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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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t in her decision。 Halisstra had of course been indoctrinated over years of training to regard heresy; apostasy; as the vilest sort of crime imaginable。 Yet in her years of sacrifice and abasement before the Spider Queen's altar she had never before encountered a true apostate。 Oh; she'd slandered some of her rivals with false accusations of turning away from the Spider Queen; but actually sitting in the presence of someone who had mitted the ultimate betrayal of the goddess; and…so far; at least…lived to tell the tale。 。 。 。
   〃I want to challenge you to do something;〃 Seyll said。 〃I believe you have the intelligence and the imagination for it; but we shall see。 Imagine; for a moment; that you could live in a place where you can walk the streets without fearing an assassin's dagger in your back。 Imagine that your friends…real friends…want nothing more from you than the pleasure of your pany; that your sisters cherish your acplishments instead of resenting your successes; and your children are not murdered for an accidental failing。 Imagine that your lovers seek you out for who you are; and not your station or influence。 Imagine that your goddess asks you to celebrate her with your joy; not your terror。〃
   〃There is no such…〃
   〃You answer too quickly。 I asked you to imagine it; if you can;〃 Seyll said。 She stood and moved away; turning her back on Halisstra。 〃I will wait。〃
   〃I can't imagine such nonsense。 It's an empty fantasy; signifying nothing。 We're not meant for such things; no one is; not dark elf; not light…elf; not even the insipid humans。 Only a fool dwells on dreams。〃
   〃Yet; for the sake of argument at least; would it not seem a pleasant thing?〃 Seyll said over her shoulder。 〃You must entertain impossible dreams all the time。 All thinking creatures do。 Perhaps you've dreamed of having your enemies in your power; or of a lover you couldn't take; or of rising to the station you truly merit。〃
   Halisstra snorted; truly irritated; and shook her hands in her manacles。
   〃If you can imagine the destruction of all your enemies at once;〃 Seyll pressed; 〃you can certainly imagine the faithfulness of a friend or a goddess pleased by your loyalty; not your sacrifice。〃
   〃All gods demand sacrifice。 You delude yourself if you think Eilistraee is any different。 Perhaps you're simply too weak…minded to understand your bonds。〃 Halisstra looked away and added; 〃You have succeeded in boring me again。 You may leave now。〃
   The priestess walked to the door。 She rapped once on the rusty iron and waited; turning back to face Halisstra。
   〃What if I show you that you're wrong?〃 she said softly。 〃Tomorrow night we dance in the forest for Eilistraee's delight。 I will bring you there; and you will see for yourself what our goddess demands of us。〃
   〃I will have no part of it;〃 Halisstra snapped; finally irritated enough to forget her resolve to feign a grudging conversion to the surface dwellers' vapid beliefs。
   〃Your faith in your Spider Queen is so weak you can't bear to watch us dance?〃 Seyll asked。 〃Listen; watch; and judge for yourself。 That's all I ask。〃
   The endless black gale that shrieked up through the vertical streets of ruined Chaulssin weled Nimor's return with a barrage of gusts so powerful that even he was momentarily rocked on his feet。 His white hair whipping around his head like a wild halo; the Anointed Blade paused a moment in his steps to allow the blast to die away。
   He could not remain long in the City of Wyrmshadows; not while Menzoberranzan's army marched and the Agrach Dyrr contingent tramped along without him; but he wasn't in such a hurry that he couldn't tarry a moment in the hidden citadel of his secret House。 Nimor Imphraezl was a prince of Chaulssin; after all; and the magnificent ruin; the hell…carved citadel; was his domain。 He had not been born there; of course; nor had he spent his childhood years in the shadow…haunted city。 The place was too perilous for the young; so the Jaezred Chaulssin fostered their princes in a dozen minor Houses in as many cities throughout the Underdark。 From the time he reached adulthood and came into his ancient birthright; though; Nimor had regarded the windswept ruin as his own palace。
   The gust passed; at least as much as any blast of wind ever did in the black chasm yawning around the city; and the assassin continued on his way。 Menzoberranzan was little more than an hour distant through the Plane of Shadow; and so it was fairly easy for Nimor to manufacture an excuse to absent himself from the marching column to tend to some 〃personal matters。〃 Even if Andzrel Baenre summoned the House captains to a sudden council of war during Nimor's absence; he took little risk in leaving for a short time。 The army moved quickly; as armies go; but no one would find it overly suspicious for a noble to tarry in the city for a short time before riding out to catch up to the column。
   He reached the great; spiraling stair cut through the heart of Chaulssin's stone mountain and ascended quickly; taking the steps two at a time。 In the great hall at the top; he found the patron fathers assembled again; clustered together in twos and threes as they traded news and fomented plots to advance the House during their time of remarkable opportunity。 Grandfather Mauzzkyl turned to level his fearsome glare upon Nimor as the assassin entered。
   〃Once again you keep us waiting;〃 he said。
   〃I beg your forgiveness; Revered Grandfather;〃 Nimor replied。 He drew up into the circle with the others and made a small bow。 The winds outside the chamber moaned eerily in the distance。 〃I was summoned to a council of war that I did not think it wise to miss。〃
   〃One might say the same of this gathering;〃 observed Patron Father Tomphael。
   Nimor forced a smile and replied; 〃I have been working for some time to cultivate a particular identity and level of responsibility among Menzoberranzan's defenders; Tomphael。 That sort of effort is not to be lightly thrown aside。 Until the revered grandfather instructs me otherwise; I will keep you waiting when it is necessary to protect our plots against the Spider Queen's favored…〃
   〃Enough; Nimor;〃 Mauzzkyl rumbled。 〃How do things proceed in Menzoberranzan?〃
   〃Very well; Revered Grandfather。 Crown Prince Horgar Steelshadow of Gracklstugh marches an army of nearly five thousand duergar on Menzoberranzan。 The matron mothers have decided to meet the duergar in the field instead of awaiting a siege; since they fear the belligerence of other Underdark realms。 I have; however; arranged for the crown prince's army to steal a march on the Menzoberranyr; and I also have mand of a contingent of troops who can be turned at the right moment to help assure the oute we desire。 Finally; I have convinced the cambion warlord Kaanyr Vhok to bring his army of tanarukks against Menzoberranzan as well; though I am less certain of the Scoured Legion。 Vhok may or may not show; and if he does; he has little allegiance to our cause。〃
   〃You intend to destroy the forces of Menzoberranzan in detail; then;〃 Patron Xorthaul observed。 The black…armored priest stroked his chin。 〃What 
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