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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   I would not survive; Danifae finished for her。 I understand the conditions of my captivity quite well; Mistress Melarn。 Still; inaction in the face of our danger is every bit as risky as what I am about to propose。 Hear me out; and you can decide what you wish me to do。
   Halisstra measured the girl; studying her perfect features; her alluring figure。 She thought of the conversation between Quenthel and Danifae she had overheard in the catabs of Hlaungadath。 She could put a halt to Danifae's scheming with a word; of course。 She could even pel it through the magic of the locket…but then she wouldn't know what Danifae plotted; would she?
   〃Very well;〃 she said。 Tell me what you have in mind。
   Gracklstugh; like Menzoberranzan; was a cavern city。 Unlike the realm of the dark elves; the stalagmites harbored great stinking smelters and foundries; not the elegant castles of noble families。 The air had an acrid reek; and the clamor of industry rang endlessly throughout the cavern…the roaring of fires; the metallic ringing of iron on iron; and the rush of polluted streams carrying away the wastes of the duergar forges。 Unlike Menzoberranzan; lightless except for the delicate faerie fire applied to decorate drow palaces; Gracklstugh glowed with reflected firelight and the occasional harsh glare of white…hot metal splashing into molds。 It was a singularly unlovely place; an affront to any highborn drow。 Halisstra thought the place seemed like nothing less than the Hells' own foundry。
   At its eastern end; the great cavern of the city sloped down sharply to join the immense gulf of the Darklake; so that Gracklstugh was a subterranean port…though few among the Underdark races used waterways such as the Darklake in their merce。 Consequently the wharves and lakeside warehouses of the duergar city constituted one of its poorest and most dangerous districts。 Coalhewer moored his macabre vessel at the end of a crumbling stone quay occupied by a handful of ships of the same general design。
   〃Get yer things and step lively;〃 the dwarf snapped。 〃The less ye're seen t'be about the streets; the better。 Spider…kissers in the City of Blades be well…advised to step soft and quick; if ye take my meaning。〃
   Valas shot the others a quick look and signed; No killing! It will not be tolerated here。
   The scout shouldered his pack and followed the dwarf down the quay; wrapping his piwafwi around him to conceal the swords at his hip。
   Pharaun glanced up at Jeggred and said; 〃You won't like it here; half…demon。 How will you pass the time without something helpless to dismember?〃
   〃I will simply while away the hours considering how I might kill you; wizard;〃 the draegloth rumbled。
   Still; Jeggred blew out his breath and drew his own long cloak over his white mane; doing the best he could to hunch over and make himself inconspicuous。 The rest of the party followed after; threading their way through the dilapidated streets of the city's dock quarter to a fortresslike inn a few blocks from the wharves。 A sign lettered in both Dwarvish and Under…mon named the place as the Cold Foundry。 The building itself consisted of an encircling stone wall; guarding a number of small; free…standing blockhouses。 The pany halted just outside the inn's front gate; which stood beside a pen holding huge; foul…smelling pack lizards。
   〃Hardly an appealing prospect;〃 muttered Pharaun。 〃Still; I suppose it's better than a rock on a cavern floor。〃
   Valas conferred briefly with Coalhewer; then turned to the rest of the dark elves and said quietly; 〃Coalhewer and I will arrange safe passage out of the city and look into provisioning。 It'll likely involve some bribes to obtain proper licenses and such; which will take time。 We should plan on staying here for at least a full day; perhaps two。〃
   〃Can we spare the time?〃 Ryld asked。
   〃That would be up to Mistress Quenthel;〃 Valas said; 〃but we may be many days on the next leg of our journey。 We acplish nothing by starving to death after a tenday or two in the wilds of the Underdark。〃
   Quenthel studied the cheerless duergar inn; and made her decision。
   〃We will stay two nights; and leave early on the day after tomorrow;〃 she said。 〃I would stay longer; but I am hesitant to trust our fortunes to the continued hospitality of the duergar。 Events are moving too quickly for us to tarry long。〃
   She looked at the scout; and at Coalhewer; who stood a short distance off; watching the street with arms folded and pointedly not listening in on the dark elves' conversation。
   Is this place safe? she signed。 Will the dwarf betray us?
   Safe enough; the scout replied。 Keep Jeggred out of sight。 The rest of you should be fine; as long as you avoid confrontations。 He flicked his eyes at Coalhewer and added; The dwarf understands that we will pay well for his services; but if he should e to believe that we might kill him rather than pay him; he will undoubtedly find a way to have us all arrested。 He knows we're something more than merchants; but he doesn't care what errand brings us here as long as he's paid。
   A loose end to be tied up? Ryld asked。
   Too dangerous now; Valas signed。 I will keep a close eye on him as long as we're here。
   〃Take Ryld with you; just in case;〃 Quenthel said。
   Ryld nodded and tugged at his pack; adjusting it to ride better between his shoulder blades。
   〃Ready when you are;〃 he said。
   〃I can't say I won't wele the pany; if trouble es;〃 Valas replied。 〃Well; let's not keep Master Coalhewer waiting。 If you don't hear back from us by midday tomorrow; presume the worst and get out of the city by the quickest means at hand。〃
   The scout hurried off with Ryld striding along a step behind him。 They collected Coalhewer and made their way deeper into the city。
   〃It's that boundless good cheer we find endearing in you; Valas;〃 Pharaun remarked to the scout's back。 〃Well; I too have errands to run。 I must find what passes for a dealer in arcane reagents in this grim place; and replenish my spell ponents。〃
   〃Don't take too long;〃 Quenthel said。 She glanced over at Halisstra and Danifae。 〃Well; aren't you ing?〃
   〃Not yet;〃 Halisstra said。 〃As long as we're here; I think I will see to providing Danifae with weapons and armor。 We'll be back when she is suitably equipped。〃
   〃I thought you didn't care to allow your battle captive to fight for you;〃 Quenthel said; her eyes narrowing in calculation。
   〃I have decided that Danifae is something of a liability as long as she's unarmed and unarmored。 I don't want my property damaged for no good reason。〃
   Halisstra could almost feel the depth of Quenthel's suspicion; and the Baenre silently stroked the hilt of her whip as she studied the Ched Nasadan and her handmaid thoughtfully。
   Good; thought Halisstra。 Let her wonder what hold I have over Danifae that I feel confident arming her。 A little uncertainty might improve her assessment of our usefulness。
   〃Don't wander far or get yourselves into trouble;〃 Quenthel said。 〃I won't hesitate to set out without either of you if the circumstances so dictate。〃
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