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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   Quenthel bristled and doubtless would have struck him down then; but Halisstra stepped between them。
   〃If we get caught here;〃 the Melarn priestess said; 〃we'll implicate you in whatever charges are brought against us; dwarf。 Now get us underway。〃
   Coalhewer stared up at the three dark elves; his face contorted with fury。
   〃I dealt fairly with ye; and this be my thanks?〃 he snarled。 〃I should've known better than to traffic with yer kind!〃
   He whirled to cast off the lines securing the macabre vessel to the quay; barking orders at the hulking skeletons in the center of the boat。
   Quenthel looked at Halisstra with narrowed eyes and asked; 〃Why spare the dwarf? You know he's lying about manding the boat。〃
   Halisstra shrugged and said; 〃You can always kill him later; if you're so inclined。〃
   As the wheels at the side of the vessel began to churn in the water; Ryld and Jeggred sprinted up; clambering aboard。 Blood dripped from both the half…demon's talons and Splitter。 Pharaun bounded up a moment later; after sealing the end of the pier with a wall of roaring flame to keep the soldiers at bay。
   〃That won't hold them for long; I'm sure;〃 the wizard said。 〃There must be three or four mages back there; and they'll extinguish that wall quickly enough。 Best we get well away from here before they can fling their spells against our humble conveyance。〃
   Ryld studied the wall of fire at the pier's end and scowled。
   〃You realize you've also blocked Valas's escape with that spell;〃 he grated。 〃We need him; Pharaun。 We can't leave him here。〃
   〃I'm flattered; Master Argith。〃
   From the shadows of the vessel's stern; Valas stood up and adjusted his piwafwi。
   〃Where in Lolth's dark hells did you e from?〃 the weapons master said; blinking and rubbing his eyes。
   〃I boarded just a few steps behind the three ladies;〃 the scout said。 He glanced around; savoring the open surprise on the faces of his panions; then made a small bow and a gesture of self…deprecation。 〃As I said; I am not easily followed or marked when I do not wish to be。 Besides; it seemed that the three of you had the crown prince's soldiers in hand。〃
   The Master of Melee…Magthere snorted; and returned Splitter to its sheath across his back。 He turned to the city's waterfront; which was receding quickly into the darkness。 Fire still glowed along the piers; illuminating the bizarre profiles of more duergar vessels whose crews swarmed the decks; shouting orders at each other and scurrying to obey the crown prince's soldiers。
   〃I hope our vessel is faster than theirs;〃 Ryld said。
   〃Not to worry;〃 Coalhewer called from his perch。 〃This be the fastest vessel on the Darklake。 None of those scows can catch us。〃
   He snapped out another order to the hulking skeletons driving the boat; and the undead monstrosities redoubled their efforts; driving their crankshafts faster and faster; until a froth of white foam boiled at the paddle…wheels。 The duergar city faded into the darkness behind them; marked by nothing more than a red glare on the cavern ceiling。
   〃A dire development all this;〃 Quenthel mused。 〃Menzoberranzan hardly needs a war with the duergar now。〃
   〃Do we alter our course?〃 Ryld asked。 〃Menzoberranzan must be warned of the duergar army。〃
   The Mistress of Arach…Tinilith stood in thought for a moment; then said; 〃No。 What we're doing is more important; and if I am not mistaken Pharaun possesses the means to pass a warning to the archmage。 Is that not so; wizard?〃
   The Master of Sorcere simply smiled and spread his hands。
   Nimor's soft footfalls echoed in corridor after empty corridor as he made his way through the crown prince's fortress。 At odd intervals he passed pairs of scowling guards in heavy armor; halberds held upright; and he wondered if they ever tired of looking at the blank stone walls in the course of their duties。
   Most likely not; he decided。 Duergar were simply insensitive to that sort of thing。
   In his hand; Nimor idly flipped a small envelope from finger to finger。 The Lady Aliisza of the Sceptered One's Court (an inventive title if Nimor had ever heard one) had invited him to join her for dinner in her chambers; observing that the gray dwarves had so far failed to invite her to any kind of banquet or dinner。 Nimor didn't expect that panionship for dinner was the only thing on her agenda。
   Arriving at the rooms assigned to the Sceptered One's envoy; he tucked his invitation back into his breast pocket; and rapped twice at the door。
   〃Enter;〃 called a soft voice。
   Nimor let himself in。 Aliisza waited by a table spread with quite an impressive meal; plete with a bottle of wine from the World Above and a pair of glasses already poured。 She wore a flowing skirt of red silk with a tight…fitting corselet trimmed with black lace。 The colors suited her; he noted; and even went well with her soft black wings。
   〃Lady Aliisza;〃 he said; offering a bow。 〃I am flattered。 I am certain the repast before me did not e from the crown prince's kitchens。〃
   〃There is a limit to how much smoked rothe cheese and black spore…flour bread one can stand;〃 she said。 She took the wine glasses in hand and moved close to extend him one。 〃I admit; I had my entourage scour the city to find inns and taverns willing to provide meals suited to an elf's palate。〃
   Nimor took the glass and swirled it; bringing it to his nose to inhale the aroma。 Not only did it allow him to appreciate the wine's bouquet; but he could sniff the vintage for any signs of the various subtle poisons with which he was familiar。 He would have proved difficult to poison in any case; but he did not detect any strange scents。
   〃You have my thanks; dear lady。 I have been traveling of late; and have been forced to live on very plain fare indeed。〃
   Aliisza sipped at her own wine; and nodded at the table。
   〃In that case; why don't we eat while we talk?〃
   Nimor took the seat opposite the half…demon; and fell to his meal。 One of the consequences of his true nature was a surprising ability to eat far more than one might expect for a dark elf of his slight build; and to go for quite a long time between meals。 The rothe roast with mushroom gravy was cool and rare in the middle and quite excellent; the small blind fish were somewhat saltier than he would have cared for; and the wine was dry and strong; a good match for the roast。
   〃So; to what do I owe the pleasure of this occasion?〃 he asked between mouthfuls。
   〃You intrigue me; Nimor Imphraezl。 I want to know more about who you are; and what interests you represent。〃
   〃Who I am? I have given you my true name;〃 Nimor replied。
   〃That is not exactly the sort of answer I had in mind。〃 Aliisza leaned forward; her eyes fixed on him。 〃What I meant was; whom do you serve? What are you doing here?〃
   Nimor felt a subtle flutter at the edges of his thoughts; as if he was trying to remember something he'd momentarily misplaced。 He leaned back in his chair and grinned at the alu…fiend。
   〃I hope you'll forgive me; dear lady; but I recently found 
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