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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   〃Because something is going to happen there;〃 Kaanyr said。 〃My ambitions have reached the borders of old Ammarindar; and I don't care to arrest them there。〃
   The cambion watched his fierce warriors marching by; staring past them to the dark visions that enthralled him。
   〃We'll be approaching from above and to the east;〃 Kaanyr said; 〃perfectly positioned to flank a force trying to hold the Pillars against the approach of Gracklstugh's army。 On the surface; that is why Horgar Steelshadow and his drow assassin want us there。 It might suit their purposes to sit in the gorge a few days and let the drow decimate my soldiers before they attempt to force the pass。 Being on the same side of an obstacle as our enemies carries a liability; as well as an opportunity。 I wouldn't put it past Horgar to manufacture some excuse for a delay in order to let my tanarukks handle the brunt of the fighting。〃
   Aliisza cozied up beside him and purred; 〃Until the battle is joined; love; you haven't chosen sides。 The dark elves might pay; and pay well; for your assistance at a critical juncture of the campaign。 Even if that assistance takes the form of simply not doing anything to aid the gray dwarves in their attack。〃
   Kaanyr Vhok bared his pointed teeth in a wry smile。
   〃There is that;〃 he admitted。 〃All right; then。 We'll see what happens when the Pillars of Woe stand before us。〃
   Halisstra was marched for several miles through the forest; gagged; hooded; her hands manacled behind her。 The surface elves had healed the wound in her calf in order to keep her from slowing them down; but the rest of her injuries they didn't bother to tend。 While they'd removed her mail and shield; they did permit her to keep her arming jacket against the cold night air…after searching carefully to make sure they didn't miss any hidden weapons or magical devices。
   Eventually they reached a place where the forest floor underfoot gave way to stone; and she could hear the whispers and rustles of a number of people around her。 The air grew warmer; and sullen firelight penetrated the hood over her eyes。
   〃Lord Dessaer;〃 a voice close by said; 〃the captive Hurmaendyr spoke of!〃
   〃So I see。 Remove her hood。 I would look on her face;〃 said a deep; thoughtful voice from somewhere ahead of her。
   Her captors removed the hood; leaving Halisstra squinting in the bright light of an elegant hall made of gleaming silver…hued wood。 Flowering vines wound along posts and beams; and a fire glowed to one side in a large hearth。 Several pale elves watched her carefully…apparently guards of some kind; dressed in silver…hued scale mail with polearms and swords at their hips。
   Lord Dessaer was a tall half…elf with golden hair and pale skin with a faint bronze hue to it。 He was well…muscled for a male; nearly as big as Ryld; and he wore a breastplate of gleaming gold with noble accoutrements。
   〃Remove her gag; too;〃 the elf lord said。 〃She'll have little to say otherwise。〃
   〃Careful; my lord;〃 spoke the captor beside her; whom Halisstra saw was the black…bearded human she'd fought in the forest。 〃She knows something of the bard's arts; and may be able to speak a spell with her hands bound。〃
   〃I will exercise all due caution; Curnil。〃 The lord of the hall moved closer; gazing thoughtfully into Halisstra's blood…red eyes; and said; 〃So; what shall we call you?〃
   Halisstra stood mute。
   〃Are you Auzkovyn or Jaelre?〃 Dessaer asked。
   〃I am not of House Jaelre;〃 she said。 〃I do not know of the other House you name。〃
   Lord Dessaer exchanged a worried glance with his advisors。
   〃You belong to a third faction; then?〃
   〃I was traveling with a small pany; on a trade mission;〃 she replied。 〃We sought no trouble with surface dwellers。〃
   〃A drow's word is regarded with some skepticism in these lands;〃 Dessaer replied。 〃If you're not Auzkovyn or Jaelre; then what was your business in Cormanthor?〃
   〃As I said; it was a trade mission;〃 Halisstra lied。
   〃Indeed;〃 drawled Dessaer。 〃Cormanthor was not entirely abandoned during the Retreat; and my people object strongly to the drow effort to seize our old homeland。 Now; I would like to know who exactly you and your panions are; and what you were doing in our forest。〃
   〃Our business is our own;〃 Halisstra answered。 〃We intend no harm for any surface folk; and mean to be gone from this place as soon as our business is done。〃
   〃So I should simply allow you to go free; is that it?〃
   〃You would do yourself no harm if you did so。〃
   〃My warriors engage in deadly battles every day against your kind;〃 Dessaer said。 〃Even if you say you have nothing to do with the Jaelre or the Auzkovyn; that doesn't mean you're not our enemy。 We do not ask quarter of the drow; nor do we extend it to them。 Unless you succeed in explaining to my satisfaction why you should be spared; you will be executed。〃
   The lord of the surface folk folded his arms before his breastplate; and fixed her with a fierce stare。
   〃Our business is with House Jaelre;〃 Halisstra said。 She drew herself up as best she could with her arms bound behind her。 〃It does not concern surface elves。 As I said before; my pany is not here to cause any trouble to you or your people。〃
   Lord Dessaer sighed; then nodded to Halisstra's guards。
   〃Escort the lady to her cell;〃 he said; 〃and let us see if she bees more helpful with some time to fully consider her situation。〃
   Halisstra's guards replaced her hood; covering her eyes again。 She stood passively and allowed them to do so without protest。 If her captors came to expect pliance from her; there was always the chance they might make a mistake and give her a chance to get out of her bonds。
   Her guards led her out of the hall and back outdoors again。 She could feel the deep chill of the air; and sensed the growing brightness in the sky even through her hood。 Dawn was near; and the night was vanishing at the sun's approach。 She wondered if her captors meant to lock her in some open cage; a place where the curious and malcontent could e by to jeer and torment her; but instead they led her into another building and down a short flight of stone steps。
   Keys jangled; a heavy door creaked open; and she was led through。 Her hands were unbound; only to be secured again in heavy iron manacles as rough hands maneuvered her into place。
   〃Listen well; drow;〃 a voice said。 〃You will be unhooded and ungagged; at Lord Dessaer's mand。 However; the first time you attempt to work a spell; you will be fitted with a steel muzzle and hooded so closely you will labor for every breath。 We don't go out of our way to mistreat prisoners; but we'll repay every trouble you cause us threefold。 If we have to break your limbs and shatter your jaw to keep you docile; we will。〃
   Her hood was removed。 Halisstra blinked in the bright cell; illuminated by a hot beam of sunlight pouring in from a grate up in one corner。 Several armed guards watched her carefully for any sign of trouble。 She simply ignored them and allowed herself to slump against the wall。 Her hands were chained together tightly; a
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