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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Richard let out an exasperated breath。 ‘Who was this man? From what people?’
 ‘He was Bantak; from the east。’
 Kahlan jumped up。 ‘Bantak!’ She hopped down off the platform and stood next to Richard。 ‘Bantak are peaceful They would never attack anyone。 It is against their way。’
 ‘He was a Bantak;’ Chandalen repeated。 ‘He had black painted on his eyes。 He attacked us。’ He redirected his gaze to Richard。 ‘At least; that is what Richard With The Temper claims。’
 Richard went back to pacing。 They’re ing;’ he muttered。 He stopped and grabbed Chandalen by the shoulders。 ‘They’re ing! They’re ing to attack the Mud People!’
 Chandalen frowned。 ‘The Bantak are not fighters。 It is as the Mother Confessor says; they are peaceful。 They plant crops; herd goats and sheep。 We trade with them。 This one that attacked us must have been sick in the head。 The Bantak know the Mud People are stronger than they。 They would not attack us。’
 Richard hardly heard the translation。 ‘Get your men together。 Get more men。 We have to go stop them。’
 Chandalen studied him。 ‘We have nothing to fear from the Bantak。 They would not attack us。’
 Richard nearly exploded。 ‘Chandalen; you are charged with protecting our people! I am telling you there is a threat to them! You must not ignore me in this!’
 He ran his fingers through his hair; calming himself。 ‘Chandalen; don’t you think it a little strange that one man would have attacked all of us? Would you; as brave as you are; have e into the open and attacked that many men; by yourself? You; with only a spear; and they with bows?’
 Chandalen only glared。 The Bird Man led the other elders off the platform and stood next to Chandalen; facing Richard。 ‘Tell us what our enemy has revealed to you。 Tell us what you have seen。’
 ‘This man 。。。’ Richard held the piece of meat up in front of the Bird Man’s face。 ‘This man was the son of their spirit guide。’
 The elders broke into worried whispers。 The Bird Man didn’t move his eyes from Richard。 ‘Are you sure of this? Killing the son of a spirit guide is a grave offense。 Even in self…defense。 It would be the same if someone killed my offspring; had I one。’ He lifted an eyebrow。 ‘Grave enough to start a war。’
 Richard nodded hurriedly。 ‘I know。 That’s what they had planned。 For some reason; they thought the Mud People were suddenly dangerous to them。 To be sure; they sent the son of their spirit guide; knowing that if we killed him; it would be a sign of our hostile intent。 They were planning on watching for his head on a pole; to see if they were right。 If he didn’t return; and they found the head; they were going to attack。’
 He waved the meat in front of the elders’ faces again。 This man; for some reason; had bitterness in his heart。 He wanted there to be a war。 He attacked us; knowing he would be killed; wanting it; so it would start the war; and his people could kill all the Mud People。 Don’t you see? With the banquet going on; they will hear the sounds of it far out onto the plain。 They will know we are not prepared to defend ourselves; that we are diverted。 They are ing! Now!’
 The elders all leaned back a little。 The Bird Man turned to Chandalen。
 ‘Richard With The Temper has had a vision from our enemy。 Have each of your men gather ten others。 We must not allow the Bantak to harm our people。 You will stop them before they reach the village。’
 Chandalen’s eyes flashed to Richard; and then back to the Bird Man。 ‘We will see if his vision is true。 I will lead our men east。 If they are ing; we will stop them。’
 ‘No!’ Richard screamed when Kahlan translated。 ‘They will e from the north!’
 ‘North!’ Chandalen glared at him。 ‘The Bantak live to the east; not the north。 They will e from the east。’
 They will expect you to defend to the east。 They think the Mud people want to kill them。 They expect it。 They will flank you and e from the north!’
 Chandalen folded his arms。 ‘The Bantak are not fighters。 They do not know of such tactics。 If they are going to attack us; as you say; they will simply e straight in。 As you said; they will hear the banquet; they will know we will be unprepared。 They have no reason to go all the way around and e in from the north。 It would only slow them down for no reason。’
 Richard glared at him。 ‘They are ing from the north。’
 ‘Was this part of your vision?’ the Bird Man asked。 ‘Did you see this too; from eating the meat?’
 Richard forced out a breath and looked down。 ‘No。 I didn’t see it with the rest of the vision。’ He ran his fingers through his hair。 ‘But I know it’s true。 I don’t know how; but I know。 They are ing from the north。’
 The Bird Man turned to Chandalen。 ‘Perhaps you could split the men。 Take some to the east; and some to the north。’
 Chandalen shook his head。 ‘No。 If the vision proves true; we will need all our men together。 One strike; with surprise; with all our men; and with luck; will end it。 If there are enough of them; as he seems to think; then they might defeat a number that small; and then they would be upon our people before we could turn them back。 Many women and children would be killed。 The whole village could fall。 It is too dangerous。’
 The Bird Man nodded。 ‘Chandalen; a vision has been presented to us。 It is your job to keep our people safe。 Since the vision did not say which way they would e; only that they would e; I leave it to you to protect us as you see best。 You are the smartest fighter among us; I will trust your fighting judgment。’
 He frowned and leaned closer to the man。 ‘But know that it had better be a fighting judgment; and not a personal one。’
 Chandalen showed no emotion。 ‘It is my opinion the Bantak would attack from the east。’ He glanced at Richard。 ‘If they really e。’
 Richard put a hand on Chandalen’s folded arm。 ‘Chandalen; please listen to me。’ His voice was quiet and worried。 ‘I know you don’t like me。 Maybe you are justified in your feelings。 Maybe you are right that I have brought trouble to our people。 But trouble is ing now; and it is ing from the north。 Please; I beg you; believe me。 The lives of all our people depend on this。 Hate me all you want; but don’t let any of them die because of that hate。’
 Richard drew the Sword of Truth and held out the hilt。 ‘I will give you my sword。 Go north。 If they e from the east; and I am wrong; you may kill me with it。’
 Chandalen looked down at the sword; and back up to Richard’s face。 A small smile spread on his own。 ‘I will not let you trick me。 I will not let our people be devastated; just for a chance to kill you。 I would rather let you live among us; than let my people be killed。 I go to the east。’ He turned and strode off; shouting instructions to his men。
 Richard stood watching him go; then slid the sword back into its scabbard。
 ‘That man is a fool;’ Kahlan said。
 Richard shook his head。 ‘He is just doing what he thinks best。 He wants to protect his people more than he wants to kill me。 If I had to pick one man to fight beside me;
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