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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   Grudgingly; Quenthel nodded in assent; and the rest followed into the cave。 Halisstra and Pharaun had already thrown themselves down on the pebbled floor of the cavern a few dozen yards from the entrance; shucking their packs and leaning back against the walls。 The rest of the Menzoberranyr filed in slowly and picked out their own spots; collapsing wherever they happened to stop moving。
   Seyll's bloodstained armor seemed unbearably heavy on Halisstra's shoulders; and the hilt of the Eilistraeean's sword jammed painfully into her ribs。 She was too tired to find a better position。
   〃Will no one tell me what happened in the Demonweb Pits?〃 Jeggred railed。 〃I have waited in that empty stone room for days; guarding your sleeping bodies faithfully。 I deserve to hear what happened。〃
   〃You will;〃 Valas answered。 〃Later。 I don't believe any of us rightly know what to make of it。 Give us time to rest; and to reflect。〃
   Rest? Halisstra thought。
   She felt as if she could sleep…sleep in the unconscious and helpless manner of a human…for a tenday and not feel healed of the fatigue she carried。 Her mind refused to reflect any longer on why Lolth had abandoned her; yet she had something in her heart that demanded examination; a grief that would not permit her the refuge of the Reverie until she had found some way to let it out。
   With a sigh; she pulled her satchel close and opened it; taking out the leather case of her lyre。 She carefully unsheathed the heirloom; running her fingers over the rune…carved dragonbone arms; touching the perfect mithral wire。
   At least I still have this; she thought。
   In the silence of the forest cave; Halisstra played the dark songs of the bae'qeshel; and softly gave voice to her unbearable grief。
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