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all; the bad guy。 
But he sat down right next to me; between me and Jeb; crossing his legs and setting the food tray in the 

middle of our little conclave。 I was starving; and parched from all the talking。 I took a bowl of soup and 
downed it in a few gulps。 
“Shoulda known you were just being polite in the mess hall today。 Gotta speak up when you’re hungry; 

Wanda。 I’m no mind reader。” 
I didn’t agree with that last part; but I was too busy chewing a mouthful of bread to answer。 
“Wanda?” Jamie asked。 
I nodded; letting him know that I didn’t mind。 
“Kinda suits her; doncha think?” Jeb was so proud of himself; I was surprised he didn’t pat himself on 

the back; just for effect。 
“Kinda; I guess;” Jamie said。 “Were you guys talking about dragons?” 
“Yeah;” Jeb told him enthusiastically; “but not the lizardy kind。 They’re all made up of jelly。 They can fly; 

though… sort of。 The air’s thicker; sort of jelly; too。 So it’s almost like swimming。 And they can breathe 

acid—that’s about as good as fire; wouldn’t you say?” 
I let Jeb fill Jamie in on the details while I ate more than my share of food and drained a water bottle。 
When my mouth was free; Jeb started in with the questions again。

 “Now; this acid…” 
Jamie didn’t ask questions the way Jeb did; and I was more careful about what I said with him there。 

However; this time Jeb never asked anything that might lead to a touchy subject; whether by coincidence 
or design; so my caution wasn’t necessary。 
The light slowly faded until the hallway was black。 Then it was silver; a tiny; dim reflection from the 

moon that was just enough; as my eyes adjusted; to see the man and the boy beside me。 


 I folded my arms across my body。

 Finally; Jeb yawned a huge yawn that had me and Jamie doing the same。

 “You tell a good story; Wanda;” Jeb said when we were all done stretching。

 “It’s what I did… before。 I was a teacher; at the university in San Diego。 I taught history。”

 “A teacher!” Jeb repeated; excited。 “Well; ain’t that amazin’? There’s something we could use around 
here。 Mag’s girl Sharon does the teaching for the three kids; but there’s a lot she can’t help with。 She’s 
most fortable with math and the like。 History; now —”

 “I only taughtour history;” I interrupted。 Waiting for him to take a breath wasn’t going to work; it 
seemed。 “I wouldn’t be much help as a teacher here。 I don’t have any training。”

 “Your history is better than nothing。 Things we human folks ought to know; seeing as we live in a more 
populated universe than we were aware of。”

 “But I wasn’t a real teacher;” I told him; desperate。 Did he honestly think anyone wanted to hear my 
voice; let alone listen to my stories? “I was sort of an honorary professor; almost a guest lecturer。 They 
only wanted me because… well; because of the story that goes along with my name。”

 “That’s the next one I was going to ask for;” Jeb said placently。 “We can talk about your teaching 
experience later。 Now—why did they call you Wanderer? I’ve heard a bunch of odd ones; Dry Water; 
Fingers in the Sky; Falling Upward—all mixed in; of course; with the Pams and the Jims。 I tell you; it’s 
the kind of thing that can drive a man crazy with curiosity。”

 I waited till I was sure he was done to begin。 “Well; the way it usually works is that a soul will try out a 
planet or two—two’s the average—and then they’ll settle in their favorite place。 They just move to new 
hosts in the same species on the same planet when their body gets close to death。 It’s very disorienting 
moving from one kind of body to the next。 Most souls really hate that。 Some never move from the planet 
they are born on。 Occasionally; someone has a hard time finding a good fit。 They may try three planets。 I 
met a soul once who’d been to five before he’d settled with the Bats。 I liked it there—I suppose that’s 
the closest I’ve ever e to choosing a planet。 If it hadn’t been for the blindness…”

 “How many planets have you lived on?” Jamie asked in a hushed voice。 Somehow; while I’d been 
talking; his hand had found its way into mine。

 “This is my ninth;” I told him; squeezing his fingers gently。

 “Wow; nine!” he breathed。

 “That’s why they wanted me to teach。 Anybody can tell them our statistics; but I have personal 
experience from most of the planets we’ve… taken。” I hesitated at that word; but it didn’t seem to 
bother Jamie。 “There are only three I’ve never been to—well; now four。 They just opened a new world。”

 I expected Jeb to jump in with questions about the new world; or the ones I’d skipped; but he just 


 “Why did you never stay anywhere?” Jamie asked。

 “I never found a place I liked enough to stay。”

 “What about Earth? Do you think you’ll stay here?”

 I wanted to smile at his child’s confidence—as if I were going to get the chance to ever move on to 

another host。 As if I were going to get the chance to live out even another month in the one I had。

 “Earth is… very interesting;” I murmured。 “It’s harder than any place I’ve been before。”

 “Harder than the place with the frozen air and the claw beasts?” he asked。

 “In its own way; yes。” How could I explain that the Mists Planet only came at you from the outside—it 

was much more difficult to be attacked from within。

 Attacked;Melanie scoffed。

 I yawned。I wasn’t actually thinking of you; I told her。I was thinking of these unstable emotions; 

always betraying me。 But you did attack me。 Pushing your memories on me that way。

 I learned my lesson;she assured me dryly。 I could feel how intensely aware she was of the hand in mine。 
There was an emotion slowly building in her that I didn’t recognize。 Something on the edge of anger; with 

a hint of desire and a portion of despair。

 Jealousy;she enlightened me。

 Jeb yawned again。 “I’m being downright rude; I guess。 You must be bushed—walking all over today 

and then me keepin’ you up half the night talking。 Ought to be a better host。 C’mon; Jamie; let’s go and 

let Wanda get some sleep。”

 I was exhausted。 It felt as if it had been a very long day; and; from Jeb’s words; perhaps that wasn’t in 
my imagination。

 “Okay; Uncle Jeb。” Jamie jumped lightly to his feet and then offered his hand to the old man。

 “Thanks; kid。” Jeb groaned as he got up。 “And thanks to you; too;” he added in my direction。 “Most 
interesting conversation I’ve had in… well; probably forever。 Rest your voice up; Wanda; because my 
curiosity is a powerful thing。 Ah; there he is! ’Bout time。”

 Only then did I hear the sound of approaching footsteps。 Automatically; I shrank against the wall and 
scooted farther back into the cave…room; and then felt more exposed because the moonlight was brighter 

 I was surprised that this was the first person to turn in for the night; the corridor appeared to house 

 “Sorry; Jeb。 I got to talking with Sharon; and then I sort of dozed off。” 


were empty。 
“We didn’t even notice; Doc;” Jeb said。 “We were having t
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