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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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ort from the other matron mothers; I wonder?〃
   〃Perhaps they were overe with grief;〃 Nimor replied。
   He reached slowly into a pouch at his side; allowing the wizard to note the deliberate nature of his motion。 From the pouch he withdrew a platinum brooch; worked in the barred double…curve symbol of Faen Tlabbar and crowned by a dark ruby。 Nimor placed it on the table。
   〃The matron mother's own House brooch; which I managed to pocket as a keepsake for you。 I hope your scrying shield is good; Lord Dyrr。 No doubt the Tlabbar wizards will be seeking that emblem with all the magic at their disposal。〃
   〃Half…witted children fumbling in the dark;〃 Dyrr muttered。 〃Five hundred years ago I'd forgotten more about the Art than that whole house full of wizards had collectively deciphered in all their years of training。〃
   He reached out one near…skeletal hand for the brooch and weighed it in his hand。
   〃I am sure you have a means to confirm the authenticity of the brooch;〃 said Nimor。
   〃Oh; I believe you; assassin。 I do not think you have cheated me; but I will examine the issue later; just to be certain。〃
   The wizard left the brooch sitting on the table and leaned back into his chair。 Nimor waited patiently while Dyrr settled back; tapping one long; thin finger on his staff; a satisfied smile on his face。
   〃Well;〃 the old wizard said finally; 〃in our previous meeting I required that you demonstrate to me the reach and skill of your brotherhood by removing an enemy of my House; and I suppose that you have done exactly that。 You have won my ear。 So what is it that the Jaezred Chaulssin want of House Agrach Dyrr?〃
   Nimor shifted and shot a sharp glance at the wizard。 Dyrr was very well informed indeed; to know of that name。 Very few outside of Chaulssin did。 In fact; Nimor had studiously avoided bringing it up when he had first approached the ancient lord。 He wondered what clues he had left for the wizard to decipher; and whether Dyrr could be permitted that knowledge。
   〃Do not be hasty; boy;〃 Dyrr cautioned him。 〃You gave away nothing that I did not already know。 I have been aware of the House of Shadows for quite a long time。〃
   〃I am impressed;〃 Nimor said。
   〃On the contrary; you believe that I am making empty boasts。〃 Dyrr pointed at his own temple and smiled coldly。 〃I am not given to bluffing or making wild guesses。 Long ago I discerned a pattern of activity that spanned a number of the great cities of our race and inferred the existence of a secret league between seemingly weak minor Houses; each renowned for the skill of its assassins; each reputed to be governed by its males; each a secret ally of the others。 These families that otherwise would have been devoured by their ambitious matriarchal rivals instead survived through the convenient and violent deaths of any emergent enemies。 Though I find it ironic that any particular House of the Jaezred Chaulssin must; by definition; be considered the blackest sort of traitors to the city unfortunate enough to host them。 Placing loyalty to your House above loyalty to your city is not a particularly egregious sin; of course; but to acknowledge a tie of loyalty to a House in another city all together; that is something entirely different; is it not?〃
   Nimor kept his mind carefully empty and said; 〃You seem to know all our secrets。〃
   He studied the wizard carefully; trying not to let the calculations he performed in his mind show。
   〃Not entirely true;〃 Dyrr replied。 〃I would give much to know how your brotherhood orders its Houses; where your true strength is held; and who rules your society。 You name yourselves after the city of Chaulssin; which fell into shadow many hundreds of years ago。 I wonder about the significance of that appellation。〃
   He knows more than we can permit; Nimor thought。
   He glanced up sharply at the old wizard; realizing that Dyrr would have noted that thought。 The ancient mage simply studied him with his weak gaze and inclined his head。 The assassin regained the mastery of his thoughts and decided to change the subject。
   〃For the sake of our friendship; I respectfully submit that it would be best for all involved if you did not do anything with your knowledge that would draw it to anyone else's attention。 We feel quite strongly that our secrets are best left that way。〃
   〃I will do as I wish。 However; I do not wish to incur your enmity。 I think it would be inconvenient to have the Jaezred Chaulssin as my enemy。〃
   〃It is not merely inconvenient; Lord Dyrr; it is invariably fatal。〃
   〃Perhaps。 In any event; I will keep your secrets。〃
   The old drow laughed softly; clutching his staff with his withered hands。
   〃Now; let's get to our business; young one。 You and your fellows demonstrated no small amount of ability in the murder of Matron Mother Tlabbar; the enemy of my House。 Very well; I am suitably impressed。 What is it you want of Agrach Dyrr?〃
   〃I need an ally in Menzoberranzan; Lord Dyrr; and I have a strong suspicion that you might be that ally。〃 Nimor leaned forward; offering a sly grin。 〃Events now proceed in this city that will lead to the downfall of the Houses ahead of yours。 If you choose to be a part of those events; you will find that House Agrach Dyrr is possessed of a great opportunity to order the city largely as you like。 We believe you can help us to steer Menzoberranzan through the difficult times ahead。〃
   〃And if we refuse; we die?〃
   Nimor shrugged。
   〃Given the uncertainty of matters as they stand;〃 said Dyrr; 〃I am hesitant to embrace a cause I know little about。〃
   〃Understandable。 I will; of course; elaborate; but I hope you will recognize the wisdom; in these uncertain times; of taking aggressive and resolute steps to create the certainty you wish to see。 Impose your vision on events; instead of allowing events to limit your imagination。〃
   〃Easy words to speak; young one; but more difficult to render into action;〃 Dyrr said。
   The ancient wizard fell silent for a long time; regarding the rakish assassin with a baleful; unblinking gaze。 Nimor met his eyes without flinching; but he found himself wondering again what hidden strength the Agrach high mage must hold。 Dyrr smiled again; doubtless reading Nimor's thoughts; and shifted in his seat。
   〃Very well; then; Prince of Chaulssin。 You have awakened my curiosity。 Explain exactly what you mean; and what you plan; and I will say if House Agrach Dyrr can stand by your bold actions or not。〃
   〃Gather closely; dear friends;〃 Pharaun said with a flourish; 〃and I will explain a few things it would be wise to remember while we walk within the shadows。〃
   The wizard stood confidently in the center of the chamber; arms folded; showing no hint of the exhaustion or despair of the day's desperate flight。 Stirring from his Reverie shortly before sunset; he had spent almost an hour preparing dozens of spells from his collection of traveling tomes。
   While no one bothered to draw closer to the wizard; all focused their attention on him。 Pharaun grinned in delight; pleased as ever by the attention。 He knotted his fis
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