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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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middle of the day? Would they be able to see at all; or would they all be blinded pletely?
   〃Once;〃 she said; 〃our ancestors gazed on the daylit world without fear of the sun。 They walked unafraid beneath the sky; beneath the fires of day; and the darkness was what they feared。 Can you imagine such a thing?〃
   Danifae offered a demure smile that did not reach her eyes。 Halisstra knew the look well。 It was an expression the maid used to indulge her mistress; agreeing to a remark to which she had no response。 Danifae indicated the ruined palace and its courts with a tilt of her head。
   〃Mistress Baenre has called Pharaun and the others to attend her;〃 the battle captive said。 〃I believe she means to decide what to do next。〃
   〃She sent you for me?〃 Halisstra asked absently。
   〃No; Mistress。〃
   Halisstra looked up sharply。 Danifae offered a shy shrug。
   〃I thought you might wish to be present anyway。〃
   〃Indeed;〃 replied Halisstra。
   She smoothed her cloak and glanced around once more at the crumbling ruins that stretched as far as she could see。 In the long shadows of sunrise; the wall tops glowed orange; and pools of blackness lay behind them。 Since the wind had died; Halisstra became aware of a sense of watchfulness; of old hostility perhaps; waiting somewhere in the walls and broken domes。
   The two women picked their way back to the party's camp in the stone…flagged courtyard and quietly joined the discussion。 Quenthel glanced at them as they approached; but kept her attention on the others。
   〃We have learned that the priestesses of Ched Nasad have lost Lolth's favor; just as we have。 We did not learn why。 We learned that Houses allied to us through trade and blood had elected to appropriate our much…needed property for their own; turning their backs on us。 We failed to restore the flow of trade to Menzoberranzan…〃
   〃A failure for which we can hardly be held accountable;〃 Pharaun interrupted。 〃The city is pletely destroyed。 The status of Baenre trade interests in Ched Nasad is now moot。〃
   Quenthel continued as if the wizard had not spoken; 〃Finally; we find ourselves in some godsforsaken portion of the World Above; at some unknown distance from our home; low on provisions and stranded in a hostile desert。 Have I accurately summed up events?〃
   Valas shifted unfortably and said; 〃All but the last; I think。 I believe that we are somewhere in the desert known as Anauroch; in fact in its northwestern portions。 If I am correct; Menzoberranzan lies perhaps five hundred miles west of us; and somewhat 。 。 。 down; of course。〃
   〃You have been here before?〃
   〃No;〃 the scout said; 〃but there are only a few deserts in Faerun; especially at so northerly a latitude; so it is a very good bet that Anauroch is where we must be。 There is a range of snow…capped mountains perhaps forty or fifty miles to our west; which you can see quite clearly in the daylight。 Those I believe to be the Graypeak or Nether Mountains。 They could be the Ice Mountains; but if we were so far north as to see them; I would think we would be in the High Ice; and not in this sandy and rocky stretch of the Great Desert。〃
   〃I've e to trust your sense of direction; but I can't say I relish the prospect of marching half a thousand miles across the surface lands to get home;〃 Ryld Argith said; rubbing his hand over his short…cropped hair。 He moved stiffly in his armor; bruised and battered beneath the mail from their desperate fight to escape Ched Nasad。 〃Citadel Adbar; Sundabar; and Silverymoon would all stand in our way; and they have very little love for our kind。〃
   〃Let them try to stop us;〃 growled Jeggred。 〃We'll travel by night; when the humans and the light…elves are blind。 Even if someone should stumble into us; well; the surface dwellers are soft。 I don't fear them。 Neither should you。〃
   Ryld bridled at the draegloth's remark; but Quenthel silenced him with a raised hand。
   〃We will do what we have to do;〃 she said。 〃If we have to spend the next two months creeping across the surface realms under cover of night; we will do exactly that。〃
   She turned gracefully and paced away; gazing thoughtfully at the ruined court around them。
   The party fell silent as each of the dark elves watched Quenthel's back。 Pharaun pushed himself erect and wrapped his piwafwi closer around his lean torso。 The black cloak flapped in the bitter wind。
   〃The question that vexes me;〃 the mage said to no one in particular; 〃is whether we have acplished what we set out to do。 I do not relish the idea of crawling back to Menzoberranzan with nothing more to show for months of effort than news of Ched Nasad's fall。〃
   〃No priestess of the Spider Queen holds the answers we seek;〃 said Quenthel。 〃We will return to Menzoberranzan。 I can only trust that the goddess will make clear the meaning of her silence when it suits her。〃
   Pharaun grimaced and said; 〃Blind faith is a poor substitute for a plan by which you might win the answers you seek。〃
   〃Faith in the goddess is the only thing we have;〃 Halisstra snapped。 She shifted half a step closer to the master of Sorcere。 〃You have forgotten your place if you address a high priestess of Lolth in such a manner。 Do not forget it again。〃
   Pharaun opened his mouth to frame what would no doubt have been an even more inflammatory retort; but Ryld; sitting next to him; simply cleared his throat and scratched at his chin。 The wizard paused a moment under the eyes of his panions; and shrugged。
   〃All I meant was that it seems clear to me that the Spider Queen means for us to puzzle out her silence for ourselves。〃
   〃How do you suggest we should do that?〃 Quenthel asked。 She folded her arms and pivoted to glare at Pharaun。 〃In case you have forgotten; we've toiled for months to discern the cause of the Silence。〃
   〃But we have not exhausted all avenues of investigation; have we?〃 Pharaun said。 〃In Ched Nasad; we spoke of seeking the assistance of a priest of Vhaeraun; possibly Master Hune's acquaintance Tzirik。 We drow have other deities beside Lolth; after all。 Is it so unreasonable to speculate that another god might be able to explain Lolth's unusual silence?〃
   The circle fell still。 The wizard's words were not ones monly heard in Menzoberranzan。 Few dared utter such thoughts in the presence of the Spider Queen's clergy。
   〃I see no need to go begging favors of a male heretic worshiping a miserable whelp of a god;〃 Quenthel said。 〃I doubt that Lolth has deigned to confide her purposes in any lesser powers。〃
   〃You are probably correct;〃 said Pharaun。 〃She certainly hasn't confided them in you; after all。〃
   Jeggred snarled at the wizard; and Pharaun raised his hands in a placating gesture; rolling his eyes。
   Valas licked his lips nervously and offered; 〃Most of you have spent the great majority of your lives in Menzoberranzan; as is fit and proper for drow of your respective stations。 I have traveled more widely; and I have visited places that secretly…even openly; in some cases…permit the worship of gods other than Lolth。〃 He noticed the gathering thunder in Quenthel's face; mir
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