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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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lump against the wall。 Her hands were chained together tightly; and the manacles were bound to a secure anchor in the ceiling; cleverly designed to take in any slack。
   The guards left her half a loaf of some kind of crusty; gold…brown bread and a soft leather jack of cool water; and they exited the cell。 The door was riveted iron plate; evidently locked and barred from outside。
   So what now? she wondered; staring at the opposite wall。
   From what little she'd seen of the surface town; Halisstra suspected that her rades could break her out easily enough with a determined effort。
   〃Hardly likely;〃 Halisstra muttered to herself。
   She was a Houseless outcast whose usefulness did not overe the simple fact that; as the eldest daughter of a high House; she stood as Quenthel's most dangerous rival in the band。 The Mistress of the Academy would be only too happy to abandon Halisstra to whatever fate awaited her。
   Who would argue against Quenthel on her behalf?
   Danifae? Halisstra thought。
   She allowed her head to drop to her chest and she laughed softly and bitterly。
   I must be desperate indeed; to hope for Danifae's passion; she thought。
   Once dragged off as a battle captive herself; Danifae would find the situation deliciously; perfectly ironic。 The binding spell wouldn't let Danifae raise a hand against her; but without specific instructions; the battle captive would not be pelled to seek her out。
   With nothing else to do but stare at the wall; Halisstra decided to close her eyes and rest。 She still ached in calf; torso; and jaw from the injuries she'd sustained in her desperate last stand。 As much as she longed to use the bae'qeshel songs to heal herself; she dared not。 The pain would have to be endured。
   With a simple mental exercise she distanced her mind from her body's pain and fatigue; and slipped deep into Reverie。
   In Dessaer's audience hall; the half…elf lord watched his soldiers lead the dark elf away while he stroked his beard thoughtfully。
   〃So; Seyll;〃 he said; 〃What do you make of this?〃
   From behind a hidden screen a slender form in a skirt and jacket of embroidered green glided forward。 She was a full…blooded elf; thin and graceful…and she was also a drow; her skin black as ink; the irises of her eyes a startling red。 She moved close to Dessaer and gazed after the departing soldiers with their hooded captive。
   〃I think she's telling the truth;〃 she said。 〃At least; she's not a Jaelre or an Auzkovyn。〃
   〃What shall I do with her?〃 the lord asked。 〃She killed Harvaldor; and she damned near killed Fandar as well。〃
   〃With Eilistraee's grace; I will restore Harvaldor to life and heal Fandar;〃 the drow woman said。 〃Besides; is it not the case that Curnil's patrol attacked her and her panions on sight? She was simply defending herself。〃
   Dessaer raised an eyebrow in surprise and glanced at Seyll。
   〃You intend to give her your goddess's message?〃
   〃It is my sacred duty;〃 Seyll replied。 〃After all; until it was given to me; I was very much like her。〃
   She inclined her head to indicate the absent prisoner。
   〃She's a proud one from a high House;〃 Dessaer said。 〃I doubt she'll care to hear Eilistraee's words。〃 He rested a hand on the drow priestess's shoulder。 〃Be careful; Seyll。 She'll say or do anything to get you to lower your guard; and if you do; she'll kill you if you stand between her and freedom。〃
   〃Be that as it may; my duty is clear;〃 Seyll replied。
   〃I will delay my judgment for a tenday;〃 the Lord of Elventree said; 〃but if she refuses to hear your message I must act to protect my people。〃
   〃I know;〃 said Seyll。 〃I do not intend to fail。〃
   The Houses of Menzoberranzan mustered for battle。 From a dozen castles and palaces; caverns and strongholds; slender males in elegant black chain mail marched in proud columns or pranced along in the high saddles of riding lizards; pennons flying from their lances。 Under normal circumstances each House might have sent hundreds more slave warriors; a rabble of kobolds; orcs; goblins; and ogres to drive into their foes before valuable drow troops were mitted to battle; but armed slaves were something of a scarcity after the alhoon's uprising。 Thousands of lesser humanoids had survived the revolt and its failure; as well as the dreadful reprisals that ensued; but the warriors among the slave races had naturally suffered the greatest losses。 Even those who'd been allowed to surrender were certainly not to be trusted with weapons again。
   Nimor sat in the saddle of an Agrach Dyrr war…lizard; and smiled in satisfaction as the forces of House Dyrr marched past before him。 The panies gathered in a small; somewhat cramped plaza near the border between West Wall and Narbondellyn; ironically enough not very far at all from the pound of House Faen Tlabbar。 Each drow swordsman carried a light kit in addition to his arms and armor; and a supply train of sorts was taking shape as each pany brought its own pack lizards and attendants。 Many of the mon folk of the city had turned out to watch the mustering of the army; as it was easily the largest assemblage of soldiers the matron mothers had manded since the ill…fated assault on Mithral Hall years before。
   〃I surmise that the Council meeting went well;〃 said Dyrr; standing at Nimor's stirrup。
   The undead sorcerer did not appear in his own shape; of course; nor even that of the aged male he affected within his own house。 His current guise was that of a nondescript Agrach Dyrr wizard; young and hale; draped with the fine vestments of his House。
   〃Your matron mother was well coached;〃 Nimor replied。 He kept his voice low; even though no one stood close enough to eavesdrop。 〃We've got half the soldiers in the city mustering for battle。〃
   〃Yasraena has proven a useful front;〃 the lich observed。 〃I have known a dozen or more Matron Mother Dyrrs; and from time to time I find that my female relations object to my 。 。 。 unique position within the House。 Yasraena would kill me if she could; of course; but she knows that Agrach Dyrr would of necessity be destroyed should something unfortunate befall me。 I have made her aware of certain long…standing arrangements in order to discourage her from surprising me。〃
   Nimor chuckled dryly and said; 〃I suspect that you are rarely surprised; Lord Dyrr。〃
   〃Success follows preparation in equal measure; young Nimor。 Consider that your lesson for the day。〃 The lich affected a smile across his illusory features; and stepped away from Nimor's mount。 〃Good luck in your venture; Captain。〃
   Nimor wheeled the war…lizard around as the last of the column passed by。
   He turned back to the lich and said; 〃One more word。 Narbondel was illuminated hours late a tenday ago; but every day ××??since it has been illuminated on time; and it is whispered throughout the city that the Masters of Sorcere have misplaced their archmage。〃
   Dyrr smiled and spread his hands。
   〃As Archmage Baenre may be unavailable for quite some time;〃 the lich said; 〃it would please me to find the Masters of Sorcere determine on t
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