when I see one; and I know a wizard with the gift。 I know wizard’s fire。 This one is a wizard with the gift; young though he is。 I don’t know where he came from; or why no one knew of him。 But he was with screelings。 Screelings!
 ‘That can mean only one thing。 This wizard has given himself over to the Keeper。 He is doing the Keeper’s bidding。 He is working to tear the veil the rest of the way for the Keeper。 It means the Keeper has agents in this world。 Darken Rahl was probably one of them。 That is why he was able to use Subtractive Magic。’
 Shota turned to Richard。 ‘That the Keeper is using wizards means that it must take a wizard to tear the veil。 You have the gift。 You are a wizard。 A stupid wizard; but a wizard nonetheless。 I don’t know why; but you are the only one with a chance to close the tear。’
 Richard brushed a tear from Shota’s cheek。 ‘What are you going to do?’
 The fire came back to Shota’s eyes。 Her teeth clenched。 ‘I am going back to the Reach。 I am going to take back my home。’
 ‘But they chased you out。’
 They took me by surprise;’ she snapped。 ‘I only came here to tell you how stupid you are。 And that you must do something about it。 You must close the tear; or we are all。。。’
 Shota turned her back to them。 ‘I am going back to the Reach。 The Keeper is going to lose his agent。 I am going to take the gift from him。 Do you know how to remove the gift from a wizard?’
 ‘No。’ Richard looked interested。 ‘I didn’t know it could be done。’
 ‘Oh yes; it can be done。’ She turned and arched an eyebrow。 ‘If you rip their skin off; the magic bleeds from them。 That is the only way to remove the gift from a wizard。 I am going to hang him up by his thumbs; and then I am going to skin him alive。 Every inch of him。 Then I am going to use his skin to cover my throne。 Then I am going to sit on my throne; on his skin; and watch him scream to death as the magic bleeds from him。’ She made a fist。 ‘Or I am going to die trying。’
 ‘Shota; I need some help。 I don’t know anything about all this。’
 Shota stared off flexing her fists。 At last her hands relaxed and opened。 There is nothing I can tell you that will help。’
 ‘You mean there is something you can tell me; but it won’t help。’ Shota nodded。 Richard sighed。 ‘What is it?’
 She folded her arms against her stomach。 Her eyes were wet again。 ‘You will be trapped in time。 Don’t ask what that means; because I don’t know。 You will have no chance of closing the veil unless you escape the trap。 It will keep you locked away; and the Keeper will escape unless you are able to free yourself。 Unless you learn something of the gift; you have no chance for either。’
 Richard walked to the far side of the room。 He stood with his back to them; one hand on a hip; his other bing through his hair。 Kahlan didn’t look at Shota。 She didn’t want to meet the witch woman’s gaze if she didn’t have to。
 ‘Is there anything else?’ Richard called over his shoulder。 ‘Anything you can tell me? Anything?’
 ‘No。 And believe me; if there was I would be more than anxious to offer it。 I don’t wish to meet the Keeper’s gaze。’
 Richard thought by himself for a time。 At last; he came back and stood before Shota。 ‘I am having headaches。 Bad headaches。’
 Shota nodded。 The gift。’
 Three women came。 They call themselves the Sisters of the Light。 They said I have to e with them to learn to use the gift; or the headaches will kill me。’ Richard studied her face。 ‘What do you know about them?’
 ‘I am a witch woman。 I don’t know much about wizards。 But the Sisters of the Light have something to do with wizards。 With training them。 That is all I know。 I don’t even know where they are from。 They e once in a great while; when they find one has been born with the gift。’
 ‘What if I don’t go with them? Will I die; as they say?’
 ‘If you don’t learn to control the gift; the headaches will kill you。 That much I know。’
 ‘But are they the only way?’
 Shota shrugged。 ‘I don’t know。 But I know you must learn to use the gift; or you will not escape the trap; or be able to close the veil … or even survive the headaches。’
 ‘So you are saying you think I should go?’
 ‘No。 I said you must learn to use the gift。 There may be another way。’
 ‘What way?’
 ‘I don’t know; Richard。 I don’t even know if there is another way。 I’m sorry; but I can be of no help in this。 I just don’t know。 Only a fool will give advice about something she doesn’t understand。 I can give you no advice in this。’
 ‘Shota;’ Richard pleaded; ‘I’m lost。 I don’t know what to do。 I don’t understand any of it; the Sisters; the gift; or the Keeper。 Isn’t there anything you can tell me to help me?’
 ‘I have told you everything I know。 I feel as lost as you。 Worse。 I have no ability to influence what will happen。 At least you have that。 Dim as the chance is。’ Shota’s eyes glistened。 ‘I fear I am going to look into the Keeper’s dead eyes。 Forever。 I haven’t been able to sleep since I learned these things。 If I knew anything; I would help。 I just don’t know anything about the world of the dead。 It is not something the living have faced yet。’
 Richard stared at the ground。 ‘Shota;’ he whispered。 ‘I don’t have any idea what to do。 I’m afraid。 I’m very afraid。’
 She nodded。 ‘So am I。’ She reached out and touched his face。 ‘Good…bye; Richard Rahl。 Don’t fight who you are。 Use it。’ She turned to Kahlan。 ‘I don’t know if you can help him; but if there is a way; I know you will do your best。’
 Kahlan nodded。 That I will; Shota。 I hope you get your home back。’
 Shota gave her a small smile。 ‘Thank you; Mother Confessor。’
 She turned and glided to the door; her wispy dress flowing behind。 She pushed the door open。 Samuel was waiting on the other side; his yellow eyes shining。 Shota stopped in the doorway and stiffened。
 ‘Richard; if you should happen to somehow close the veil; and save me from the Keeper; save everyone from the Keeper; I will be forever grateful to you。’
 ‘Thank you; Shota。’
 Her back was still to them。 ‘But know this: if you give the Mother Confessor a child; it will be a boy。 It will be a Confessor。 Neither of you will have the strength to kill him; even though you know the consequences。’ She paused a moment。 ‘My mother lived in the dark times。’ Her voice was like ice。 ‘I have the strength。 And; I will use it。 You have my word on that。 But know that it will not be personal。’
 The door squeaked closed behind her。 The spirit house felt suddenly very empty。 Very quiet。
 Kahlan felt numb。 She looked down at her
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