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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   〃Minotaurs?〃 Quenthel sneered。 〃They're bestial savages。 They could hardly have the wits or the patience to undertake work of this scope; let alone build a great realm。〃
   Valas shrugged and said; 〃That may be true now; but a thousand years ago; who knows? I've found plenty of their artifacts and remains scattered through this region。 The horned skulls are quite distinctive。 My friends among House Jaelre told me that many minotaurs still roam the wild places and disused passages of the Labyrinth; including demonic beasts armed with powerful sorcery。 Their patrols skirmished with the monsters regularly。〃
   〃One wonders whether we might at some point in our journey happen to pass through a realm filled with cheerful; civilized folk genuinely concerned for our well…being and eager to help us on our way;〃 Pharaun muttered。 〃I am beginning to think our fair city lies at the bottom of a barrel of venomous snakes。〃
   〃If so; we're quicker; stronger; and more venomous than any other snake in the barrel;〃 Quenthel said with a smile。 〃e; let's continue。 If there are any minotaurs about; they would be well…advised not to show themselves where the children of Menzoberranzan choose to walk。〃
   The pany continued on for several hours more through endless gloomy halls and contorted passages before calling a halt to rest and replenish their strength。 The stretch of the Labyrinth they wandered seemed to be quite deserted。 They found few signs that anything; even the mindless predatory creatures of the Underdark; had passed that way in many years。 The air was preternaturally still and silent。 Whenever their whispered conversation died away for a moment; the quiet of the place seemed to rush in upon them; pressing close with a strangely hostile quality; as if the very stone resented their presence。
   After Valas and Ryld had been set to watch; the rest wrapped themselves in their piwafwis and made themselves as fortable as possible on the cold stone floor of the cavern。 Halisstra let her eyes fall half…closed and drifted off into a deep Reverie; dreaming about endless tunnels and strange old secrets buried in mold。 In her dream she thought she could make out a faint; distant rustling or whisper in the quiet; as if she might hear something more if only she moved a little ways off from the others; out into the darkness alone。 Despite the fact that the air was pletely still and motionless; she discerned the distant deep sighing of wind far off in the tunnels; a low moaning sound that tickled at the edge of her awareness; like something important she had forgotten。 Lolth's whispers sometimes came to one in that fashion; a sibilant sigh of wordless intent filling a priestess with knowledge of the demon queen's desires。
   Hope and fear stirred in Halisstra's heart and she came closer to wakefulness。
   What is your wish; Goddess? she cried out in her mind。 Tell me how House Melarn might win your favor again。 Tell me how Ched Nasad might be made whole。 I will do anything you mand of me!
   Faithless daughter; the wind whispered back to her。 Foolish weakling。
   Horror jolted Halisstra from her Reverie and she sat up straight; her heart pounding。
   Only a dream; she told herself。 I dreamed of what I wished to happen; and what I feared might e; but nothing more。 The Spider Queen has not spoken。 She has not condemned me。
   Nearby; the others lay on the cold stone floor or sat wrapped deep in their own meditations; taking their rest; while a little distance away Ryld stood guard; a broad…shouldered shape motionless in the dark。 The daughter of House Melarn lowered her eyes and listened to the curious sound of the wind; surrounded in the darkness her people had made theirs。
   〃Lolth does not speak;〃 she whispered。 〃I heard only the wind; nothing else。〃
   Why has the Goddess abandoned us? Why did she allow Ched Nasad to fall? How did we incur her wrath? Halisstra wondered。 Her eyes stung with bitter tears。 Were we unworthy of her?
   The wind rose again; this time closer; louder。 It was not a whistling; or even a rushing sound。 It reminded her of the call of a deep…voiced horn far off; perhaps many horns; and it was growing。 Halisstra frowned; puzzled。 Was this some strange phenomenon of the Labyrinth; a rush of air through pipelike tunnels in the dark? Such things were not unknown in other places of the Underdark。 In some cases the winds could scour a tunnel bare of life; they were so sudden and powerful。 This one muttered and babbled and thrummed as she listened; many great horns roaring at once…
   Halisstra leaped to her feet。 Ryld stood staring back the way they had e; Splitter gleaming in his hand。
   〃Do you hear them?〃 she called to Ryld。 〃The minotaurs are ing!〃
   〃I thought it was the wind;〃 the fighter growled。 〃Rouse the others。〃
   He sprinted down the passageway toward the approaching host; shouting for Valas to join him from his post in the other direction。 Halisstra snatched up her pack and shouldered it quickly; rousing the rest of the pany with shouts of alarm and the occasional quick kick for those who were slow to shake off their deep trances。
   She readied her crossbow; loading a quarrel as she peered down the tunnel behind them。
   The floor quivered beneath her feet。 Great footfalls as hard as rock came in a stamping rush; and deep bellows and snorts echoed and echoed again in a roiling cacophony that filled the passage。 Hot animal stink assaulted her nostrils; and she saw them…an onrushing mob of dozens of the hulking brutes; huge bull…headed monsters with shaggy pelts and massive hooves; clutching mighty axes and flails in their thickly muscled fists。
   Before that storm Ryld and Valas skipped and darted like sparrows blown before a gale; battling furiously for their lives against the bloodthirsty savages。 Halisstra took aim quickly and shot one monster in the chest with her powerful crossbow; but the creature was so blood…maddened it simply ignored the bolt buried in its thick torso。 She laid in another quarrel as the bow's magic cocked it again; only to have her shot spoiled by Jeggred's rush into the fray。
   〃Jeggred; you idiot; there are too many to fight!〃 she cried。
   The draegloth ignored her and threw himself against the horde。 For a moment the half…demon's size and fury held up the minotaurs' charge; but over Jeggred's white…furred shoulders and the flashing blades of Ryld and Valas; Halisstra could make out dozens more of the hirsute monsters; fanged mouths bellowing challenges; eyes glowing red with rage。 Several had fallen before Splitter; Valas's curved knives; and Jeggred's talons; but battle…frenzied minotaurs shrugged off all but the most grievous of injuries; clawing over each other to get at the drow invaders。
   Halisstra shifted to one side and shot again; while Danifae joined her with her own crossbow。 Quenthel danced just behind Jeggred; flicking her deadly scourge at monsters threatening to swarm over the draegloth; and Pharaun shouted an arcane word that hurled a bright globe of crackling energy into the midst of the minotaur ranks。 The sphere detonated with a clap of thunder and blasted bright arcs
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