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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   Dyrr smiled and spread his hands。
   〃As Archmage Baenre may be unavailable for quite some time;〃 the lich said; 〃it would please me to find the Masters of Sorcere determine on their own who among them should take Gromph's seat。〃
   〃Won't Matron Mother Baenre and the Council have something to say about that?〃
   〃Not if the assembled masters realize the power they truly hold now;〃 Dyrr said。 〃I am not a member of the Academy; of course; but a couple of young pups of my House are; and they keep me well…informed。 The masters debate whether this is the time to break with tradition and name their own archmage; but half of them scheme to eliminate any fellow clever and bold enough to take the job; while the other half contemplate whether they might return to their own Houses and rule there。 Breaking from the Council in such a way would mean civil war; and those few masters who don't realize the civil war is raging already are arguing to adhere to the status quo in fear of Lolth's return。 Regardless; Sorcere is well and truly paralyzed by Gromph's absence。〃
   The lich turned; leaning heavily on his tall staff; and ambled off with a dry; crackling laugh。
   Nimor raised an eyebrow and watched the lich depart; considering his ally's words; then he trotted off after the column。
   〃Lieutenant Jazzt!〃 he called。
   From alongside the marching column of House Agrach Dyrr's warriors; a small; scarred male detached himself and came trotting to Nimor's side。 The soldiers marching in the expedition knew very well that 〃Captain Zhayemd〃 was no scion of their House; but it had been explained to them that the detachment's mander enjoyed Matron Mother Yasraena's plete confidence and had; in fact; been adopted into the leadership of their ancient clan…a mon enough practice among the high Houses of the city。 Nimor didn't doubt that Jazzt Dyrr; second cousin to the matron mother herself; had received some additional and specific orders concerning the circumstances under which he was to ignore Nimor's mands; but as Nimor intended to scrupulously honor his bargain with Agrach Dyrr; he was reasonably certain that the Dyrr officer would offer no trouble。
   〃Yes; Captain?〃 Jazzt said。
   He was careful not to show any expression at all; simply regarding Nimor with the bland curiosity of a seasoned veteran。
   〃Form up the pany there; beside the Baenre contingent。 Tell the men to make ready for a long march。 I hope to set out within the hour。〃
   〃Yes; Captain;〃 Jazzt replied。
   The lieutenant stepped back and saluted sharply; then turned and began to bark orders to the Agrach Dyrr soldiers。 Nimor turned his mount aside and trotted across the plaza to a small tent bustling with activity。 There; the highborn officers and manders of each of the various House contingents had gathered; most with some number of sergeants and messengers in train。 Several arguments on all manner of different topics…the order of march; the best place to halt at the end of the day; the fastest route to the Pillars of Woe…proceeded at the same time。
   He dismounted; handed the reins of his war…lizard to a nearby slave; and strode into the midst of the confusion; pushing through to the partitioned area。 He had to flash his insignia of House and rank to gain admittance。 Inside; a knot of captains and officers from various Houses stood engaged in several different conversations at the same time。 The occasion of raising an army and marching to war seemed to displace the normal rivalries and vendettas; at least for a time。 Instead of dueling each other in the streets; the rakish fellows sought to outshine each other with deeds of valor and ruthlessness on the battlefield。
   Nimor surveyed the manders; noting the insignias of six out of eight great Houses; and another half dozen of the largest and strongest minor Houses。 His eye fell on a male wearing the insignia of House Baenre; as the fellow held up his hands and raised his voice to capture the attention of the other officers。
   〃Go back to your panies and look to your supply trains;〃 Andzrel Baenre; Weapons Master of House Baenre; said。 〃I want a list from each of you of the number of pack beasts and wagons in your train; and a general inventory of your stores。 Return within the hour。 Our female relations will doubtless debate many issues of high strategy; but it will fall to us to work out the details of supply trains and battle signals; and we still have much to discuss。〃
   Andzrel was a tall; slender fellow who wore armor of blacked mithral plate and a dark cloak。 His tabard proudly displayed the emblem of House Baenre; and his eyes held iron discipline; an expression of directness and purpose that was unusual in a drow of high birth; whether male or female。
   The manders broke up and strode from the tent; heading back to their detachments。 Nimor allowed them to pass by。 As he moved up to speak with the Baenre weapons master; the assassin muttered a spell。
   〃Master Baenre;〃 Nimor asked; covering the last syllables of the enchantment。
   〃Yes;〃 the weapons master said; blinking at Nimor。 〃I 。 。 。 uh 。 。 。〃
   Nimor smiled; seeing the effect the enchantment had on the drow; and knowing that for quite some time; Andzrel Baenre and he would be very close friends。
   〃You are familiar to me; but I do not believe I know you;〃 said Andzrel。 〃You wear the arms of Agrach Dyrr。〃
   〃I am Zhayemd Dyrr; and I mand my House's pany;〃 Nimor replied。 〃Do you have any idea when the priestesses will deign to join us; or at least allow us to start on our way?〃
   〃I believe the matron mothers are still deciding which of them will lead the expedition;〃 Andzrel replied; seemingly recovered。 〃None of them trusts any of the others enough to voluntarily leave the city now; but they all think it's clear that someone had better be put in charge of the males。〃
   Nimor laughed at that。
   〃You have a talent for plain speaking; sir。〃 Nimor glanced around at the other captains and officers in the pavilion and added; 〃I assume you've tallied which Houses are here; and how many troops…and of what type…each has brought? The priestesses will want to know that; and it will be helpful for us all to have an idea of who's marching next to whom。〃
   He could think of other uses for the information; of course; but there was no need to mention that; was there?
   〃Of course;〃 Andzrel replied。 He pointed at a table in the outer portion of the tent; where several Baenre officers studied maps and reports。 〃I'll need you to give those fellows the strength of your plement; the number of infantry and cavalry; and some information on your supply train; as well。 After which I would like to ask you some questions about the route of our march and the place we expect to meet the duergar army。 I understand you're familiar with the region; as well as the position and tactics of the duergar force。〃
   Nimor straightened his cuirass and nodded earnestly。
   〃Certainly;〃 he said。 〃I know them well。〃
   Halisstra was roused from her dreams by the sound of her cell door opening。 She glanced up; wondering if perhaps the time had e when the surface f
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