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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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oberranzan today; Gromph?〃
   〃Disorder。 Peril。 Denial。〃
   〃And; perhaps; opportunity?〃
   Gromph hesitated a moment; then said; 〃Yes; of course。〃
   〃You hesitated。 You do not agree with me?〃
   〃No; it is not that。〃
   The archmage frowned; and chose his words with care。 He did not wish to give offense to the powerful apparition。 Dyrr seemed civil enough; but the mind did not always stand up well to ages of undeath。 He had to assume that there was nothing the lich was not capable of。
   〃Lord Dyrr;〃 he said; 〃surely you have observed that there is no end to the wiles of the Spider Queen。 The only certainty of our existence is that Lolth is a capricious and demanding deity; a goddess who delights in teaching very harsh lessons indeed。 What if her silence is a ruse to test her faithful? Isn't it likely; even probable; that Lolth withholds her favor from her priestesses to see how they respond? Or…worse yet…to see whether the enemies of her clerics might be emboldened to creep out from the shadows and assault her minions directly? If that is the case; what then bees of anyone foolish enough to defy the Queen of Spiders when she tires of her test and restores her full favor to her priestesses; just as abruptly as she withdrew it? I would not care to be caught out by such a ploy。 Not at all。〃
   〃Your logic is sound enough; though I think you have perhaps allowed the habit of caution to hobble your thoughts;〃 Dyrr said。 〃I could almost agree with you; dear boy; except for this one fact。 In the more than two thousand years that I have walked this world; I have never seen this happen before。 Oh; I can recall several occasions when Lolth denied her clerics spells for a few days; and many instances in which she arbitrarily decided to stop favoring this priestess or that House all together; casting them down to their enemies; but never has she abandoned our entire race for month after month。〃 The lich glanced up in a reflective manner。 〃It seems a poor way to treat one's worshipers。 Should I ever attain godhood; I think I will try to do a better job of it。〃
   〃What precisely do you propose; then; Lord Dyrr?〃
   〃I propose nothing yet; but I do consider; young Baenre; whether powerless clerics should be trusted with the rule of this city for very much longer at all。 You and I; we still mand great and terrible powers; do we not? The mystic secrets of our Art have not abandoned us; nor are they likely to at any point in the future。 Perhaps it is time to look to the security of our civilization; the defense of our city; by taking up the reins of governance the matron mothers are no longer strong enough to hold。 Our city's peril grows with every hour。 We have rivals outside the Dark Dominion; after all; other races and realms that threaten us。〃
   〃And that is precisely why I am hesitant to turn drow wizards against drow priestesses;〃 Gromph replied。 〃The only thing that could possibly increase our current vulnerability would be to start a civil war。 To spare ourselves the fate of Ched Nasad; we must shore up the existing order until the crisis has passed。〃
   〃And what thanks do you think you will earn; from the priestesses or from the Spider Queen herself; for that blind loyalty?〃 Dyrr turned back to Gromph and tapped one skeletal forefinger in the center of the archmage's chest。 Gromph could not restrain a shudder。 〃You have potential; young Gromph。 You are not without talent; and you see past House Baenre to Menzoberranzan itself。 Put those qualities to work and consider carefully the course you choose in the next few days。 Events are ing that will provide you with an opportunity for greatness; or failure。 Do not make the wrong choice。〃
   Gromph took a cautious step backward; moving out over the vast gulf of the cavern and hovering in the air。
   〃I am afraid I must tend Narbondel; Lord Dyrr。 I will take my leave now 。 。 。 and I will think carefully on your words。 You may have appreciated the situation more accurately than I。〃
   The burning green gaze of the lichdrow followed Gromph down into the darkness as he fell softly toward the city below。 He would indeed think long and hard about the lich's words。 He might stall Dyrr once with civility and caution; but he would not be able to do so indefinitely。 Gromph didn't doubt the lich would expect a different answer when next they spoke。
   The Darklake was a strange and terrible place。 A blackness greater than any Halisstra had ever known enveloped her and her panions; a space so vast that its unseen recesses gnawed at the mind。 The great caverns of the drow were often miles across; tremendous places harboring cities of many thousands; but…if Coalhewer did not exaggerate…the Darklake occupied a cavern well over one hundred miles from side to side; and thousands of feet in height。 Great island columns the size of mountains held up the mighty roof; creating fanglike archipelagos in the darkness。 The waters of the lake virtually filled the immense space。 As they sailed across its surface the ceiling was often less than a spearcast above them; leaving many hundreds; or even thousands of feet of black mystery below their feet。 It was an unsettling sensation。
   Coalhewer's boat was less than forting itself。 It was an asymmetrical vessel made mostly of planks sawn from the woody stems of a particular type of gigantic Underdark mushroom; and treated with lacquers for strength and rigidity。 The zurkhwood formed a broad platform; which floated on a cluster of soft air bladders taken from some aquatic species of giant fungus。 The whole thing was riveted together with the excellent metalwork of the gray dwarves。
   Four hulking skeletons…ogres in life; perhaps; or maybe trolls…crouched in a well…like area in the boat's center; endlessly turning two large cranks that drove a pair of zurkhwood waterwheels。 The mindless undead never tired; never plained; never even slowed their pace unless Coalhewer ordered them to; driving the boat onward with no sound but the soft rush of water over the wheels and the faint clicking and scraping of their bones in motion。 The gray dwarf stood near the stern on a small; elevated bridge; high enough to see over the waterwheels。 He peered ahead into the darkness; arms folded across his thick chest; keeping his thoughts to himself。
   The passengers crouched on the cold; unfortable deck or paced back and forth; staying a little ways back from the railless edge of the platform。 The journey from Mantol…Derith was not extremely swift; as the vessel was not quick; and Coalhewer had to carefully thread his way around places where the cavern roof dropped so low there wasn't enough room for the boat。
   Valas spent most of his time standing on the bridge beside the dwarf; keeping a careful eye on the course he steered。 Pharaun sat cross…legged at the base of the structure; deep in Reverie; while Ryld and Jeggred kept a sharp watch on the port and starboard sides respectively; making sure that none of the lake's denizens approached undetected。 The priestesses kept to themselves; wrapped in Reveries of their own or staring out over the lightless waters; lost in thought。
   They passed almos
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