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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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en you will be able to do so。〃
   Nimor laughed coldly and said; 〃It would be good for our continued friendship; Prince Horgar; if you find yourself wondering from time to time exactly how helpful I might turn out to be。〃
   Halisstra roused herself from her Reverie to find that she was cold and wet。 During the night; a light dusting of wretched stuff that she guessed must be snow had fallen over the forest; bedecking every branch with a thin coating of brilliant white。 The novelty of the experience had worn off quickly for her; particularly after she realized that it had soaked her clothing and piwafwi with frigid water。 The reality of snow on the surface was far less appealing than any account of the phenomenon she'd read in the fort of her House library。
   Overhead; the sky was sullen and gray again; but brighter than the previous day…bright enough to cause no little disfort to the drow travelers。 Since Quenthel didn't choose to drive them out into the sunlight after Pharaun had rested and studied his spells; they passed most of the day's bright hours sheltering deep in the cavern away from the light。 The pany didn't prepare to break camp until late in the day; when the sun was already beginning to sink into the west。
   〃Remind me to conduct some research into methods by which that infernal orb might be extinguished;〃 remarked Pharaun; squinting up into the snow…laden sky。 〃It's still up there behind all those blessed clouds; burning my eyes。〃
   〃You're not the first of our kind to find its light painful;〃 Quenthel replied。 〃In fact; the more you plain about it; the more it troubles me; so keep your whimpering to yourself and get about the business of casting your spell。〃
   〃Of course; most impressive Mistress;〃 Pharaun said in an acerbic voice。
   He turned away and hurried off across the snow…covered rocks and boulders before Quenthel could make a proper retort。 The Baenre muttered a black curse under her breath and turned away as well; busying herself with watching Danifae as the battle captive stuffed Quenthel's bedroll and blankets into her pack。 The rest of the pany kept to a studious silence and pretended not to notice the interplay; either between Quenthel and Pharaun; or Quenthel and Danifae。 They gathered up their own belongings and broke camp。
   Halisstra picked up her own pack and followed Pharaun across the floor of the sinkhole; scrambling up after him along the hidden path that ascended to the forest floor。 Standing in the clearing surrounding the sunken spot where the cavern mouth had undermined the hillside; she found that the forest was very dense and pressed in close on all sides。 Everywhere she looked; the wall of trees and brush was the same; a verdant barrier with no landmarks at all; no distant mountains by which she could orient herself; not even an orderly plan of sand…covered streets to follow。 Even in the most twisted caverns of the Underdark; one usually was offered only a handful of choices at a time…forward or back; left or right; up or down。 In the forest; she might simply walk off in any direction she liked and eventually arrive somewhere。 It was an unsettling and unfamiliar feeling。
   She finished her careful examination of the forested hillside; and faced Pharaun again。 The rest of the pany watched him as well; variously standing or squatting on their heels and shading their faces with their hands as they awaited the wizard's guidance。
   〃If I say anything;〃 said Pharaun; staring into the trees and speaking over his shoulder; 〃anything at all; mark it carefully。 I may or may not understand exactly what it is I see。〃
   He extended his arms wide and closed his eyes; whispering harsh syllables of arcane power over and over again as he turned in a slow circle。
   The eldritch sensation of magic at work tugged at Halisstra; a feeling that was almost palpable; yet maddeningly distant。 A strange; cold breeze arose; sighing in the treetops as it bent them first one way; then another; growing stronger moment by moment。 Boughfuls of snow shifted and fell as the weird wind increased to a wild; shrieking gale。 Halisstra raised a hand to shield her eyes from flying dust and grit。 Through it all; she heard Pharaun's voice growing deeper; more powerful; as the spell took on a life of its own and seemed to drag itself from his throat。 She lost her footing and slid awkwardly to one knee; her hair whipping around her head like something alive。
   The magic of Pharaun's divination bore him aloft。 Arms still outstretched; he revolved in the air as the winds circled with him。 His eyes were blank and silver; cast upward to the heavens。 A nimbus of green energy began to coalesce around the wizard's body; and he gave out a great howl of anguish。 Bolts of emerald fire exploded from his halo to scour and blast at the boulders nearby。 Each green ray sliced into rock like a rapier into soft flesh; causing the stones to split and flake with deafening cracks。 Where each green bolt played; a black rune or pattern formed in the damaged stone; appearing as if etched by acid in the exposed rock。 The designs made Halisstra's eyes ache to look at them; and from the air in the center of the clearing; Pharaun began to mutter in a horrible voice that somehow carried through the wind and thunder。
   〃Five days west lies a small river;〃 the wizard intoned。 〃Turn south and follow its dark swift waters upstream another day; to the gates of Minauthkeep。 The Masked Lord's servant dwells there。 He will aid you and betray you; though neither in the manner you expect。 Each of you save one will mit betrayal before your quest is done。〃
   The spell concluded。 The wind died away; the green energy dissipated; and Pharaun came slumping down from his lofty perch as if he'd been dropped from a rooftop。 The wizard struck the hard earth awkwardly and crumpled; huddling with his face in the cold slush covering the ground。 As the reverberations of the spell's violence fell away in the snowy wood; the black…etched runes carved into rocks and boulders faded as well; flaking away in tiny bits of ebon dust that evaporated within the space of moments。
   The rest of the pany straightened and exchanged dark looks。
   〃I can see why he's slow to cast that spell;〃 Ryld remarked。
   He moved forward and caught Pharaun by one feebly waving arm; turning him over and checking for any obvious signs of injury。 Pharaun looked up and managed a weak grin。
   〃Good news and bad; I suppose;〃 he said。 〃Tzirik seems to be alive and well; at least。〃
   〃The directions are clear;〃 Valas said with care。 〃I think I can keep us heading west easily enough。〃
   〃What did you mean by that last bit?〃 Jeggred said to Pharaun; ignoring Valas。 〃About the betrayal?〃
   The draegloth tightened his fists。
   〃About each of us betraying someone? Why; I couldn't begin to guess;〃 the wizard said。 He coughed and sat upright; waving away Ryld's help。 〃It's the nature of the magic to offer cryptic predictions like that; threatening little riddles that you have little hope of solving until it suddenly bees obvious that the event you feared has e to pass。〃 He offered a wry chuckle。 〃If onl
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