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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘Like what?’
 ‘We will talk about it in the morning。 But now; before you can do the first task; and the second; and the rest of it; you have an oath to give。 Is this of your free will; Neville?’
 She watched his eyes。 They darted briefly to his friend huddled against the wall。 Then he turned to glance at the knife and the quillion。 She saw his dark eyes go out of focus; and she knew he was thinking about Pasha。 He answered her in a whisper。
 ‘Yes; Sister。’
 She nodded。 ‘Very good; Neville。 Kneel。 The time of the oath is upon you。’
 As he went to his knees; she lifted her hand。 The flame of the torch puffed out; plunging the room into total blackness。
 The oath to the Keeper;’ she whispered; ‘is given in the darkness that is his homeland。’
 Gently; Kahlan pulled the door open。 He was awake and sitting in front of the fire。 When the door closed; it shut out some of the eerie sound of the boldas and the drums ing from the center of the village。 She stood next to him and tipped his head against her leg and then bed her fingers through his hair。
 ‘How is your headache?’
 ‘It’s all right。 The rest and that last drink Nissel gave me helped。’ He didn’t look up。 They want me out there; don’t they?’
 Kahlan sank down to sit on the ground next to him。 ‘Yes。 It is time。’ She rubbed his shoulder。 ‘Are you sure you want to eat the meat; knowing this time what it is?’
 ‘I have to。’
 ‘But it’s still meat。 Will you be able to eat it?’
 ‘If I want a gathering; I have to eat it。 The way is the way。 I will eat it。’
 ‘Richard; I’m worried about this gathering。 I’m not so sure you should go through with it。 Maybe there’s another way。 The Bird Man is afraid for you too。 Maybe you shouldn’t do it。’
 ‘I have to。’
 He stared into the fire。 ‘Because this is all my fault。 I am responsible。 It is my fault the veil is torn。 That’s what Shota said。 My fault。 I caused it。’
 ‘Darken Rahl caused it 。。。 somehow。’
 ‘And I am a Rahl;’ he whispered。
 Kahlan glanced over; but he didn’t look back。 ‘The crimes of the father; passed on to the son?’
 He smiled a small smile。 ‘I don’t believe that old line。 But maybe there is a little snip of truth to it。’ His eyes turned to her。 ‘You remember what Shota said? That only I could restore the veil? Maybe because Darken Rahl tore it through the Magic of Orden; and my intervention; I have to restore it。’
 She watched the firelight flicker in his eyes。 ‘So you think 。。。 what? That maybe since a Rahl tore it; it takes a Rahl to close it?’
 He shrugged。 ‘Maybe。 That could explain why only I can close it。 It may not be the reason; but it’s the only one I can think of。’ He smiled。 ‘I’m glad I’m marrying a smart woman。’
 She grinned。 It made her happy to see him smile。 ‘Well; this smart woman can’t see how that could be the reason。’
 ‘It might not be; but it’s a possibility I have to consider。’
 Then why do you have to go through with the gathering?’
 His eyes lit up with excitement as he gave her a boyish grin。 ‘Because I figured it out。 I figured out what we’re going to do。’
 He rearranged himself; turning toward her and folding his legs。 ‘Tomorrow night; we’ll have the gathering and find out what we can that will help us; then; the next morning when :it’s over 。。。’ He snatched the dragon’s tooth up in his fist and held it up to her as the grin grew on his face。 Then I call Scarlet … with this。 That’s how we get to Zedd。 That’s how we can get to Aydindril without the headaches stopping me on a long journey by land。 Scarlet flies with magic; her magic allows her to cover vast distances in little time。
 ‘We’ll be gone before the Sisters can stop us; and it will take them a long time to follow。 I won’t have to turn them down; for now; I can get to Zedd first。 He will know what to do。 About the headaches; I mean。 After the gathering; I’ll call Scarlet。 It will probably take her the better part of the day to reach us。’ He leaned toward her and gave her a quick kiss。 ‘While we’re waiting; we’ll be married。’ Her heart leapt。 ‘Married?’
 ‘Yes; married。 All in the same day。 Day after tomorrow。 We’ll do it all and be away before the day is out。’
 ‘Oh; Richard 。。。 I would like that。 But; let’s do it now。 Call Scarlet now。 We can be married in the morning when she gets here。 I know the Mud People would do it quickly for us。 We can get to Zedd and he will know what to do and you won’t shave to risk a gathering。’
 He shook his head。 ‘We have to have the gathering。 Shota said only I could close the veil。 Not Zedd。 What if he doesn’t have any idea what to do? He has said he doesn’t know much about the underworld。 No one does。 No one knows about the world of the dead。
 ‘But the ancestors’ spirits do。 I have to find out whatever I can to help。 We can’t waste the time going to Zedd; only to find out he doesn’t know what to do。 I have to find out what I can first; then go to Zedd。 Shota said only I could close the veil。 Maybe it’s because I am the Seeker。 I have to do my job and find the answers。 Even if they mean little to me; they might be significant to Zedd; and then he might know what to do; know what I can do。’
 ‘What if we beat Zedd to Aydindril? If we travel on Scarlet; she will get us there in a day; Zedd may not be there yet。’
 ‘If he isn’t there; we know he’s going there; and we’ll find him。 He will be able to see Scarlet。’
 She watched him a moment。 ‘Your mind is made up about all this; isn’t it?’
 He shrugged。 ‘If anyone could poke holes in my idea; it would be you。 You have any better ideas?’
 She shook her head at last。 ‘I wish I did; but I don’t。 I like all of it but the gathering。’
 Richard’s face softened with a gentle smile。 ‘I would really like to see you in the wedding dress Weselan is making。 Can she have it done that soon? We could spend our wedding night in Aydindril; in your home。’
 Kahlan couldn’t keep the smile back。 ‘She can。 And there doesn’t have to be a big wedding party。 Anyway; there’s not time to prepare; with the banquet for the gathering going on。 But the Bird Man will be pleased to marry us without it。’ She looked at him coyly。 ‘We would have a real bed; in Aydindril。 A big fortable bed。’
 His arm circled around her waist and pulled her against him。 He gave her lips a soft kiss。 She didn’t want it to end; but she gently pushed back and glanced away。
 ‘Richard 。。。 what about the other things Shota said? About a child?’
 ‘Shota was wrong before; about a lot of things。 Even the things she was right about didn’t turn out how we expected。 I’m not going to give you up on her word。 Remember what you said to me one time? About never letting a beautiful woman pick your path for you when there was a man in her line of sight? And besides; we will be able to talk to Zedd first。 Confessors and the gift are something he does know a lot about。’
 She ran her finger down his chest。 ‘You seem to have 
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