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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   In the archmage's chambers in Sorcere; the lich Dyrr stood; looking down at the spot in the floor where he had condemned Gromph Baenre。 Had he been a living mage Dyrr might have panted for breath; trembled with fatigue; or perhaps even collapsed from mortal wounds sustained in the fierce duel; but the dark magic binding his undead sinews and bones together was not subject to the weaknesses of the living。
   〃Bide there a time; young Gromph;〃 he said to the empty place。 〃I may find a use for you yet; perhaps in a century or two。〃
   He made a curt gesture and vanished from the conjury。
   The great peals of a thunderclap echoed through the black stone passageways; a rumbling so deep and visceral that Halisstra could feel it more than hear it。 She crouched in the shadow of a great stone arch and risked a quick glance across the great hall。 On the far side; below the drow party; a handful of hulking monsters picked themselves up off the floor and sought cover。 Several more lay still in the rubble and wreckage of the lower portion of the hall。
   〃That broke their rush;〃 Halisstra called out to her panions。 〃They're regrouping; though。〃
   〃Determined bastards;〃 Pharaun said。
   The wizard sheltered behind a towering pillar of stone; grimacing with fatigue。 Over the previous day and a half the pany had marched at least thirty miles through the endless corridors of the Labyrinth; pursued at every turn by seemingly endless hordes of minotaurs and baphomet demons。 On two occasions the dark elves had narrowly avoided fiendishly clever efforts to trap them by closing off the tunnels they were fleeing through。
   〃I have few spells of that sort left;〃 Pharaun said。 〃We need to find a place where I can rest and ready more spells。〃
   〃You'll rest when we all do; wizard;〃 Quenthel growled。 The Baenre and her whip were splattered with gore; and her armor showed more than one ugly rent where a deadly blow had barely been turned。 〃We're close to the Jaelre。 We must be。 Let's move again before the minotaurs organize another charge。〃
   The other drow exchanged looks; but they pushed themselves to their feet and followed Quenthel and Valas into another passage。 This ran for perhaps four hundred yards before opening into another great hall; this one featuring tall; fluted columns and a floor paved with well…fitted flagstones。 Graceful; winding staircases rose up along the cavern walls to meet long; sheltered galleries where dim faerie fire burned; illuminating chambers that might once have been workshops; merchant houses; or simply the modest homes of soldiers and artisans。
   〃Drow work again;〃 Ryld observed。 〃And again; abandoned。 You're certain this is the place; Valas?〃
   The scout nodded wearily; his right hand clamped over a shallow but bloody wound on his left shoulder。
   〃I have been in this very cavern before;〃 he replied。 〃These are Jaelre dwellings。 Up there a number of armorers lived; and over on that wall was an inn I stayed at。 The palace of the Jaelre nobles lies just through the next passage。〃
   Quenthel leaped up a short; curving stairway and glanced into some kind of shop; its windows dark and empty。 She swore and moved past several others; looking into each in turn before descending back to the floor of the main hall。
   〃If these are the Jaelre dwellings; then where in all the screaming hells are the Jaelre?〃 she demanded。 〃Did the accursed minotaurs slay them all?〃
   〃I doubt it;〃 Halisstra said。 〃No battle was fought here…we would have seen the signs。 Even if the minotaurs had carried off all the bodies over the years; there would be scorch marks; broken flagstones; the remnants of ruined weapons。 I think the Jaelre left this place of their own accord。〃
   〃How long ago was it that you were here; Valas?〃 asked Ryld。
   〃Almost fifty years;〃 the scout said。 〃Not that long ago; really。 The Jaelre skirmished frequently with the minotaurs back then; and these caverns were guarded by both physical and magical defenses。〃 He studied the great chamber carefully。 〃Let me proceed ahead a little ways。 I will see if I can find anything in the palace that might illuminate this riddle。〃
   〃Should we all go?〃 Ryld asked。
   〃Best not。 There is only one entrance to the palace; and we could be trapped inside if the minotaurs return in numbers。 Remain outside; so that you can escape if you need to。 I will return in a few minutes。〃
   The scout slipped off into the darkness; leaving the pany in the abandoned hall。
   〃I think I agree with Mistress Melarn;〃 Ryld said。 〃It seems the Jaelre carried away everything of value and left this place。〃
   〃A great deal of trouble for nothing; then;〃 Pharaun remarked。 〃If there's anything so disappointing as fruitless toil and hardship; I'm not sure what it is。〃
   The pany stood in silence a moment; each occupied with his own thoughts。
   Halisstra ached with exhaustion; her legs as weak as water。 She had avoided any serious injury; but on the other hand she had almost pletely exhausted her reservoir of magical strength over the past few hours; wielding her bae'qeshel songs to confuse the attacking hordes; strengthen her panions; and staunch the worst of her panions' wounds。
   Jeggred; lurking at the rear of the band near the tunnel leading back to the previous room; broke the silence。
   〃If the mercenary does not return soon; we will be fighting again;〃 the draegloth said。 〃I do not hear the minotaurs behind us any longer; which means they're probably circling around to e at us from another direction。〃
   〃We've taught them not to e at us down long; straight tunnels; I suppose;〃 Ryld observed。 He studied the Jaelre cavern with a practiced eye。 〃Best not to let them catch us in the open like this。 They might overwhelm us with sheer numbers。〃
   Danifae asked quietly; 〃What if this is a dead end?〃
   〃It can't be;〃 Quenthel said。 〃Somewhere in these caverns we'll discover where it is the Jaelre have fled to; and we will follow。 I have e too far to return to Menzoberranzan empty…handed。〃
   〃That's all very good;〃 Pharaun said。 〃However; I feel constrained to point out that we are exhausted and have almost used up our magical strength。 Blundering through these halls and corridors until the minotaurs manage to trap and kill us is sheer stupidity。 Why don't we lie low in one of those artisan homes…say; in that gallery over there…and rest until we're ready to continue? I believe I can conceal our presence from our pursuers。〃
   Quenthel's eyes flashed with fire as she said; 〃We will rest when I see fit。 Until then; we keep moving。〃
   〃I do not believe you understand what I am saying…〃 Pharaun began; rising to his feet and speaking with short; clipped words。
   〃I do not believe you understand what I am manding you to do!〃 Quenthel snapped。 She whirled on the wizard and stepped close; her whips writhing in agitation。 〃You will cease your incessant questioning of my leadership。〃
   〃When you begin to lead intelligently; I will;〃 Pharaun retorted; his calm demeanor finally cracking。 〃Now; listen…〃
   Jeggred rose with a feral snarl and grasped the
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