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tg.stone of tears-第章

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ok。 ‘He refused the first offer。’
 She slapped her hand down on the desk。 ‘What! Are you sure?’
 That’s what the book said。 And not only that; there was more。 He’s grown。 Grown into a man。’
 ‘Grown!’ She took a heavy breath as she watched the Sister standing before her。 ‘Which Sister was it?’
 ‘What difference does it make? They are all ours。’
 ‘No; they weren’t。 I wasn’t able to send three of our own。 Only two。 One is a Sister of the Light。’
 The other’s eyes widened。 ‘How could you let that happen? Something as important as this 。。。’
 She slapped her hand down on the desk again。 ‘Silence!’
 The other straightened; knitting her fingers together。 A small pout came to her face。 ‘It was Sister Grace。’
 She closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair。 ‘Sister Grace was one of ours;’ she whispered。
 The other leaned over the desk again。 Then; only one of the two remaining is ours。 Who is it? Sister Elizabeth; or Sister Verna?’
 ‘That is not for you to know。’
 ‘Why not? I hate never knowing。 I hate not knowing if the Sister I’m talking to is a Sister of the Light; or one of us; a Sister of the Dark。 。。。’
 She slammed her fist on the desk and gritted her teeth。 ‘Don’t you ever say that out loud again;’ she hissed; ‘or I will send you to the Nameless One in pieces。’
 This time the other stared down at the carpet as her face paled。 ‘Forgive me;’ she whispered。
 There isn’t a Sister of the Light alive who believes we are anything but myth。 If that name ever reaches their ears; they could begin to wonder。 That name is never; ever; to be spoken aloud by you! If the Sisters were to ever discover you; or who you serve; they would have a Rada’Han around your neck before you had a chance to scream。’
 The other’s hands went to her throat as she let out a small gasp。 ‘But I 。。。’
 ‘You would claw your own eyes out; for fear of seeing them e to question you every day。 That is why you are not to know the names of the others: so you can’t give them over。 That is why they don’t know your name: so they can’t give you over。 It is to protect us all; so we may serve。 The only name you know is mine。’
 ‘But Sister 。。。 I would bite my own tongue off before I ever gave them your name。’
 ‘You say that now。 But were there a Rada’Han around your neck; you would be begging to give me up just to have it off 。。。 And it isn’t my forgiveness that matters。 If you fail us; the Nameless One will not be forgiving。 When you meet his eyes; it will make whatever could be done to you with the Rada’Han while you were alive seem a pleasant time at tea。’
 ‘But I serve 。。。 I am sworn 。。。 I have given the oath。’
 Those who serve well will be rewarded when the Nameless One is free of the veil。 Those who fail him; or fight him; will have an eternity to regret their mistake。’
 ‘Of course; Sister。’ She was staring furiously at the carpet now。 ‘I live only to serve。’ She knitted her fingers back together。 ‘I will not fail our Master。 On my oath。’
 ‘On your soul。’
 Her defiant; violet flecked eyes came up。 ‘I have given my oath。’
 She nodded as she sank back in the chair。 ‘As have we all; Sister。 As have we all。’ She stared at the other’s eyes a moment。 ‘Did the book say anything else?’
 ‘I didn’t have time to search it thoroughly; but there were some other things I caught。 He is with the Mother Confessor。 He is promised as her mate。’
 She frowned。 The Mother Confessor。’ She waved her hand。 That is no problem。 What else。’
 ‘He is the Seeker。’
 She slapped her hand on the desk。 ‘Curse the Light!’ She let out a noisy breath。 The Seeker。 Well; we can deal with that。 Anything more?’
 The other nodded slowly; leaning closer。 ‘He is strong; and grown; yet only two days after he triggered the gift the headaches made him unconscious。’
 She rose slowly out of her chair。 This time it was her eyes that went wide。 Two days;’ she whispered。 ‘Are you sure? Two days?’
 The other shrugged。 ‘I am only telling you what the book said。 I’m sure of what it said。 I’m not sure it is true。 I don’t see how it could be。’
 She sank back into her chair。 ‘Two days。’ She stared at her desk。 The sooner we get a Rada’Han around his neck; the better。’
 ‘Even the Sisters of the Light would agree with you about that。 There was a message sent back。 From the Prelate。’
 She lifted an eyebrow。 The Prelate herself sent orders?’
 The other nodded。 ‘Yes。’ Under her breath; she added; ‘I wish I knew if she was with us; or against us。’
 She ignored the ment。 ‘What did she say?’
 That if he refuses the third offer; Sister Verna is to kill him herself。 Have you ever heard of such an order? If he is really this strong; and he refuses the third time; he would be dead in a few weeks anyway。 Why would she give such an order?’
 ‘Have you ever heard of anyone refusing the first offer?’
 ‘Well; no; I guess I haven’t。’
 ‘It is one of the rules。 If one with the gift refuses all three offers; they are to be killed; to spare them the suffering at the end; the madness。 You have never seen such an order before because you have never heard of anyone refusing the first offer。
 ‘I have spent time in the archives; looking through the prophecies。 That is where I saw reference to the rule。 The Prelate knows all the obscure rules; the old rules。 And she is afraid; she has read the prophecies too。’
 ‘Afraid?’ she asked; wide…eyed。 The Prelate? I have never seen her afraid of anything。’
 She nodded up at the woman。 ‘She is afraid now。 Either way suits our purposes。 Either he is collared; or he is dead。 If he is collared; we will deal with him; in our way; as we have always done。 If he is dead; we won’t have to。 Maybe better he were dead。 Maybe better he were dead before the Sisters of the Light find out what he is; if they don’t already know。’
 The other leaned over the desk again; lowering her voice。 ‘If they know; or find out; there are those among the Sisters of the Light who would kill him。’
 She studied the violet flecks a moment。 ‘Indeed there are。’ A smile spread across her face。 ‘What a dangerous dilemma for them。 What a glorious opportunity for us。’ Her smile faded。 ‘What of the other matter?’
 The woman straightened。 ‘Ranson and Weber are waiting where you wanted them。’ She folded her arms beneath hei breasts。 They were pretty cocky; because they have passed all the tests; and tomorrow are to be released。’ A sadistic grin came to her thin lips and flecked eyes。 ‘I gave them a little reminder that they still wear the collar。 I’m surprised we can’t hear their knees knocking together all the way up here。’
 She ignored the other’s smile。 ‘I have lessons to give。 You will go in my place。 Tell them I had reports to work on。 I’ll go see to our two friends。 They may have passed all the Prelate’s tests; but they have not yet passed all of mine。 One has an oath to give。 And the other 。。。’
 She leaned halfway over the desk;
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