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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   Gromph concluded his turning spell just in time; as Dyrr recovered with impossible speed and lashed out with a dire black ray of invidious energy that would have ripped away great portions of the archmage's very life…force had it struck home。 Instead; the ebon beam rebounded on Gromph's shield and struck Dyrr in the center of his torso。 This; however; had an unforeseen effect。 Instead of shredding the ancient lich's own life…force; the crackling black energy swelled the Lord of Agrach Dyrr with its horrible power。 The lich laughed aloud。
   〃A clever move; Gromph; but I fear it miscarried。 Living creatures are grievously harmed by that spell; but the undead are invigorated by it!〃
   The archmage muttered a curse and struck again; this time directing a vile green ray at the laughing lich。 It burned a perfect round hole in Dyrr's breastbone; blasting undead flesh and bone to dust。 The lich screeched again in whatever passed for pain in its undead state and leaped aside before Gromph could disintegrate him outright。
   Even as the archmage menced another casting; Dyrr snarled out the words of a dark and murderous spell that clawed horribly at Gromph's flesh; sucking greedily at the very fluids of his body and bleaching his skin with a thousand needles of agony。 Gromph gasped aloud in pain and lost the spell he'd been preparing to cast; stumbling back over a marble bench and falling heavily to the floor。
   Damn it all; he thought。 I need to buy a moment's respite。
   Fortunately; he was in his sanctum; surrounded by a dozen weapons he might employ。
   Gromph rolled to his elbow and barked out; 〃Szashune! Destroy him!〃
   In one alcove of the room; a tall statue of a four…armed swordsman carved from perfect black obsidian stirred to life; striding out into the chamber as it hefted and clashed its ebon blades like a living warrior。
   Dyrr skittered away several steps and spoke a word。 The lich soared up out of the spiderstone golem's reach; but Gromph used the opportunity of the distraction to summon up the most destructive spell he knew and hurl it at the airborne lich。 From his outstretched hands eight brilliant orbs of blinding white energy streaked out to blast through the lich's undead form; each detonating in a stone…shattering explosion that demolished great gaping pieces of the undead sorcerer。 The exploding meteors caused no small damage to Gromph's sanctum; blasting a pair of old bookshelves to flinders and snapping an arm from the spiderstone golem as if the device was a toy damaged by a petulant child。 Gromph cried out in triumph as pieces of Dyrr clattered to the floor。
   Dust billowed from the hovering form of the lich; and his skull nodded down to his breastbone almost as if his animating magic was failing him; but the bony creature returned to itself with startling speed。 Dyrr looked up again as wicked green light grew strong in his eye sockets; and he laughed。
   〃My old bones aren't the entirety of my being; Gromph;〃 he rasped。 〃You abuse them to no great effect。〃
   He started to intone another spell; but the archmage struck again; seeking to dispel any enchantments or abjurations protecting the lich。 Dyrr's flying spell failed; and the lich sank down into blade…reach of the living statue waiting below。
   The golem rushed forward。 The massive construct pounded at the lich with terrific blows of its three remaining arms; its gleaming black face pletely expressionless。 The conjury rang with the mighty impact of the blows。 Gromph bared his teeth in a savage grin。
   〃You might not be tied to your moldering corpse; lich; but you'll have a difficult time casting spells when you've been dismembered and buried in a dozen different graves;〃 he called。 〃You were a fool to challenge me here!〃
   Gromph prowled closer; looking for an opening to strike again with a spell。
   Dyrr endured two; then three tremendous blows from the towering statue; staggering in his steps as bone cracked and split。 The demon…faced buckler darted and wheeled around him; laughing shrilly and blocking even more blows than that; parrying strike after strike from the stone construct。 The sorcerer retreated a step; found his footing; and spread his arms wide。 His gleaming black robes shimmered once; and exploded outward in a deadly spinning saw of razor…sharp blades that carved chunks of stone from Gromph's golem and diced tables; furnishings; and books with abandon。
   Blades slashed through the archmage's own potent defensive enchantments; gashing him in a dozen places; though nowhere deep enough to kill。 Gromph threw himself flat to duck beneath the disk of flying razors; blinking blood from his eyes as his golem crumbled into worthless black rock。
   Dyrr shouted in triumph and leaped forward at the archmage; swinging his adamantine staff with startling speed and swiftness。 Gromph yelped in surprise and rolled aside just in time to avoid a two…handed blow that split the marble flagstone right where he'd fallen。
   〃That does not befit mages of our station!〃 Gromph howled; scrambling to his feet。
   Dyrr didn't answer。 Instead the lich leaped after him; clearing off whole tabletops and bookshelves with great two…handed sweeps of his staff。
   Gromph shouted a spell that ripped the lich's weapon from his grasp; hurling it across the room with such force that the adamantine rod stuck; quivering end first; in the chamber's wall like a javelin thrown by a giant。
   As Dyrr floundered for balance; Gromph took a moment to craft a potent spell defense; a shimmering globe that would pletely negate the effects of all but the most powerful of spells。 So fortified; he hunted quickly through the various incantations locked in his mind; seeking the most efficacious to employ against the Lord of Agrach Dyrr。
   〃Ah;〃 Dyrr remarked; studying the shimmering sphere。 〃An excellent defense; young Gromph; but not impervious to one of my skill。〃
   The lich muttered a word of awful power and scuttled forward; his skeletal talons outstretched。 Seemingly unconcerned by Gromph's defensive spell the lich plunged his hand through the dancing globe of color and grasped the archmage by one arm。 Gromph shrieked in dismay as the power of the lich's spell struck full upon him; blasting his defensive globe to motes of winking light and locking his every muscle into an absolute rigidity。
   〃Gromph Baenre; thou art encysted;〃 Dyrr intoned; his naked teeth gleamed against the great and terrible blackness within his skull。
   The archmage had one long glimpse at the triumphant lich standing over him; then he started to fall。 Gromph; unable to move; plummeted straight down through the floor; through the flickering rooms and chambers of Sorcere; through a vast distance into the yawning black rock below the tower; the city; the world。 For one terrible instant Gromph felt himself at the bottom of a measureless well; staring up through uncounted miles of darkness at the pinprick figure of his nemesis above。 The darkness fell in upon him and smothered him in its embrace。
   In the archmage's chambers in Sorcere; the lich Dyrr stood; looking down at the spot in the floor w
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