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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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it suddenly bees obvious that the event you feared has e to pass。〃 He offered a wry chuckle。 〃If only one of us doesn't have some shocking act of treachery to pull off in the near future; I must say I'd like to know who's sleeping on the job。 He'll tarnish our reputation if he's not careful。〃
   Halisstra studied the rest of the pany; noting the impassive faces; the thoughtful eyes。 Danifae met her gaze with a slight smile and the merest flicker of her gray eyes toward Quenthel; a gesture so small and secret that no one save Halisstra could note it。
   Despite the wizard's easy dismissal of the exact words of the divination; she wasn't pleased to learn that every one of her panions would at some point in the future mit some kind of treacherous act or another。 Or; more likely; all but one of her panions。 Just because Halisstra planned no immediate act of betrayal didn't mean she might not choose to take advantage of an opportunity arising later。 She had not held her rank as First Daughter of House Melarn without developing a certain ruthless instinct for such things。 If ruin had not e to Ched Nasad; Halisstra didn't doubt that at some point in the fullness of time she would have seriously plotted against her own mother to claim leadership of the house。 Matron Melarn had unseated Halisstra's grandmother in the same manner and for the same reasons many hundreds of years past。 It was no more or less than the Spider Queen's way。
   〃Well;〃 Pharaun said as he pushed himself to his feet; still shivering。 The wizard accepted his pack from Ryld; moving gingerly。 〃It seems I have provided a destination。 So which way is west; Master Hune?〃
   Valas nodded toward the near side of the clearing and said; 〃There are a couple of game trails leading more or less toward the setting sun。〃
   〃e;〃 said Quenthel。 〃The sooner we set out; the sooner we arrive。 I have no wish to spend one hour more than we must in this light…seared land。 Master Hune; you will take your customary place as our guide。 Master Argith; you will acpany him。 Halisstra; you will bring up the rear and keep an eye behind us。〃
   Halisstra frowned and shifted unfortably。 That struck her as a job suitable for a male。 In their travels over the past few days Jeggred had customarily brought up the rear。 It didn't escape Halisstra that changing the order of the march kept Jeggred close by Quenthel; where the draegloth could protect the Baenre priestess from any attack。 She likewise noted that Quenthel had referred to both Valas and Ryld as 〃master;〃 while calling her only Halisstra。
   There was no point in protesting; of course; so she only waited as the rest of the pany filed off into the woods; following Valas's path。 She unslung her crossbow and made sure the weapon was ready for quick use。 After allowing the rest of the pany a lead of about fifty yards; Halisstra set off after them。
   The surface woodland proved to be a strange and disquieting place。 As the party moved away from the clearing's edge; the tangled underbrush vanished; leaving only an endless green hall of round trunks rising to the forest roof above; like the pillars of some dark elven hall somewhere in the Lands Below。 Old; fallen logs lay scattered here and there; covered in bright green moss。 Some were so large that the pany had to detour hundreds of feet around them; or scramble awkwardly over or under。 A dusting of snow had filtered to the ground; and cold water dripped steadily from the branches above。 Unlike the lifeless desolation of Anauroch; the forest was filled not only with mighty trees and twining brambles; but all manner of small birds and animals。 After a dozen heart…stopping starts; Halisstra soon learned to identify a number of discrete birdcalls and animal sounds and relegate them to the realm of the insignificant。
   She had at first feared that she would easily lose sight of the pany ahead; but away from the crowded foliage by the infrequent clearings; the underbrush consisted of ferns and other green plants rarely more than waist high。 As darkness fell over the forest floor; her vision improved; and Halisstra felt more and more fortable。
   The drow marched on through the night; halting a little before daybreak to set up camp in an old ruined tower whose broken white stones were covered by moss。 Smooth and delicately veined; the place showed remarkable elegance of form; and the lintel of its long…vanished door was carved in a flowering vine design…clearly the work of surface elves。 After Pharaun checked the place for lingering spells that could be dangerous to drow; the pany made camp to pass the painful bright hours of the day。 Quenthel ordered Jeggred and Pharaun to keep watch; and the others enjoyed the shade and safety provided by the partial floors and graceful walls of the ruined tower。
   At sundown they ate; broke camp; and set off again; in the same order as before; marching again through the night。 They passed the next two days and nights in much the same way; resting while the sun was out and traveling by night。 Valas even managed to shoot a small; hoofed animal a little before dawn at the end of their third night of travel; and Halisstra was surprised to find that its meat was light and succulent; better than that of a young rothe。
   Toward the end of the day the clouds returned; darker and thicker than before; and as the daylight failed and the dark elves made ready for their fourth march on the surface; a soft snow began to fall; wet and heavy。 It was eerily silent; as if the entire forest held its breath to keep from intruding on the moment。 Halisstra watched vigilantly behind the pany; taking a dozen steps forward and turning to scan the trail behind them; sometimes walking backward for several minutes at a time; glancing to the front only to be sure of her footing。 If Pharaun's divinations were accurate; they should reach the stream at the end of that night or perhaps the next; which meant that House Jaelre and the Vhaeraunite priest were only a day beyond。
   With the objective of their long journey so close at hand; it occurred to Halisstra that she had no reason why the heretic would consider helping them。 Valas might have been an old acquaintance; but no cleric of the Masked Lord would aid priestesses of Lolth simply out of the goodness of his heart。 Some price would have to be met; of that Halisstra was certain。 Wealth; perhaps? Quenthel and her rades carried many valuable gemstones。 It was the easiest and most pact way to transport wealth through the wilds of the Underdark。 Halisstra had stuffed her own pockets too before fleeing Ched Nasad。 She doubted that a powerful Vhaeraunite would be so easily purchased; though。
   Coercion might be possible; or they might have to barter some kind of service to win his aid。 Danifae was occasionally useful in such arrangements。 Any drow had at least one enemy in need of a setback。
   She realized she'd fallen a bit behind; so she picked up her pace to take up position closer behind the main body of the pany。 She trotted easily through the darkness; her boots gliding through the snow; until she caught sight of Jeggred's hulking form and the smaller shapes of her panion
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