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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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they refused to surrender their weapons; the Jaelre drow ushered the pany into a small; disused guardroom that had once warded the ruined castle's main gate。
   〃You will wait here until Tzirik chooses to receive you;〃 the female manding the watch told them。 〃If you attempt to leave this room; we will take that as a sign of hostile intent and fall on you at once。〃
   〃We are a high embassy from a powerful city;〃 Quenthel said in response。 〃You mistreat us at your peril。〃
   〃You are slaves of the Spider Queen; and most likely spies and saboteurs;〃 the captain replied。 〃Lolth holds no sway here; spider…kissing bitch。〃
   She closed and locked the iron door before Quenthel could summon a suitable retort; though the fierce agitation of her snake…headed whip certainly hinted at the depths of her anger。
   〃Do we intend to remain confined here; like rabble locked up in a debtors' gaol?〃 Jeggred snarled。 〃I have half a mind to…〃
   〃Not yet; Jeggred;〃 Quenthel countered。
   She paced back and forth angrily; her mouth working in silent fury。 Pure ire fueled Quenthel with relentless energy。 Confinement in a small room with her pent…up anger would be difficult for all of them。
   Danifae watched her; then restrained Quenthel's agitated pacing with a gentle hand on the Baenre's arm。
   〃What is it; slave?〃 the priestess snapped。
   〃Your zeal is admirable; Mistress;〃 Danifae said; 〃but; please; we must be patient now。〃 She shielded her hands as best she could and added; Remember; we may be watched。
   〃She has a point; dear Quenthel;〃 Pharaun said。 〃You don't want to start a fight against the very people we came to see。 Your hard words and proud manner play better at Arach…Tinilith than on another god's doorstep。〃
   Quenthel turned a look of such icy hatred on the wizard that Danifae put up a hand to steady her。 Danifae herself shot Pharaun a venomous look; contempt twisting her beautiful features。
   〃Silence; Pharaun;〃 the battle captive snapped。 〃Your smug arrogance and endless baiting play better at Sorcere。 At least the Mistress has the strength of her convictions…all you have is cynicism。〃
   Danifae studied Quenthel's face and offered her a shy smile。
   〃Save your anger for later; Mistress;〃 the battle captive said softly。 〃Surely the goddess will be more pleased if you exact an accounting of the faithless after you've wrung the usefulness from them than if you destroy the tools required to serve her。〃
   Quenthel allowed herself to relax。 She drew a deep breath; and took a seat at a barren wood table on which a flagon of water stood。
   〃Fine; then;〃 Quenthel breathed。 〃We will see what happens。〃
   That; Ryld guessed; was about as close as Quenthel would ever e to admitting that she had been wrong about something。 With little else to do; the pany settled down to endure whatever wait the Jaelre chose to test them with。
   Long hours passed。 The night faded into an overcast morning; which then gave way to a gray; rain…soaked afternoon。
   Studying what portions of the old castle he could see from the slitlike windows; Ryld came to the conclusion that Minauthkeep was not half so ruined as it first appeared。 The Jaelre had cleverly repaired much of the ancient structure while leaving the outward appearance mostly unchanged。
   Eventually; as the wait grew interminable; the weapons master settled back against the wall of the chamber and allowed himself to drift off into a light trance; Splitter bared across his lap in case he needed it quickly。
   He was roused from Reverie near nightfall; when the iron door of the chamber abruptly boomed with three forceful knocks。 The lock turned; and the watch captain of the previous night entered; with several more Jaelre guards behind her。
   〃You are summoned before High Priest Tzirik;〃 she said。 〃You are to disarm yourselves here。 The wizard must consent to have his thumbs bound together; and the draegloth will be manacled。〃
   〃I will not;〃 Jeggred snapped。 〃We're not your prisoners; to be dragged before your master in chains。 Why should we do for you what you lack the strength to make us do?〃
   〃You came to us; half…breed;〃 the captain said。
   〃Mistress?〃 Danifae whispered。
   Without taking her eyes from the captain's face; Quenthel drew out her whip。 Weighing it in one hand; she seemed to struggle with herself; then she tossed it to the corner of the chamber。
   〃Yngoth; watch over our arms;〃 she said to one of the hissing vipers。 〃Strike dead any who would tamper with our belongings in our absence。 Jeggred; you will permit yourself to be bound。 Pharaun; you as well。〃
   Ryld sighed and set Splitter on the floor; kicking the blade to within striking distance of Quenthel's vipers。 Valas discarded his kukris as well。 With a grimace of distaste; Pharaun stepped up and held out his hands。 A Jaelre drow tied his thumbs together with stout cord; a measure that would make it very difficult for the mage to make the plex gestures and passes needed for many of his spells。 Jeggred's large upper arms; the long ones with the wicked claws; were chained together; but his smaller humanoid arms were left free。
   The draegloth rumbled。
   〃Be still; nephew;〃 Quenthel said; then she turned to the Jaelre captain。 〃Take us to the priest。〃
   The watch captain nodded to her soldiers; who formed up in a tight phalanx around the Menzoberranyr; swords drawn。 They marched the pany out of the guardroom and into the depths of the keep。 The pany was shown into a large hall or gallery appointed as a shrine to Vhaeraun; the Masked Lord。 Ryld studied the temple with some interest。 He'd never set foot in a place dedicated to any deity but Lolth。 At the upper end of the hall; across from the entrance; a great half…mask the size of a tower shield hung from the wall; overlooking the shrine。 The symbol was made of beaten copper; with two black disks to mark the eyes。
   Two males waited for them。 The first was young; dressed in black leather armor that showed off a well…muscled chest。 A curved kukri was thrust through his belt; and a small green asp was coiled around his arm。 His left leg was encased in an awkward harness of iron and leather; and he moved stiffly。 The second was unusually short and stocky; with brawny shoulders and a bald pate; dressed in a breastplate of black mithral and masked with a ceremonial veil of black silk。
   〃The visitors; my lords;〃 the watch captain said。
   The veiled priest studied them。 His expression was virtually unreadable behind the veil。
   〃Valas Hune; as I live and breathe;〃 he said at last。 〃Well; this is a surprise。 I haven't seen you in more than fifty years。〃 He hesitated a moment longer; then strode forward boldly and clapped the Bregan D'aerthe scout on the shoulders。 〃It has been too long; old friend。 How are things with you?〃
   〃Tzirik;〃 Valas said。 He smiled back; his dour face stretching with unaccustomed enjoyment; and he took the priest's hand in a firm grip。 He glanced around the chamber。 〃I see you have finally achieved the Return you were always talking about。 As far as how things go with me; well; that will take some expl
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