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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 The door squeaked closed behind her。 The spirit house felt suddenly very empty。 Very quiet。
 Kahlan felt numb。 She looked down at her hands。 They were shaking。 She wanted Richard to hug her; but he didn’t do it。 He was staring at the door。 His face was white as snow。
 ‘I don’t believe this;’ he whispered。 He still stared at the door。 ‘How can this be happening? Am I dreaming all this?’
 Kahlan felt as if her knees were about to buckle。 ‘Richard; what are we going to do?’
 Richard turned to her; his eyes distant。 They filled with tears。 ‘This has to be a nightmare。’
 ‘If it is; I’m having the same one。 Richard; what are we going to do?’
 ‘Why does everyone ask me that? Why does everyone always ask me? What makes everyone think I am the one who knows?’
 Kahlan stood woodenly; trying to make her mind work。
 She couldn’t seem to form a coherent thought。 ‘Because you are Richard。 You are the Seeker。’
 ‘I don’t know anything about the underworld; the Keeper。 The world of the dead。’
 ‘Shota says no one living does。’
 Richard seemed to e out of his daze。 Abruptly he grabbed her shoulders。 Then we must ask the dead。’
 The ancestors’ spirits are dead。 We can talk to them。 I can ask for a gathering and ask them questions。 We can learn from them。 Maybe we can find out how to close the veil。 Maybe I can find out how to stop the headaches; how to use the gift。’ He gripped her arm。 ‘e on。’
 Kahlan almost smiled。 He was indeed the Seeker。 Richard pulled her through the passageways; running when they could see well enough。 Clouds hid the moon and it was dark between the buildings。 The air was like ice on her face; making tears run from the corners of her eyes。
 When they reached the open field; there was light。 Torches lit the people gathered there。 They were all still bunched together with hunters shielding everyone; they didn’t know the witch woman was gone。 The entire village watched in silence as the two of them crossed the opening; the hunters parting for them as they approached the Bird Man and the other six elders。 Chandalen stood to their side。
 ‘Everyone is safe;’ Kahlan reassured them。 ‘The witch woman is gone。’
 There was a collective sigh of relief。 Chandalen thumped the butt of his spear on the ground。 ‘Again you bring trouble!’
 Richard ignored him and asked her to translate。 He took in the elders and let his gaze settle on the Bird Man。 ‘Honored elder。 The witch woman was not here to harm anyone。 She was here to warn me about a great danger。’
 ‘You claim;’ Chandalen snapped。 ‘We do not know this to be true。’
 Kahlan knew Richard was struggling to keep calm。 ‘Do you doubt that if she wanted to send you to the spirit world; she could have done it?’ Chandalen answered only with a glare。 The Bird Man gave Chandalen a look that seemed to shrink him a few inches。 He looked to Richard。 ‘What danger?’
 ‘She says we are in danger of the dead escaping into the world of the living。’
 ‘They cannot e into the world of the living。 The veil keeps them back。’
 ‘You know of the veil?’
 ‘Yes。 Each level of the dead; the underworld as you call it; is sealed with a veil。 When we hold a gathering; we invite our ancestors’ spirits to visit us; and they are able to e through the veil for a short time。’
 Richard studied the Bird Man’s face a moment。 ‘What else can you tell me about the veil?’
 The other shrugged。 ‘Nothing。 We know only what our ancestors’ spirits have told us about it: that they must pass through it to e to us when we call them; and that it holds them back the rest of the time。 They tell us that there are many levels of the underworld; the dead; and that they are in the uppermost level; and so they can e。 Those who are not honored are in lower levels; and may not e。 Their spirits are locked away forever。’
 Richard met the eyes of all the elders。 ‘The veil is torn。 If it isn’t sealed again; the world of the dead will swallow us all。’ Gasps spread back through the gathered people。 Fearful whispering broke out。 Richard’s gaze went back to the Bird Man。 ‘Please; honored elder; I request a gathering。 I must have the help of our ancestors’ spirits。 I must find a way to seal the veil before the Keeper of the dead escapes。 The spirit ancestors may be able to help。 I must know if they can help。’
 Chandalen thumped his spear。 ‘Lies! You carry us the lies of a witch woman。 We should not call the honored spirits of our ancestors for the words of a witch woman! The spirits of our ancestors are called only for our people; not a witch woman! They will strike all our people dead for such blasphemy!’
 Richard glared at him。 They are not being called by a witch woman。 It is I who makes the request; and I am one of the Mud People。 I ask for the gathering to help me keep our people from being harmed。’
 ‘You bring death to us。 You bring strangers。 You bring the witch woman。 You only wish to help yourself。 How did this veil bee torn?’
 Richard unbuttoned his sleeve and pushed it up his arm。 He slowly pulled the Sword of Truth。 Holding Chandalen’s glare; he drew the sword across his forearm; turning it to wipe both sides in the blood。 He jammed the point in the ground and rested both hands over the hilt。
 ‘Kahlan; I want you to translate something。 Don’t leave out a single word。’ Richard returned his glare to Chandalen。 His voice was calm; almost gentle; but his eyes shone with lethal intent。 ‘Chandalen; if I hear one more word from you tonight; even if it is to agree with me and offer your help; I will kill you。 Some of the things the witch woman told me have put me in the mood to kill。 If you give me any more reason … it will be you I kill。’
 The eyes of all the elders widened。 Chandalen opened his mouth to say something; but at seeing the look on Richard’s face; he shut his mouth and folded his arms。 His glower was fierce; but no match for Richard’s。 At last he glanced to the ground。
 Richard spoke again to the Bird Man。 ‘Honored elder; you know my heart。 You know I would do nothing to harm our people。 I would not ask this if it were not important; or if I had any other choice。 Please; may I have a gathering so I may ask our ancestors’ spirits how I can stop this threat to our people?’
 The Bird Man turned to the other elders。 Each nodded in turn。 Kahlan knew they would; it was only a formality。 Sav…idlin was their friend; and the others had dealt with Richard before; there was not one of them who wanted to challenge him。 The real decision was the Bird Man’s。 He watched each elder nod; and then turned back to Richard。
 ‘This is bad business。 I do not like calling the ancestors to ask about their world。 It is our world they e to help us with。 They may be displeased。 They may be angered。 They may say no。’ He watched Richard a moment。 ‘But I know your heart。 I know you are a savior to our people; and you would not ask if you had any other choice。’ He laid a firm hand on Richard’s shoulder。 Granted。’
 Kahlan sighed in relief。 Richard nodded
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