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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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owed; a few steps ahead of Halisstra; her eyes on the uncertain footing beneath her。 Halisstra started to follow。 The rushing water was loud; even though the creek was shallow and not at all wide。 The moon slipped behind the clouds; momentarily darkening the forest floor。
   Halisstra scented opportunity。
   She quickly hopped two rocks into the stream and halted; as if studying her next step。 Instead she pitched her voice low and began a bae'qeshel song; the sound covered by the noisy creek。 Seyll continued to pick her way ahead; and behind Halisstra the surface elf Feliane stopped; waiting for her to cross。
   It was difficult with her hands bound; even as loosely as they were; but the power of the enchantment was in Halisstra's voice; not her hands。 Even as Feliane lost patience and hopped forward to aid her; Halisstra turned around and fixed her red eyes on the pale girl's face。
   〃Angardh xorr feleal;〃 she hissed。 〃Dear Feliane; would you draw your sword and free me of these troublesome bonds? I am afraid I will fall。〃
   The charm ensnared the young priestess easily。 With a blank expression; she drew her blade。
   〃Of course;〃 the elf murmured vacantly。
   She drew the razor edge carefully through the cords on Halisstra's wrists。 Halisstra glanced over her shoulder at Seyll and carefully moved to shield Feliane's work with her body。
   〃What's wrong?〃 Seyll called。
   〃Don't answer;〃 Halisstra whispered to the girl。 She kept her hands together and turned carefully to face the priestess。 〃A moment!〃 she called。 〃I'm not certain of this step with my hands bound。 The next rock seems slippery。
   Seyll glanced at the creek; then retraced her steps; leaping one rock to the next as she came back toward Halisstra and Feliane。 Halisstra twisted to look back at Feliane; standing behind her with her sword drawn。
   〃Dear Feliane;〃 she said sweetly; 〃may I borrow your sword for a moment?〃
   The girl frowned slightly; perhaps aware somewhere in the depths of her enchantment…fogged mind that something was not right; but she extended the sword's hilt to Halisstra。 Again concealing the movement with her body; Halisstra took the blade in her hand。
   〃Here;〃 said Seyll。 The Eilistraee priestess reached the next boulder and set her feet carefully; extending a hand。 〃Take my arm; and I will steady you。〃
   Halisstra spun with the quickness of a cat and buried Feliane's sword beneath Seyll's outstretched arm。 The priestess gasped in cold shock and crumpled at once; slipping from her perch to fall awkwardly in the icy stream。 She slumped down the moss…covered boulder and came to rest leaning against the stone; sitting waist deep in the rushing water。
   Halisstra withdrew the sword and turned back to Feliane; who stared at her with dumb amazement。
   〃Seyll's been hurt; girl;〃 Halisstra snapped。 〃Quick; run back to Elventree and fetch help! Go!〃
   The pale elf maiden managed only one jerky nod before she whirled and raced off。 Halisstra leaped over Seyll's rock and dashed quickly over the path。 Xarra; the younger drow priestess; emerged suddenly from the wooded banks ahead of her; returning to find out what had delayed the others。 To her credit; Xarra took in the situation with a single glance。 She raised her crossbow and took quick aim。
   Halisstra threw herself aside; twisting in midair as she sprang。 Xarra's quarrel hissed by her torso so closely she felt it tug at her coat as it flew past。
   〃You missed your shot; girl;〃 Halisstra snarled。
   Xarra dropped her crossbow and reached for her sword。 She died before the blade had cleared her scabbard; spitted through the throat。 Halisstra straightened and looked down at the body; her heart pounding。 The stream sang loudly beside her; and the air smelled of rain and wet leaves。
   What next? she wondered。
   Her prized mail; mace; and crossbow were in Lord Dessaer's keeping in Elventree; and as much as she wanted to recover her possessions; it didn't seem likely that she would be able to without the assistance of the Menzoberranyr。 Her best move would be to arm herself as well as she could; take what provisions she could from Seyll and Xarra; and strike out in search of the Jaelre。 With luck she would find them before Dessaer's rangers found her。
   Halisstra thrust the sword through her belt and ventured back out into the stream to see if Seyll was carrying anything of use。 She splashed down into the cold stream beside the Eilistraee priestess; gathered her up beneath the arms; and hoisted her back onto the stone slab in order to get a better look at her gear。 The armor was clearly magical; as was the shield slung over Seyll's shoulder and the sword at her belt。 Halisstra began unfastening the mail; intending to strip it from Seyll's body。
   Seyll's eyes fluttered; and she groaned; 〃Halisstra。 。。。〃
   Halisstra recoiled; startled above all else; and somewhat repulsed to find that she was stripping the corpse of someone who was not quite dead yet。 She glanced down at the stone and studied a coursing rivulet of blood streaming from Seyll's side to the foaming water of the creek。 The priestess's breath sounded wet and shallow; and bright flecks of blood stained her lips。
   〃I hope you will forgive me; Seyll; but I have need of your arms and armor; and you will be dead in a very short time;〃 Halisstra remarked。 〃I have decided to decline your gracious invitation to join your observances tonight; as I have pressing business elsewhere in the forest。〃
   〃The 。 。 。 others?〃 Seyll gasped。
   〃Xarra had the decency to die swiftly and without awkward conversation。 The surface girl I charmed and sent running off into the forest。〃
   Halisstra unbuckled Seyll's sword belt and dragged it loose; setting it well out of the dying drow's reach。 She set to work on the armor fastenings。
   〃While I admire your determination to save me from myself; Seyll; I can't believe you didn't see this as a likely oute of your attempt to convert me。〃
   〃A risk 。。。 we are all 。。。 prepared to take;〃 Seyll managed。 〃No one is beyond redemption。〃
   She mumbled something more and reached up to interfere with Halisstra's work; but the Melarn priestess simply batted her hands away。
   〃A foolish risk; then。 Lolth has punished your faithlessness through my hand; apostate;〃 Halisstra said。 She pulled off Seyll's boots and undid the leggings of her mail。 〃Tell me; was it worth it; to follow the path that led you to a cold and pointless death here in this miserable forest?〃
   To Halisstra's surprise; Seyll smiled; finding some last reservoir of strength。
   〃Worth it? Upon 。 。 。 my soul; yes。〃 She laid her head back and gazed up into Halisstra's face。 〃I。。。 have hope for you still;〃 she whispered。 〃Do not。 。 。 concern yourself。 。 。 with me。 I 。。。 have been 。 。 。 redeemed。〃
   Her eyes closed for the final time; and the wet sound of her breathing halted。
   Halisstra paused in her work。 She had expected anger; resentment; perhaps even fear or scorn; but forgiveness? What power did the Dark Maiden hold over her worshipers that they could die with a blessing for their enemies on their 
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