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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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h a forest fire now。 Try again in a few months; after summer has dried them out。〃
   〃Oh;〃 the wizard replied; 〃I can see that's true for mundane fire。〃
   〃You won't be able to prevent fire from sweeping back on us;〃 Ryld said; the idea giving him some anxiety。
   〃Well; I can't be certain they won't; but my fires will burn in the manner I choose;〃 Pharaun said。 〃As Master Hune observed; the forest is damp enough that the trees won't catch unless directly affected by my spell。 We will; of course; have the advantage of knowing how and when the fires begin。〃
   Quenthel thought for a moment; then said; 〃Very well; you may proceed。〃
   Ryld felt his throat tighten and he stepped away from the group; quickly regaining control of himself。
   The Master of Sorcere stood and reached into a pouch at his belt to withdraw a tiny silk purse。 He emptied it into his hand。 Red dust glittered in the moonlight。 Pharaun studied the forest; turned to sense the wind; and spoke his spell quickly; casting the powder into the air。 Bright crimson sparks appeared amid the falling dust; growing brighter and more numerous moment by moment。 With another gesture; Pharaun scattered the burning motes across a great; wide arc of the forest before him。
   As each tiny mote settled to the ground; it flared into life; growing into a spiderlike shape fully as large as a man's head。 Wreathed in crimson flame; the fire spiders scuttled across the ground; moving deeper into the trees。 Whatever they touched smoldered at first; then burst into flame。 The wood was indeed wet; and the flames were smoky and slow to spread…but Pharaun had conjured hundreds of the spider creatures。 The living motes of fire seemed to set upon the moss…grown trunks with a peculiarly savage ferocity; almost as if the presence of so much timber had provoked them into a frenzy of fiery destruction。
   〃Good; good;〃 Pharaun murmured。 〃They like trees 。 。。 they truly do。〃
   〃The fire's too slow to burn our pursuers;〃 Quenthel observed。
   〃I've never heard of a surface elf who'd allow a fire such as this to burn unchecked in his precious forest;〃 Pharaun said with a smile。 〃They'll be busy chasing down my spiders and extinguishing the flames for some time。〃
   Quenthel watched the blaze a moment longer; and smiled。
   〃It may serve; then;〃 she said。 〃Master Hune; take the lead。 I mean to reach House Jaelre before we're troubled by the surface dwellers again。〃
   Kaanyr Vhok folded his well…muscled arms and frowned。
   〃How many this time?〃 he asked。
   Kaanyr surveyed the aftermath of a battle between the tanarukks of his vanguard and a titanic purple worm; a carnivorous giant over a hundred feet in length。 The worm was dead; hacked to death by dozens of the half…demons soldiers; but a handful of the Sceptered One's troops lay torn and crushed by the monster they had killed。
   〃Seven; my lord; but we slew the beast; as you can see。〃
   The tanarukk captain called Ruinfist leaned on his huge greataxe; spattered with the foul juices of the creature。 The orc…demon's left hand had been mangled in some battle long before; and was encased in a locked battle…gauntlet that served as a better weapon than the damaged hand it covered。
   〃The warriors heard it moving in the rock;〃 Ruinfist continued; 〃but it came through the ceiling and dropped on them。〃
   〃I didn't bring you here to slay mindless worms;〃 Kaanyr said。 〃Nor did I bring warriors to this spot to feed whatever monster happens by。 This was a battle best avoided; Ruinfist。 These seven warriors won't be with us when we meet the dark elves; will they?〃
   〃No; my lord;〃 the tanarukk growled。 He lowered his head。 〃I will tell the patrol leaders to do what they can to avoid needless battles。〃
   〃Good;〃 said Kaanyr。 He offered the tanarukk a hard grin and clapped the creature on the shoulder。 〃Save your axes for the drow; Ruinfist。 We'll be on them soon enough。〃
   A hungry light flared in the tanarukk's eyes; and the demon…orc raised his tusked jaw again。 He growled in assent and trotted off to go find his fellow captains。
   〃You did not discipline him?〃 Aliisza asked; slinking out of the shadows。 〃Mercy is not a quality I am accustomed to in you; love。〃
   The cambion lord turned at her approach。
   〃Sometimes;〃 he replied; 〃one soft word serves the purpose of two hard ones。 Knowing which to choose and when is the art of leadership。〃 Kaanyr nudged one of his dead warriors with his toe; and smiled。 〃Besides; how can I take offense at a show of the very fighting spirit I've worked so hard to instill in my Scoured Legion? It's the nature of a tanarukk to throw himself into battle and bring down his foe or die trying。〃
   Aliisza looked at the purple worm and shuddered。
   〃I think that's the biggest worm I've ever seen;〃 she murmured。
   The half…demon's seat of power in the ruins of ancient Ammarindar was the better part of two hundred and fifty miles southeast of Menzoberranzan; and the Darklake was an obstacle in their path。 Fortunately; tanarukks were fast; hearty; and could endure swift marches with few supplies。 The dwarves of ancient Ammarindar had carved great subterranean highways through their realm; broad; smooth…floored tunnels that ran for mile after mile through the endless gloom。 Kaanyr was somewhat disconcerted to think that the tremendous cavern of the Darklake lay somewhere a mile or two beneath his feet; but the old dwarven road offered far and away their best route to the environs of Menzoberranzan。 If the road happened to be plagued by hungry monsters; well; any other route would have problems of its own。
   He shook himself from his reflections and started to walk back toward the long file of his warriors; streaming past the scene of the battle in a ragged double…column。
   〃So; tell me again about this Nimor;〃 Kaanyr said。 〃I can easily understand Horgar Steelshadow's motive in mustering this attack。 The gray dwarves and the dark elves have fought many wars over the centuries。 What I don't understand is what's in it for a drow assassin?〃
   〃As best I can tell;〃 Aliisza replied; 〃he hates the great Houses of Menzoberranzan enough that he'll destroy the city in order to bring about their fall。〃
   〃Such a purity of intent is rare in a dark elf。 You know he's lied to you; of course。〃
   Kaanyr suspected; as always; that Aliisza was holding something of her encounter with Nimor to herself。 After all; she was an alu…fiend; the daughter of a succubus; and her weapons and methods were obvious。
   〃Lied?〃 she quipped。 〃To me?〃
   〃I merely point out that that one should beware of dark elves bearing gifts;〃 Kaanyr replied。 〃He might have convinced you it was in my best interest to bring my army here; but I don't believe for a heartbeat that your mysterious assassin doesn't have more to gain from this alliance than I do。〃
   〃That goes without saying; doesn't it?〃 she said。 〃If you see that; why did you agree to bring your army to the Pillars of Woe?〃
   〃Because something is going to happen there;〃 Kaanyr said。 〃My ambitions have reached the borders of old Ammarindar; and I don't 
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