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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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as he might account for the untimely fall of any useful rade。 He'd fought enough battles over the years to understand that warriors die; but despite that; he found Halisstra's loss strangely unsettling。
   Pharaun paused; turning in a slow circle as he searched for some sign of the rest of the pany or any foes still on their trail。 Ryld held still and listened。 A gentle wind moved the treetops and sighed in the branches overhead。 Leaves rustled; and branches creaked。 A small brook trickled nearby; but he could detect nothing that might signal danger…or Halisstra's return。
   Stupid to hope for such a thing; he told himself。
   Something troubles you? motioned Pharaun。
   No; the weapons master replied。
   The wizard studied him; the brilliant silver moonlight gleaming on his handsome face。
   Tell me you're not worried about the female!
   Of course not; Ryld replied。 I'm concerned only because she's been a valuable rade; and I don't like the idea of proceeding without her skill at healing。 But I am not concerned on any other account。 I am no fool。
   I think perhaps you protest too much; Pharaun signed。 It does not matter; I suppose。
   He started to say more; but at that moment a soft rustle behind them cut off his words。 Wizard and swordsman turned together; Ryld's hand stealing to Splitter's hilt as he aimed his crossbow with the other hand; but from the bright shadows Valas Hune suddenly appeared。 Of all the pany; the Bregan D'aerthe seemed almost as skilled as the surface dwellers in the patient cat…and…mouse game of forest hunting。
   Did you catch sight of any of our foes? the scout asked。
   No; but someone saw enough of Ryld to shoot an arrow; Pharaun replied。 Since they seemed to guess where we were; we left an illusion and came to rejoin you。
   Any sign of Halisstra? Ryld asked。
   No。 Nor you; then? Valas replied。
   Perhaps half an hour ago we heard sounds of fighting from back down the trail。 It went on for a couple of minutes。 That might have been her; Pharaun signed。
   〃There it is; then;〃 Valas muttered under his breath。 〃Well; e on then。 The others are waiting; and if we can't ambush our pursuers; we might as well keep moving。 The longer they keep us here; the more likely it is that more of them will show up and join the fight。〃
   The scout led the way as he hurried through the trees and brush; moving swiftly and silently。 Pharaun and Ryld could not match the softness of his steps; but the wizard's magic seemed an adequate ruse; since they encountered no more hidden archers or spearmen。 In a few hundred yards they came to a small; steep ravine; well screened by thick brush and large boulders。 There they found Quenthel; Danifae; and Jeggred lying low; watching vigilantly for any sign of a renewed attack。
   〃Did you surprise the archers?〃 Quenthel asked。
   〃No。 They located us quickly; and avoided a fight;〃 Ryld replied。 He ran a hand over his stubbled scalp and sighed。 〃This is not a good battlefield for us。 We can't bring the surface elves to grips; not with the advantage they have in this terrain; but if we don't do anything; they'll eventually surround us and cut us to pieces with arrows。〃
   Valas nodded in agreement and added; 〃They're working to find and flank us now。 We've got a few minutes here; but we're going to have to move or fight soon。 Ten minutes or less; I think。〃
   〃Let them e;〃 rumbled Jeggred。 〃We killed a dozen of them not an hour ago when they stole up on us from behind。 Now that we know the day…walkers are out there; we'll slaughter them in heaps。〃
   〃The next assault will most likely consist of a rain of arrows from archers we won't even be able to see;〃 Valas said。 〃I doubt that the surface dwellers will oblige us by lining up for us to kill。 Worse yet; what if the rangers sent for help? The next attack might e at daybreak with two or three times the numbers we've seen so far。 I don't relish the thought of being showered with arrows and spells after the sun es up and our opponents suddenly begin to see much better than we do。〃
   〃Fine;〃 Jeggred snarled。 〃So what would you do; then?〃
   〃Withdraw;〃 Ryld answered for the scout。 〃Make the best speed we can and keep moving。 With luck we'll outdistance our pursuers before the sun es up; and maybe we'll find a good place to hide。〃
   〃Or maybe we'll reach territory controlled by the Jaelre;〃 Valas added。
   〃Which may; of course; prove to be even more dangerous than playing cat…and…mouse with our friends the surface dwellers;〃 Pharaun said。 〃If the Jaelre aren't fond of visitors。 。 。 。〃
   〃It doesn't matter if they are or not;〃 Quenthel said。 〃We came to speak to their priest; and we will do so; even if we have to cut our way through half their House to do it。〃
   〃Your suggestion is not very encouraging; Master Hune;〃 Danifae said。 She bled freely from a wound in her right arm; where a hard…driven arrow had actually punched through her mail and transfixed her upper arm。 As she spoke she worked awkwardly with one hand to bind the wound。 〃What happens if we fail to outpace our enemies? They seem well able to keep up with us in these damnable woods。〃
   〃One moment;〃 Ryld said。 〃What about Mistress Melarn? She's back there somewhere。〃
   〃Most likely dead already;〃 Valas said with a shrug。 〃Or a prisoner。〃
   〃Shouldn't we make sure of that before we leave her?〃 the weapons master replied。 〃Her healing songs are the only magic of that sort we have left to us。 mon sense dictates…〃
   〃mon sense dictates that we don't waste time and blood on a corpse;〃 Quenthel interrupted。 〃No one came after me when…〃
   She stopped herself; then stood and walked over to help Danifae cinch her bandage。
   〃Our mission lies ahead of us; not behind;〃 the Mistress of Arach…Tinilith said。 〃The quest is more important than any one drow。〃
   Ryld rubbed his hand over his face and glanced around the pany。 Valas looked away; busying himself with some unimportant fastening of his armor。 Pharaun stared at Quenthel with an expression that made it clear the wizard noted the priestess's hypocrisy; if nothing else。 She had; after all; spent more time in Ched Nasad hoping to empty Baenre storehouses of their goods than seeking the renewed attention of Lolth。
   Danifae stared off into the woods behind them; her brow furrowed with concern; but obviously unwilling to argue the point on behalf of her mistress。
   Finally Quenthel turned to Pharaun and said; 〃Perhaps our skilled wizard has some magic that might help us discourage these cursed day…walkers from following too closely?〃
   Pharaun stroked his chin; and thought。
   〃Our chief difficulty in these circumstances;〃 the Master of Sorcere said at length; 〃lies in the fact that our antagonists are able to use this terrain to their advantage; and our disadvantage。 Should a forest fire suddenly arise; the smoke and flames would…〃
   Valas laughed and interrupted; 〃I'm afraid you know little of surface forests; Master Mizzrym。 These trees are far too wet to oblige you with a forest fire now。 Try again in a few months; after summer has dried them out。〃
   〃Oh;〃 the w
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