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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   Nimor departed Menzoberranzan; carrying various payments and tokens to indicate that Reethk Vaszune had entered into an arrangement to provide the wizards of Agrach Dyrr with certain spell reagents and ponents on the small chance that he might be required to talk his way out of the city。 The details of the true arrangement he had forged he carried in no place except his own mind。 The Anointed Blade of the Jaezred Chaulssin was well satisfied with his work of the past few days。 While he did not strictly need Agrach Dyrr for what he had in mind; the acmodation he'd reached with the ancient master of the House would make the task ahead of him much easier。
   Nimor slipped from the Qu'ellarz'orl into a small side cavern leading out into the Dark Dominion。 He had e to know the maze of dangerous passages surrounding the great city quite well in the past few months; and he quickly found a dark; quiet spot unobserved by any of the city's defenders。 The Anointed Blade stretched out his hand toward the blank stone of the passage wall。 The Ring of Shadows gleamed on his left hand; a small circle of inky darkness that seemed more like a tiny hole in the world than a piece of ornamentation。 Among its other powers; the ring made available to him the ability to walk paths in the Plane of Shadow and so freed him from many of the constraints that travel on foot would otherwise place on him。
   He stepped forward toward the wall; and vanished into the Shadow Fringe。 His destination lay not much more than a hundred miles from Menzoberranzan。 He'd made the trip several times before; and it rarely took more than an hour。 No son of Chaulssin had much to fear walking among the shadows; so Nimor occupied himself during his journey by weighing the value of his alliance with Agrach Dyrr; and wondering whether the ancient sorcerer who secretly ruled the House could be trusted to do as he said he would。
   Nimor followed the dark path the ring forged through the Shadow Fringe for a measureless span of time; and the road began to twist back toward the mundane world。 It was nearly impossible to judge the passage of hours in the Fringe; but the magic of the spell was such that the path it created would; in its own time; emerge at the desired destination。 The assassin set his hand to the hilt of his rapier and took the last step of his journey; stepping through a veil of gloom into a large; vaultlike chamber of carefully fitted stone blocks。 Only one door led from the room; a great portal of iron reinforced by strengthening spells。 Nimor drew from beneath his mail vest a large bronze key and fitted it to the looming portal。 The door swung open with a squeal of rust。
   Beyond the door stood a great; dark hall lit by red…glowing coals in iron braziers。 Like the vault it was made of dressed stone; its ceiling supported by massive columns; but unlike similar chambers in drow palaces; the space was devoid of decoration or adornment。 Nimor felt the presence of some number of guardians; though they chose not to reveal themselves。
   〃It is I; Nimor Imphraezl;〃 he said。 〃Inform the crown prince that I am here。〃
   From the air beside him several duergar guards appeared; shedding their invisibility。 The gray dwarves stood a head shorter than the drow; but they were broad of shoulder and long of torso; their legs thick and short; their arms powerfully muscled。 They wore black plate armor and carried battle…axes and shields emblazoned with the symbol of Gracklstugh。 One duergar woman; her rank indicated only by a single strip of gold filigree on the brow of her helm; studied him carefully。
   〃The crown prince has left instructions to show you to a guest apartment in the palace。 He will call on you shortly。〃
   She made the courtesy sound like an order。
   The assassin folded his arms and suffered himself to be marched off by a pair of the prince's own Stone Guards。 The gray dwarves eyed him uneasily; as if they expected mischief from Nimor。 In truth; there was little love lost between duergar and drow; despite the fact that Menzoberranzan and Gracklstugh had stood as neighbors for millennia。 Gray dwarf and dark elf had fought more than one vicious war for control of the hundred…odd miles of cavern and chasm that lay between the two cities。 The fact that no such war had been fought in a century or more simply indicated that both races had e to hold a grudging respect for their enemy's strength; and not any real lessening of the ill will between them。
   The guards led him through the labyrinthine corridors of Gracklstugh's palace and showed him to a large suite in a disused portion of the fortress。 The furnishings were simple and functional; as fitted duergar taste。 Nimor settled down to wait; moving over to gaze out of a slitlike window at the gray dwarf city beyond the palace。 The city was as unlovely as ever; a reeking cauldron of smoke and noise。
   After a time; Nimor noted the approach of footsteps outside and turned as Horgar Steelshadow entered the suite; flanked by a pair of Stone Guards。
   〃Ah;〃 the dark elf said; inclining his head。 〃A good day to you; my lord。 How fares the City of Blades?〃
   〃I doubt that you care;〃 Horgar replied。 For the ruler of such a powerful city; the crown prince was in many ways unremarkable。 He looked very much like all the other duergar in the room; with a sullen cast to his eyes and a hairless skull。 He carried a scepter of office and did not wear armor; which was all that differentiated him from his bodyguards。 He motioned the guards to remain by the door; and strode over to speak quietly to Nimor。 〃Well? What news?〃
   〃I believe I have found the allies I was seeking in Menzoberranzan; dear prince。 A strong House eager to see the current order of things overthrown; but whose loyalty is not in question there。 The hour of your victory approaches。〃
   〃Hmph。 House Zauvirr was eager to hire our mercenaries in Ched Nasad; but damned few of Khorrl Xornbane's folk came back。 I don't doubt that you or that Zammzt fellow whispered the same thing in Khorrl's ear when you hired his pany。〃
   〃Xornbane's losses were regrettable; but in truth we did not expect the exceptional effectiveness of your stonefire bombs against Ched Nasad's calcified webs。 Absent that unforeseeable chance; Khorrl Xornbane would have taken the city with House Zauvirr。〃
   The duergar prince scowled; his beard jutting out like a bottlebrush。
   〃I warned Khorrl that dark elves have a habit of poorly rewarding mercenaries; especially dwarves。 I won't let another of our mercenary panies march into peril like that again。 Xornbane was an eighth of this city's strength。〃
   〃I have no need of a single pany of mercenaries; Prince; no matter how large and fierce;〃 Nimor assured him。 〃I have need of your whole army。 March in your full strength; and you need not fear defeat in detail。〃
   〃It still smells like an insidious drow ruse to me。〃
   Nimor frowned and said; 〃Prince Horgar; if you are hesitant to hazard any risks at all; you will rarely win a throw of the dice。 You have an opportunity to achieve something great; but I cannot tell you that your success is guaranteed; or that the
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