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f a stair。
  〃were our master in the position of the ruler of a state or the chief of afamily; we should find verified the description which has been given of a sage'srule:…he would plant the people; and forthwith they would be established; hewould lead them on; and forthwith they would follow him; he would make themhappy; and forthwith multitudes would resort to his dominions; he wouldstimulate them; and forthwith they would be harmonious。 while he lived; he wouldbe glorious。 when he died; he would be bitterly lamented。 how is it possible forhim to be attained to?〃
  yao said; 〃oh! you; shun; the heaven…determined order of succession nowrests in your person。 sincerely hold fast the due mean。 if there shall bedistress and want within the four seas; the heavenly revenue will e to aperpetual end。〃
  shun also used the same language in giving charge to yu。
  t'ang said; 〃i the child li; presume to use a dark…colored victim; andpresume to announce to thee; o most great and sovereign god; that the sinner idare not pardon; and thy ministers; o god; i do not keep in obscurity。 theexamination of them is by thy mind; o god。 if; in my person; i mit offenses;they are not to be attributed to you; the people of the myriad regions。 if youin the myriad regions mit offenses; these offenses must rest on my person。〃
  chau conferred great gifts; and the good were enriched。
  〃although he has his near relatives; they are not equal to my virtuous men。the people are throwing blame upon me; the one man。〃
  he carefully attended to the weights and measures; examined the body of thelaws; restored the discarded officers; and the good government of the kingdomtook its course。
  he revived states that had been extinguished; restored families whose lineof succession had been broken; and called to office those who had retired intoobscurity; so that throughout the kingdom the hearts of the people turnedtowards him。
  what he attached chief importance to were the food of the people; the dutiesof mourning; and sacrifices。
  by his generosity; he won all。 by his sincerity; he made the people reposetrust in him。 by his earnest activity; his achievements were great。 by hisjustice; all were delighted。
  tsze…chang asked confucius; saying; 〃in what way should a person inauthority act in order that he may conduct government properly?〃 the masterreplied; 〃let him honor the five excellent; and banish away the four bad;things;…then may he conduct government properly。〃 tsze…chang said; 〃what aremeant by the five excellent things?〃 the master said; 〃when the person inauthority is beneficent without great expenditure; when he lays tasks on thepeople without their repining; when he pursues what he desires without beingcovetous; when he maintains a dignified ease without being proud; when he ismajestic without being fierce。〃
  tsze…chang said; 〃what is meant by being beneficent without greatexpenditure?〃 the master replied; 〃when the person in authority makes morebeneficial to the people the things from which they naturally derive benefit;…isnot this being beneficent without great expenditure? when he chooses the laborswhich are proper; and makes them labor on them; who will repine? when hisdesires are set on benevolent government; and he secures it; who will accuse himof covetousness? whether he has to do with many people or few; or with thingsgreat or small; he does not dare to indicate any disrespect;…is not this tomaintain a dignified ease without any pride? he adjusts his clothes and cap; andthrows a dignity into his looks; so that; thus dignified; he is looked at withawe;…is not this to be majestic without being fierce?〃
  tsze…chang then asked; 〃what are meant by the four bad things?〃 the mastersaid; 〃to put the people to death without having instructed them;…this is calledcruelty。 to require from them; suddenly; the full tale of work; without havinggiven them warning;…this is called oppression。 to issue orders as if withouturgency; at first; and; when the time es; to insist on them with severity;…this is called injury。 and; generally; in the giving pay or rewards to men; todo it in a stingy way;…this is called acting the part of a mere official。〃
  the master said; 〃without recognizing the ordinances of heaven; it isimpossible to be a superior man。
  〃without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety; it is impossible forthe character to be established。
  〃without knowing the force of words; it is impossible to know men。〃
  (The End)
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