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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 revealed; you will understand better how it is to work for Him。 And if you need more understanding; I will always be here to help guide you。 But keep our talk from others。 As I said; you can never tell who listens to the whispers of the Nameless One。’
 Pasha curtsied。 ‘I will; Sister。 Thank you。’
 A novice is given many tests。 Tests of the palace’s devising。
 There are rules to them。 The final test to be named a Sister of the Light is being charged with a new one。 In this; the final test; there are not always rules。 New ones can be difficult to control。 But that does not mean they are bad。’
 ‘Of course。 They e here; plucked from the only life they knew; and are thrust into a new place; with new demands they don’t understand。 They can be rebellious; difficult to control。 It is because they are afraid。 We must have patience。’
 ‘Afraid 。。。? Of the Sisters? And the palace?’
 ‘Weren’t you afraid; when you first came here? Just a little?’
 ‘Well; maybe just a little。 But it was my dream to e。 I wanted it more than anything。’
 ‘For the new ones; it is not always their dream。 They are confused about their power。 With you; it grew as you grew。 You were accustomed to it; it was part of you。 With them; it is sometimes sudden; unexpected。 Not what they planned or wanted。 The Rada’Han can ignite the power; and it is new to them。 It can be frightening。 That fear makes them fight it; sometimes。 Fight us。
 ‘Your job; the responsibility of a novice of the third rank; is to control them; for their own good; until they can be taught by the Sisters。 In all your other lessons; there have been rules。 In this; there sometimes are no rules。 The new ones don’t know of our rules yet。 They can be difficult to control if you follow only the rules you know。 Sometimes the collar is not enough。 You must use whatever the Creator has given you。 You must be able to do whatever it takes to control the will of these untrained wizards。 That is the true; and final test to be a Sister。 Novices have failed in this final test; and been put out of the palace。’
 Pasha’s eyes were wide。 ‘I have never heard such things。’
 She shrugged。 Then I have been of aid to you。 I am pleased the Creator has chosen me to help。 Perhaps others have not wanted so strongly for you to succeed; and have held back。 Perhaps you would do well to bring to me your questions about any new one you are assigned。’
 ‘Oh; yes。 Thank you for your help; Sister。 I must admit it worries me to learn that new ones can be difficult。 I guess I always imagined they would be eager to learn; and that it would be a joy to show them and to help teach them。’
 They are all different。 Some are as easy as a babe in a crib。 Let us hope you are given one like that。 Some will test your wits。 Why; I have even seen old records that tell of ones that have triggered the gift before we could get to them; before we could get a Rada’Han on them and help them。’
 ‘No 。。。 That must be frightening for them … to have the power awakened without guidance from us。’
 ‘Indeed。 And fear can make them troublesome; as I have said。 I have even seen an old report of one who refused the collar on the first offer。’
 Pasha’s fingers covered her mouth as she gasped。 She took them away。 ‘But。。。 that means。。。 one of the Sisters 。。。’
 She nodded solemnly。 ‘It is a price we are all prepared to pay。 We bear a heavy responsibility。’
 ‘But why wouldn’t the parents make him accept the offer?’
 She leaned closer; lowering her voice。 Tn the report I saw; the one with the gift was grown。 A man。’
 Pasha stared in wide…eyed disbelief。 A man 。。。?’ she whispered。 ‘If a boy can be difficult to control 。。。 what of a grown man?’
 She gave the novice an even look。 ‘We are here to serve in the Creator’s work。 You can never tell what the Creator has in His plan; why you are given what you have。 A novice in charge of a new one must use whatever the Creator has given her。 The collar is not always enough。 You can never tell what you might need to do。 The rules don’t always work。
 ‘Do you still want to be a Sister of the Light? Even knowing you may be given a new one who could be more difficult than any other novice has ever been given?’
 ‘Oh; yes! Yes; Sister! If the new one is difficult; I know it is a test from the Creator himself; to see if I am truly worthy。 I will not fail。 I will do whatever must be done。 I will use everything I have learned; everything the Creator has given me。 I will be on guard that he may be from a strange land; or have strange customs; and be afraid; or troublesome; or difficult。 And that I may have to make my own rules to succeed。’ She hesitated。 ‘And if you are so kind as to mean what you said about helping me; then I know I will have your wisdom backing me; and I will not fail。’
 She nodded with a smile。 ‘I have given my word。 It holds; no matter the difficulty。’ She frowned in thought。 ‘Perhaps; it could be that you are graced with your looks so a new one might see the beauty of the Creator through you; through his work。 Perhaps; this is how you are to show a new one the way。’
 ‘It would be an honor; in any way; to show a new one the light of the Creator’s hand。’
 ‘You are right in that; my dear。’ She straightened; clasping her hands。 ‘Now。 I want you to go to the mistress of the novices; and tell her that you have too much free time; and that starting tomorrow; you need to be assigned some chores。 Tell her you have been spending too much of your time looking out windows。’
 Pasha bowed her head and curtsied again。 ‘Yes; Sister;’ she said meekly。
 She smiled when the novice looked up。 ‘I too; have heard that three of the Sisters are searching for one with the gift。 I think it will be a while before they return with him; if at all; but when they return; and if they bring him; I will remind the Prelate that you are next in line; and are ready for the task。’
 ‘Oh; thank you; Sister! Thank you!’
 ‘You are a fine young woman; Pasha。 The Creator has truly shown the beauty of his work in you。’
 Thank you; Sister;’ she said without blushing。
 Thank the Creator。’
 ‘I will; Sister。 Sister? Before the new one is brought in; could you teach me more about what the Creator has intended for me? Help me to understand?’
 ‘If you wish。’
 ‘Oh; I do。 I really do。’
 She patted Pasha’s cheek。 ‘Of course; my dear。 Of course。’ She stood up straight。 ‘Now; off to the mistress of the novices with you。 I won’t have soon…to…be…Sisters with nothing better to do than stare out windows。’
 ‘Yes; Sister。’ Pasha curtsied with a smile and rushed off down the hall。 She stopped and turned。 ‘Sister 。。。 I am afraid I don’t know your name。’
 Pasha flinched。 ‘Yes; Sister。’
 She watched the swell of Pasha’s hips sway as she walked quickly off down the hall; kicking the rolled edges of carpets back down as she went。 The girl had exquisite ankles。
 Grown into a man。
 She collected her thoughts and started off again
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