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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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at; do we?〃
   〃The next room?〃 Ryld asked。
   Jeggred was already by the door。 The draegloth opened it and quickly bounded through; followed by the others; into a round chamber not unlike the bottom of a well。 Several of the floors above had long since collapsed; burying the ground floor in rubble and wreckage; with great wooden beams protruding from the mess。 Heaps of masonry taller than a drow impeded movement。
   Ryld stared into the empty space above; searching for any sign of the monster that was supposed to lurk there。 The others did as well; but all was still。
   〃I see no beholder;〃 Jeggred said。
   Ryld was about to reply when something above them responded in a horrible; croaking voice; 〃Of course not; fools。 I do not wish to be seen!〃
   An instant later the creature lashed out at them。 From somewhere nigh overhead; near the top of the ruined tower; several brilliant rays of magical energy…the deadly beams each of the monster's eyes could fire in order to wound; paralyze; charm; or even disintegrate its foes…lanced downward at the drow; followed by a great blue bolt of lightning conjured by the unseen monster。 Ryld could not see the magic's source。
   The rays and crackling bolt of electricity abruptly winked out just over the drow's heads; negated by Pharaun's zone of null magic。 The creature tried again; bringing different rays to bear and incanting some horrible spell in its deep; droning voice; but those were no more successful。
   Ryld aimed his crossbow up the shaft and guessed at the spot from which the rays had stabbed down at them; loosing his bolt with practiced skill。 A squeal of pain overhead told him that he'd guessed his target well。 Valas; Danifae; and Pharaun fired too; while Jeggred snatched up a good…sized brick in one fighting claw and hurled it up into the darkness with surprising swiftness。 Not all of their barrage struck home; of course。 Even if it had been visible; a beholder's thick chitinous hide could deflect many attacks; and scoring a square hit on the creature when it was garbed in invisibility was more than a little difficult。 Still; a couple of quarrels struck home。
   The beholder mage obviously prehended the nature of the pany's defense very quickly on its own。 Instead of striking directly at the dark elves; it turned its deadly gaze on the wreckage of the upper floors。 With one eye ray it burned through the base of a heavy wooden beam projecting from the tower's stone wall; and with another it seized the timber in a telekinetic grip and flung it down at Valas; who was plying his short…bow to great effect。 The scout threw himself aside just in time to avoid being crushed beneath the massive timber; but lost his balance and fell amid the rubble。 Dust and the cracking of stone filled the air。 The beholder instantly went to work on another wooden beam。 In the meantime the creature changed its droning incantation and began another spell。
   〃We need to climb higher;〃 Quenthel said。 〃The creature is above Pharaun's spell。〃
   〃Do you propose that I should jump?〃 Pharaun asked。 He ducked a head…sized chunk of masonry clattering down from above; and took aim with his crossbow again。 〃The antimagic that protects us also prevents us from flying or levitating up to get at…〃
   〃For Lolth's sake;〃 Ryld exclaimed。 Sign!
   Valas slipped and scrambled over to one side; seeking a better vantage。 The scout drew his shortbow carefully; and loosed another arrow。 The beholder above let out a horrible screech。 The eye rays winked out; and debris stopped falling from overhead。
   The beholder retreated back above the next intact floor; Valas signed。 We'll have to go up and get it。
   Ryld studied the interior walls of the ruined towers carefully。 Perhaps four of the lower floors were missing; leaving at least two or three intact above the ceiling of the highest floor they could see。 At a guess; it was at least a sixty…foot climb; and the masonry was old and damaged。 A skilled climber could make good use of the wreckage of the beams that formerly supported the lower floors; but it was nothing he cared to try。
   I don't like the climb; he replied。
   Nor do I; Danifae added。 The creature knows we're protected by anti…magic。 Will it expect us to abandon the spell in order to get to it?
   〃Possibly;〃 said Pharaun。 At a sharp look from Ryld he signed; One wonders if perhaps we should have studied this situation at greater length before agreeing to the task the Jaelre set us。
   Pharaun; like the others; moved carefully across the floor of the chamber; peering upward。
   The wizard craned back his head and called; 〃Ho! Beholder! As we are at something of an impasse; will you consent to parlay?〃
   Quenthel fumed。
   〃You speak for us; wizard?〃 she growled。
   From the heights of the tower overhead the deep; rasping voice came again。
   〃Parlay? On what account? You have invaded my home; impudent fools。〃
   〃Pharaun…〃 Quenthel started。
   〃You have a book we want;〃 the wizard replied; ignoring the high priestess。 〃I guess it's called the Geildirion of Cimbar。 Give it to us; and We'll trouble you no more。〃
   The beholder fell silent; evidently considering the offer。 Quenthel stared daggers at the wizard; but like the others; she listened for the beholder's reply。
   〃The book is extremely valuable;〃 the creature replied finally。 〃I will not yield it up because some whelp of a dark elf demands it of me。 Retreat; and I will consent to spare your lives。〃
   Quenthel snorted and said; 〃As if we expected anything different。〃 She made a small wave of her hand to call the others' attention to her; and signed; On the count of three; Pharaun will dismiss his spell。 Danifae and Ryld…you will follow me up the shaft。 Pharaun; when we reach the halfway point; you will then teleport yourself and Jeggred to the floor above and take the monster unawares while it focuses its attention on defending the shaft。 Valas; you remain here and cover our ascent with your bow。 e up as quickly as you can once we reach the top。 The Baenre did not wait to entertain any refinements to her plan; beginning her countdown at once。
   One; two。 。 。 three!
   Pharaun made a curt gesture and dismissed his spell of antimagic。 Ryld felt the arcane power of his belt; his gauntlets; and his sword flood back into his limbs。 He drew Splitter and ascended into the shaft; using the levitation charm with which his Melee…Magthere insignia was imbued。 With luck; the sword's ability to disrupt enchantments would shield him from the worst of what the beholder mage could send their way。
   Quenthel and Danifae rose alongside him; three black; graceful forms sliding smoothly up into the darkness。 Pharaun moved up beside Jeggred and watched their progress; one hand on the draegloth's white…furred shoulder。
   The ceiling of the shaft featured a circular opening at one side; cluttered somewhat by the remnants of the old stairwell that once climbed the tower。 Ryld peered at the opening; expecting incandescent death at any moment。
   The beholder mage did not disappoint him。
   A brilliant green ray flashed into existence; lancing
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