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tg.stone of tears-第章

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er it takes to stop it; or everyone will suffer。 And the Keeper will have you; forever。
 That thought scares me more than anything in my life has ever scared me。 It wakes me with nightmares。 There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to stop him from getting you。 I won’t take a chance of missing anything; no matter the risk。 I have to have the gathering。’ His gaze held hers。 ‘Even though I fear it might be a trap; I have to try。’
 ‘A trap? 。。。 You think it might be a trap?’
 ‘It could be。 We have been warned。 At least we can be alert for it。’ He looked down at her hand in his。 ‘I won’t have the sword in the gathering。 Do you think you can call down the lightning if you have to?’
 Kahlan shook her head。 ‘I don’t know; Richard。 I don’t know how I did it。 It just happened。 I don’t know how to control it。’
 He nodded as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumbs。 ‘Well; maybe you won’t have to try。 Maybe the ancestors’ spirits will be able to help us。 They helped us before。’
 Richard reached up and gripped the Agiel。 His gray eyes were filled with the pain of the headache。 He sank down and put his head in his hands as she sat next to him。 ‘I have to rest awhile before we go back。 This headache is killing me。’
 She feared he was right; that the headache really was killing him。 She ached for the next day; when they could get to Zedd; get to help。
 It was late afternoon by the time they returned to the celebration; the banquet。 Richard’s head was a little better; but still hurt him enough to leave the pain in his eyes。 The elders stood as the two of them approached the open pole shelter。 The Bird Man stepped forward。
 ‘What of the Bantak? Did you see them? There has been no word from Chandalen。’
 Kahlan held the gold medallion out to him and let it drop in his hand when it came up。
 ‘We found them; to the north; as Richard said we would。 Ma Ban Grid sent this as a gift to tell the Mud People that the Bantak will not make war with them。 They made a mistake; and are sorry。 We made them see that the Mud People mean them no harm。 Chandalen has also made a mistake。’
 The Bird Man nodded solemnly; and turned to a hunter standing nearby; telling him to bring back Chandalen and his men。 Kahlan didn’t think he looked as pleased as she thought he would be。
 ‘Honored elder; is something wrong?’
 His brown eyes seemed heavy。 He glanced to Richard and back to her。 ‘Two of the Sisters of the Light have returned。 They wait in the spirit house。’
 Kahlan’s heart jumped。 She had hoped they wouldn’t be back so soon。 What had it been; only a few days? She turned to Richard。
 The Sisters of the Light are waiting in the spirit house。’
 Richard sighed。 ‘Nothing is ever easy。’ He addressed the Bird Man。 Tonight is the gathering。 Will you be ready?’
 ‘Tonight the spirits will be with us。 We will be ready。’
 ‘Be careful。 Take nothing for granted。 All our lives depend on it。’ He took her arm。 ‘Let’s see if we can put a stop to this。’
 They walked together across the field; past the roar of the fires。 People were still everywhere; eating; dancing; playing the boldas and drums。 There were fewer children about。 Some were off napping; but some still managed to dance and play。
 Three days;’ he muttered。
 ‘It’s been three days; almost; since they were here last。 I will send them away; and tomorrow; we will be gone。 When they e back in another three days; we will have been in Aydindril for two。’
 She stared ahead as they walked。 That is if they keep to the same schedule。 Who says they won’t show up for the third time after only one day。 Or one hour。’
 She could feel his eyes on her; but she didn’t look over when he spoke。 ‘Are you trying to make a point?’
 ‘You only get three chances; Richard。 I’m afraid for you。 I’m afraid of the headaches。’
 This time; she did look over; but he didn’t。 ‘I won’t wear a collar。 Not for any reason。 Not for anyone。’
 ‘I know;’ she whispered。
 He yanked the door open and strode into the spirit house。 His jaw was set with determination。 His eyes fixed on the two women standing in the center of the dimly lit room as he marched up to them。 Both wore their cloaks with the hoods pushed back。 Their faces; in mild frowns; seemed almost calm。
 Richard stopped in front of the two。 ‘I have questions; and I want answers。’
 ‘We are glad to see you are still well; Richard;’ Sister Verna said。 ‘Still alive。’
 ‘Why did Sister Grace kill herself? Why did you allow it?’
 Sister Elizabeth stepped in front of Sister Verna。 She held the open collar in her hands。 ‘We told you before; discussion is over。 It is by the rules now。’
 ‘I have rules too。’ With his fists on his hips; he looked to each woman in turn。 ‘My first rule is that neither of you is going to kill herself today。’
 They ignored him。 ‘You will listen。 I; Sister of the Light; Elizabeth Myric; give the second reason for the Rada’Han; give the second chance to be helped。 The first of the three reasons for the Rada’Han is to control the headaches and open your mind so you may be taught to use the gift。 You have refused the first chance to be helped。 I bring the second reason and offer。’
 She watched his eyes as if to be sure she had his full attention。 The second reason for the Rada’Han is so that we can control you。’
 Richard glared at her。 ‘Control me? What does that mean; to control me?’
 ‘It means what it says。’
 ‘I’m not putting a collar around my neck so you can ‘control’ me。’ He leaned a little closer。 ‘Or for any other reason。’
 Sister Elizabeth held the collar up。 As you were told before; it is more difficult for you to accept the second offer。 Please believe us; you are in great danger。 Your time is running out。 Please Richard; accept the second offer now; on the second of the three reason and offers。 It will only be much more difficult to accept on the third of the three reasons。’
 There was something in his eyes Kahlan had seen only once before … the last time the collar was held out to him。 Something alien; something frightening。 It sent a chill through her。 Goose bumps rose on her arms。 The anger left his voice。
 ‘I told you before;’ he whispered。 ‘I will not wear a collar。 For anyone。 For any reason。 If you want to teach me to use the gift; to control it; we can talk about it。 There are things going on you know nothing about: important things; dangerous things。 I have responsibilities as the Seeker。 I am not a child like you are used to dealing with。 I am an adult。 We can talk about it。’
 Sister Elizabeth stared at him with fierce intensity。 Richard retreated a half step。 His eyes closed; and he shook slightly。 At last; he straightened。 His eyes came open as he took a deep breath。 He returned the Sister’s stare。 Something had happened; and Kahlan had no idea what it was。
 The strength in Sister Elizabeth’s eyes waned。 Her hands lowered the collar。 Her voice came in a fearful whisper。 ‘Will you accept the offer and 
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