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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   〃The Council expects your report; Captain;〃 he said。
   Nimor followed the official into the council chamber itself; bowing to the high seats of the eight matron mothers。 Each was attended by one or two of her daughters; nieces; or favorites。 A grand archway to one side of the chamber led off to a set of smaller shrines and halls adjacent to the council; to which the matrons' attendants and secretaries could be dismissed should the matron mothers decide to discuss their business in private。
   〃Matron Mothers; Captain Zhayemd of House Agrach Dyrr;〃 the chamberlain announced。
   Nimor bowed again; and held the pose as he surreptitiously studied the matron mothers。
   Triel Baenre sat at the head of the Council; of course。 Petite and pretty; she seemed too young for the place of honor; though she was of course hundreds of years in age。 Mez'Barris Armgo of House Del'Armgo sat next to her; then came the place where the Matron Mother of House Faen Tlabbar formerly sat。 Nimor studiously did not smile; but he allowed his gaze to linger a moment on a young female who occupied Ghenni's place…Vadalma; the fifth daughter of the House。 Either the first four destroyed each other squabbling for their mother's place; he reflected; or young Vadalma was much more acplished than she looked。
   Opposite the new Faen Tlabbar matron sat Yasraena Dyrr; graceful and lissome; well at ease in the chair she had occupied since Auro'pol's demise。
   〃Ah; I see my captain has arrived;〃 Yasraena said to her peers。 〃Wele; Zhayemd。 You have endured much today; but I am afraid I must subject you to one more ordeal before you can be allowed your well…deserved rest。 Tell the Council the tidings you brought me earlier。〃
   〃As you wish; Honored Matron;〃 Nimor said。 He glanced around at the highborn females and affected a trace of nervousness。 〃Matron Mothers; I have e from the garrison at Rhazzt's Dilemma。 We have e under attack from a great force of duergar and their allies; including derro; durzagons; giants; and many slave troops。 We do not expect to delay them for more time than it takes the duergar to bring their siege engines into play。〃
   〃I know that place;〃 Mez'Barris Armgo said。 〃It lies three or four days' travel south of the city。 Is your news that old? Why did your spellcasters not warn us through magic instead of sending you to report in person?〃
   〃Our wizard was slain in the first assault; Matron Del'Armgo。 He had the misfortune to be leading a patrol outside our defenses and apparently fell victim to the approaching duergar。 When Mistress Nafyrra Dyrr…the mander of our detachment…realized we had no means to signal a warning; she dispatched me at once to carry a message back to Menzoberranzan。 This all occurred earlier this morning。〃
   〃You have only answered one of the questions I posed; Captain;〃 the Matron Mother of House Barrison Del'Armgo observed。 〃Rhazzt's Dilemma came under attack this morning; but the outpost lies more than thirty miles south of here; a journey of several days。〃
   Nimor affected a trace of hesitation; and glanced deliberately at Yasraena Dyrr as if seeking guidance。 The Matron Mother of House Agrach Dyrr simply inclined her head in assent。
   〃I made use of a somewhat unreliable portal to shorten my journey from several days to a few hours; Matron Del'Armgo;〃 he said。 〃It lies a mile or two from the outpost and is somewhat difficult to use; as it functions only intermittently。 The other side lies in a disused cavern in the Dark Dominion。 My House has known of it for some time; though we did not trust the portal's magic enough to employ it except in a dire emergency。〃
   〃I have no doubt that Barrison Del'Armgo knows of similar portals in and around the city;〃 Yasraena Dyrr observed。 〃Forgive us if we neglected to mention the existence of this one until today。〃
   〃The portal is irrelevant;〃 Triel Baenre said; making a dismissive gesture of her hand。 〃The captain is here to make his report; and that is sufficient。 Tell me what you observed of this duergar army。〃
   〃I would guess it to number somewhere around three to four thousand gray dwarves; plus a number of slave soldiers…mostly orcs and ogres。 We noted the banners of eight panies in the attack; and many more held back in reserve。 There could be more; of course; or the duergar may have deliberately attempted to deceive us by carrying false banners into battle。〃
   〃A raid;〃 muttered Prid'eesoth Tuin of House Tuin'Tarl。 〃Your outpost is simply being tested; Captain。〃
   Nimor shifted his feet and did his best to look determined; serious; and dutifully subservient。
   〃Mistress Nafyrra does not believe so; Matron Tuin;〃 Nimor said。 〃We have fought off duergar raids on numerous occasions; but nothing like the onslaught we encountered this morning。 If we are not besieged by the whole army of Gracklstugh; it's certainly close enough。〃
   〃How strong is your garrison?〃 Yasraena Dyrr asked。
   〃Our garrison numbers almost eighty warriors; and we have an excellent defensive position; Honored Matron。 We can hold out for several days; but the outpost will fall when the duergar bring up their siege engines; or employ the right sort of magic。〃
   〃It should not surprise me to learn that this duergar onslaught is little more than a particularly large and aggressive raid;〃 Vadalma of Faen Tlabbar said。 〃I am sure Matron Dyrr has reported what her males believe to be the case; but perhaps the matter should be investigated before we react in blind panic。 A simple confirmation of the report; at the least。 After we have properly assessed the scope of the threat; the Council can deliberate over the best means to address it。〃
   〃Under most circumstances; our young sister would be wise to suggest a more thorough assessment of the situation;〃 said Yasraena。 She had been well coached。 Nimor lowered his gaze to keep his smile from showing。 〃However; my officers tell me that; if we wish to meet the duergar army outside the city; the place to do it is at the Pillars of Woe; between here and Rhazzt's Dilemma。 A strong army dispatched quickly can hold the pillars against any conceivable assault; but if we delay too long; the duergar will reach it before we do。 We would throw away a very significant advantage of position。 We should; of course; seek confirmation of the report with all due haste; but while we're investigating; our soldiers should be marching。〃
   〃Shouldn't we simply stand on the defensive here; in the city cavern?〃 asked Mez'Barris Armgo。 〃We can fortify the approaches easily enough; and the duergar army would have a difficult time surrounding the city in its entirety while the threat of our own intact army remains within。〃
   〃If we allow the gray dwarves to infest the city;〃 one of the other matron mothers said; 〃we shall surely see illithid; aboleth; and humanoid armies at our doorstep in no time at all。 We have many enemies。 Look at what happened to Ched Nasad。〃
   The eight high priestesses exchanged somber looks。
   〃Clearly; the Council must reach some decisions quickly;〃 Triel Baenre said; breaking her thoughtful silence。 〃We don't have much time if we wish to me
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