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荣耀电子书 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘You may think horses are dumb; Sister Verna; because they don’t understand most of your words; but they understand tone of voice。 If you want him to believe you; you had better at least pretend you’re sincere。’
 She moved her hand up and rubbed his neck。 ‘You are a dumb beast;’ she said in a syrupy sweet voice。 ‘Happy?’ she snapped over her shoulder。
 ‘As long as you’re nice to him。 You need to gain his trust。 Horses aren’t as dumb as you think。 Look at the way he’s standing; he doesn’t trust you。 From now on; I’m assigning you to Jessup。 You’ll tend to all his needs。 He must e to depend on you; to trust you。 I’ll take care of Bonnie and Geraldine。 You’ll be the only one to groom Jessup; and you will do it after he is ridden; and before he is ridden the next morning。’
 ‘Me! Most certainly not! I’m in charge。 You are quite capable of grooming all three; and will do so。’
 ‘This has… nothing to do with who’s in charge。 Among other things; grooming helps build a bond between you and the horse。 I already told you: the bits are gone; you need to learn a new way。 I need to teach you how; for your own safety。’ He handed her a set of reins。 Tighten up the halter and attach these to this ring; here。’
 While she was doing it; he cut up the leftover melon rind into small pieces。 Talk to him。 Call him by name; and let him know you like him。 It doesn’t matter what you say; you can describe what you’re doing if you want; but make it sound like he’s important to you。 If you have to; pretend; treat him like he’s one of your little boys。’
 She glared over her shoulder at him; then turned back to hooking up the reins。 She started talking; softly; so Richard couldn’t hear her; but he could tell it was gentle。 When she finished; he handed her some of the pieces of melon rind。
 ‘Horses love this。 Give him a piece; tell him what a good boy he is。 The idea is to change his feelings about having the reins on。 Let him know it’s going to be pleasant; instead of that bit he hates。’
 ‘Pleasant;’ she repeated in a flat tone。
 ‘Sure。 You don’t need to show him how much you can hurt him to make him do as you wish。 That’s counterproductive。 Just be firm but gentle。 The idea is to try to win him over with kindness and understanding; even if it isn’t sincere; and not by using force。’
 Richard’s smile vanished; and he let his features slide into a glare。 He leaned closer to her as she stood looking up at him。 ‘You should be able to do that; Sister Verna; you seem pretty good at it。 Just treat him like you treat me。’
 Her stunned expression hardened。 ‘I swore on my life to bring you back to the Palace of the Prophets。 When they see you at last; I fear I may be hung for doing my duty。’
 She turned and gave the melon rind to the eager horse; stroking his neck and encouraging him with motherly pats。 ‘There’s a good fellow。 Good boy。 You like that; Jessup? Good boy。’
 Her voice was heavy with passion and tenderness。 The horse liked it。 Richard knew it lacked sincerity。 He didn’t trust her; and wanted her to know it。 He didn’t appreciate people thinking they were so easily fooling him。 He wondered if her attitude toward him would change; now that he had let her know he hadn’t swallowed her act。
 Kahlan had told him that Sister Verna was a sorceress。 He had no idea what she was capable of; but he had felt the web she had thrown around him in the spirit house。 He had seen the fire she started with a thought。 She could have easily started a fire the night before; without telling him to do it。 He had the strong feeling she could break him in half with her Han; if she so chose。
 She was just trying to train him; get him accustomed to doing as she said; without thinking。 Just like training a horse。
 Or a ‘beast;’ as she had called it。 He doubted she had any more respect for him than she did for her horses。
 But instead of using a spade bit to control him; she had the Rada’Han around his neck; and that was much worse。 But he would have it off; when the time came。 Even if Kahlan didn’t want him and had sent him away; he would have it off。
 While Sister Verna was making friends with Jessup; Richard started saddling the horses。 ‘How far to the Palace of the Prophets?’
 ‘It is a long way to the southeast。 A long and difficult way。’
 ‘Well; then we will have plenty of time to teach you how to handle Jessup without a bit。 You won’t have as hard a time as you think。 He will defer to and follow Bonnie。 Bonnie is the dominant horse。’
 The male is dominant。’
 Richard lifted the saddle up onto Bonnie。 ‘A mare is always at the top of the hierarchy。 Dams teach and protect the foals; their influence lasts a lifetime。 There isn’t a stallion a mare can’t intimidate and chase away。 Mares can run off any unwanted stallion。 A stallion may drive a predator away from the herd; but a mare will chase it and try to kill it。 A male horse will always defer to the authority of the lead mare。 Bonnie is the lead mare。 Jessup and Geraldine will follow her and do as she does; so I’ll take the lead。 Just follow me; and you won’t have any trouble。’
 She swung herself up into the saddle。 The beam in the central hall。 It’s the highest。 Everyone will be able to see it。’
 ‘What are you talking about?’
 She gave him a solemn look。 The beam in the central hall。 That is where they will probably hang me from。’
 Richard swung up into his saddle。 ‘It’s your choice; Sister。 You don’t have to take me there。’
 She sighed。 ‘Yes; I do。’ She gave him her most gentle and concerned look。 He thought it quite convincing; if a little strained。 ‘Richard; I only wish to help you。 I want to be your friend。 I think you need a friend right now。 Very much。’
 Richard bristled。 That is a kind offer; Sister Verna。 But I decline。 You seem a little too quick to put that knife you keep up your sleeve in the back of your friends。 Did it bother you at all; Sister Verna; to steal the life from Sister Elizabeth; a friend and panion? It didn’t seem so。 I decline to offer you my friendship; Sister。 Or my back。
 ‘If you’re sincere in your wish to be my friend; then I would advise you to truly mit to it before I call upon you to prove it。 When the time es; you are only going to get one chance。 There are no shades of gray in this matter。 Only friends and enemies。 Friends don’t keep a friend in a collar; and hold them prisoner。 I intend to have this collar off。 When I decide it’s time; any friend will help me。 Those who try to stop me won’t be my friends; they will be dead enemies。’
 Sister Verna shook her head and urged Jessup in behind him as he started away。 ‘The beam in the central hall。 I’m sure of it。’
 The sound of her heart pounded in her ears。 Struggling to control her panicked breathing; she ducked behind the fat trunk of an old pine; pressing up against the rough bark。 If the Sisters had discovered she was following them 。。。
 The dark; damp air filled her lungs in ragged pulls。 Her lips moved soundlessly with prayers to the Creator be
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