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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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d master。 Quenthel Baenre sat wrapped in her own thoughts; her cloak pulled close against the chill。 A sister priestess of the Spider Queen; Quenthel was a scion of House Baenre; the leading clan of Menzoberranzan。 Of course; Quenthel was no friend of Halisstra's simply because they both served as priestesses of Lolth; most drow noblewomen served the Spider Queen and spent their lives feuding for station and preeminence in her worship。 That was the way of things for the drow; the pattern dictated by Lolth。 If it pleased the Spider Queen to reward those who proved most ruthless; most ambitious in her service; then what else could a dark elf do?
   Quenthel was in many ways the epitome of drow womanhood; a matriarch in the making who bined piety in Lolth's service with physical beauty; strength of character; and absolute ruthlessness。 Of the five travelers from Menzoberranzan; she was by far the most dangerous to Halisstra。 Halisstra; too; was the daughter of a matron mother and a priestess of Lolth; so she knew well that she would have to watch Quenthel closely。 For the moment; they were allies; but it would not take much for Quenthel to decide that Halisstra was more useful as a follower; as a captive; or simply dead。
   Quenthel manded the loyalty of the hulking Jeggred; a draegloth of her own House Baenre。 The draegloth was half…demon; half…drow; the son of Quenthel's elder sister and some unnamed denizen of the Abyss。 Jeggred towered over the other drow; a four…armed creature of bestial aspect who held a murderous violence in check at all times。 His face was drow…like; and he walked upright; but a gleaming silver pelt covered his dark skin at chest; shoulders; and loins; and his claws were as long and as sharp as daggers。 Halisstra didn't fear Jeggred; as the draegloth was Quenthel's creature and would not lay a finger on her without his mistress's express mand。 He might be the instrument of Halisstra's death; if Quenthel chose to order it; but there was no point in regarding him as anything other than Quenthel's weapon。
   The wizard Pharaun intrigued Halisstra greatly。 The study of arcane lore was something that; like swordplay; was traditionally left to males。 A powerful wizard merited a certain amount of respect despite the fact that he was male。 In fact; Halisstra knew of more than one instance in which the matron mother of an important house ruled only with the consent of the powerful male wizards of the family; a situation that had always struck her as perverse and dangerous。 Pharaun acted as if he manded that kind of power and influence。 Oh; he deferred to Quenthel quickly enough; but never without a sardonic smile or an insincere remark; and at times his disrespectful carriage verged on outright rebellion。 That meant that he was either a plete fool…hardly likely; since he'd been hand…picked in Menzoberranzan for the dangerous journey to Ched Nasad…or he was powerful enough to hold his own against the natural tyranny of a noble female like Quenthel。 Pharaun struck Halisstra as a potentially critical ally against Quenthel; if it turned out that she and Quenthel could not reach an understanding。
   It seemed to Halisstra that Ryld Argith was to Pharaun what Jeggred was to Quenthel。 A powerfully built weapons master whose stature matched Halisstra's own; Ryld was a fighter of tremendous skill。 Halisstra had seen that for herself in the escape from Ched Nasad。 Like most males; he maintained a properly deferential demeanor in Quenthel's presence。 That was a good sign to Halisstra。 Ryld might easily transfer loyalties to another woman of high birth in a pinch。 She couldn't count on Ryld turning against either Pharaun or Quenthel; but pure drow were less steadfast in their loyalties than the average draegloth。 。 。 。
   The last and the least of the party from Menzoberranzan was the scout; Valas Hune。 A small; furtive male; he said little and observed much。 Halisstra had seen his type before。 Useful enough in the sort of tasks they excelled at; they wanted nothing to do with the machinations of priestesses and matriarchs and did all they could to stay well clear of the politics of the great Houses。 At the moment; Valas was crouched over a small pile of dry brush; working to start a fire。
   〃Is there any chance we will be pursued?〃 Ryld said into the icy wind。
   〃I doubt it;〃 Quenthel muttered。 〃The whole House fell after we used the portal。 How could we be followed?〃
   〃It is not impossible; dear Quenthel;〃 Pharaun replied。 〃A petent wizard might be able to discern where the portal led to; even though it was destroyed。 He might even be able to repair the portal sufficiently to make use of it。 I suppose it depends on how badly we are missed in Ched Nasad。〃 He glanced up at Halisstra and asked; 〃What about it; my lady? Don't you think it likely that your kinfolk will hold us to blame for the unfortunate events of the last few hours? Won't they go to great lengths to exact vengeance upon us?〃
   Halisstra looked at him。 The question made no sense to her。 Who could possibly be left to fix blame for the duergar attack on the party of Menzoberranyr? House Melarn had fallen; and House Nasadra as well。 She became aware of a great weariness in her body; a leaden feeling in her heart and a fog in her mind; and she allowed herself to sink to the sand across from the others。
   〃Anyone still in Ched Nasad has greater things to concern herself with than your whereabouts;〃 she managed。
   〃I think the lady has put you in your place; Pharaun;〃 Ryld said; laughing。 〃The world and all within it do not revolve around you; you know。〃
   Pharaun accepted the jibe with a sardonic grin and a gesture of self…deprecation。
   〃Just as well;〃 he said lightly。 He turned to Valas; who patiently struck sparks at his pile of brush。 〃Are you sure that's wise? That fire will be visible from quite a distance。〃
   〃It's not much later than midnight; unless 1 miss my guess;〃 the scout replied without looking up from his task。 〃If you think it's cold now; wait until the hours before dawn。 We need fire; regardless of the risk。〃
   〃How do you know how late it is;〃 Quenthel asked; 〃or how cold it'll get?〃
   Valas struck a spark and quickly crouched to shelter it from the wind。 In a few moments; the brush crackled and burned brightly。 The scout fed it carefully with more brush。
   〃You see the pattern of stars to the south?〃 he said。 〃Six of them that look a little like a crown? I hose are winter stars。 They rise early and set late this time of year。 You'll note that they're near the zenith。〃
   〃You've traveled on the surface before;〃 Quenthel observed。
   〃Yes; Mistress;〃 Valas said; but did not elaborate。
   〃If it's the middle of the night; what is that glow in the sky?〃 she asked。 〃Surely that must be the dawn。〃
   〃A late moonrise。〃
   〃It's not the sun ing up? It's so bright!〃
   Valas looked up; smiled coldly; and said; 〃If that was the sun; Mistress; the stars would be fading from half the sky。 Trust me; it's the moon。 If we stay here; you'll e to know the sun soon enough。〃
   Quenthel fell silent; perhaps chagrined by her mistake。 Halisstra didn't hold it ag
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