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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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left and right for as far as Halisstra could see。 The boat slued to an awkward halt; its starboard bow rebounding from a thankfully rounded rock in their path。 The impact staggered everyone on board; and nearly pitched Danifae headlong over the bow。
   〃Now what?〃 Ryld asked; picking himself up off the deck。 〃They've got us pinned against the cavern wall。〃
   〃How long will your fog delay the gray dwarves?〃 Quenthel snapped at Pharaun。
   〃No more than a couple of minutes;〃 he answered。 〃They might choose to back out and go around; of course。〃
   Pharaun stared intently at his handiwork。 In the distance; duergar screamed in pain; their cries of agony oddly muffled by the insidious white mist。
   〃The spell is unlikely to kill or disable very many of them;〃 the wizard added; 〃and I don't think it'll sink their boats。〃
   〃Then this is where we get off;〃 Quenthel said。 She pointed at the cavern wall。 〃We'll take cover in the rocks there; and stay out of sight。 We'll send the boat that way…〃 she pointed toward the east…〃and let the crown prince's men chase it away from us。〃
   〃I won't be yer decoy!〃 Coalhewer snapped。 〃Ye got me into this mess; and ye'll get me out of it!〃
   The dark elves ignored the dwarf as they hurriedly threw their packs to the wet rocks below the bow。 Jeggred bounded down into the icy water and struggled up on shore; followed by Ryld and Pharaun。 Valas swarmed down from the bridge and vaulted down as well。
   〃You're wasting my time;〃 Quenthel said to the duergar captain。 〃Go on; now; and take your chances; or stay here and face the draegloth。〃
   She leaped lightly to the boulders below; joined by Halisstra and Danifae a moment later。
   〃But if ye 。。。 ah; damn the lot of ye to Lolth's spidery hells!〃 Coalhewer swore。
   He dashed back up to his bridge and began to bark orders at the skeletal rowers again。 The boat slowly backed away from the rocks。
   〃If they catch me;〃 he shouted back; 〃I'll tell them exactly where to find ye!〃
   Quenthel narrowed her eyes。 She started to gesture to Jeggred; but Halisstra shook her head and started a low; droning bae'qeshel song。 She gathered the force of her will and hurled it full upon the livid dwarf。
   〃Escape; Coalhewer;〃 she hissed。 〃Flee as quickly as you may; and do not let yourself be caught。 If you are caught; better to swim to safety than to let yourself be taken。〃
   The invisible webs of the spell settled about the dwarf like a snowfall of deadly venom。 He stared open…mouthed at Halisstra; then whirled to redouble his efforts to take his boat clear before the fog lifted。 Quenthel glanced at Halisstra and raised an eyebrow。
   〃It seemed best to make sure he would flee as we wanted him to;〃 Halisstra explained as she quickly gathered her things and hurried for the cover of the boulders and stalagmites above the waterline。
   Quenthel followed a step behind her。 They splashed ashore and settled behind a large rock just as the prow of the first duergar boat; still glowing red with embers left from the fireball Pharaun had hurled at it; nosed through the deadly mists。 The dark elves drew their piwafwis close around them and held still; watching as the duergar stirred and broke from whatever shelters they'd managed to find from the acidic fog。
   One of the gray dwarves pointed and shouted; and the others joined the clamor。 Turning sharply in the water; they slewed around the ship's bow and set off after Coalhewer's vanishing boat。
   Good; signed Pharaun。 I was afraid they were using magic to follow us。 It seems that Master Coalhewer will render us one last service after all。
   What do you think will happen when they catch him? Ryld asked。
   The duergar boats pulled out of earshot。
   〃I suppose it depends on whether or not he can swim;〃 Halisstra said。
   A long day's march later; pausing only long enough to allow Pharaun to finally craft a sending to pass news of Gracklstugh's army to Gromph; the pany came to the Labyrinth。 They emerged from winding; unexplored passageways into a series of miles…long natural tunnels interspersed with long; hewn ways and small; square chambers。 Coalhewer; his boat; and the pursuit from Gracklstugh they'd left twenty miles or more behind them。
   The tunnels were black basalt; cold and sharp; the frozen remnants of great fires from the beginning of the world。 From time to time the party encountered great vertical rifts hundreds of feet high; where tunnels ended in blank walls with rough; perilous steps cut up or down to a different level where the path continued。 Whole sheets of the world's crust had sunk or fractured in places; shearing off the old lava tunnels and leaving behind vast; lightless chasms deep in the earth。 A few of these places were spanned by slender bridges of stone; or circled by crude paths hacked from the hard rock of the walls。 Everywhere they turned; more square passages and twisting; smooth…floored tunnels branched from their line of march; so that in the space of an hour Halisstra was forced to concede that she'd bee hopelessly lost。
   〃I see why they call this place the Labyrinth;〃 she said softly; as the pany threaded its way along a narrow ledge overlooking another of the chasms。 〃This place is truly a maze。〃
   〃It's worse than you think;〃 Valas replied from the front of the party。 He paused to examine the path ahead; and another of the ubiquitous openings on one side。 〃It's close to two hundred miles from north to south; and almost half that from east to west。 Most of it is exactly like this; a confusion of lava tubes and hand…cut tunnels with thousands of branching turns and twists。〃
   〃How can you hope to find House Jaelre in all this?〃 Ryld asked。 〃Do you know this place so well that you've mastered it?〃
   〃Mastered it? Hardly。 You could spend a lifetime here and never see the whole thing; but I do know something of its ways。 Several well…traveled caravan routes exist along some of the straighter paths; though we're not near any of those。 Few travelers approach the Labyrinth from the east; as we have。〃 The scout stepped a little ahead and brushed his hand against the wall; near the place where the other tunnel opened up。 Old; strange symbols glowed with a greenish light beneath his fingertips。 〃Fortunately; the builders carved runes to identify their secret ways。 It's a code of markings that holds true throughout the Labyrinth。 I solved the puzzle when I last journeyed here。 We're not in tunnels I traveled before; but I think I know how to reach them from here。〃
   〃You are a lad of many talents;〃 Pharaun observed。
   〃Who carved these tunnels?〃 Halisstra asked。 〃If this place is as big as you say; it must have been a powerful realm in its day; but I can tell at a glance those marks aren't ours。 Nor are they duergar; illithid; or aboleth。〃
   〃Minotaurs;〃 Valas replied。 〃I don't know how long ago their realm rose or fell; but there was a great kingdom of them here at some point in the past。〃
   〃Minotaurs?〃 Quenthel sneered。 〃They're bestial savages。 They could hardly have the wits or the patience to undertake work of this scope; let alone build a great
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