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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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and pick the straightest course out of the forest she could find。 Sooner or later; she might find civilization again; and beg; borrow; or steal food and other supplies…or charm a guide who could lead her to the Jaelre。
   She closed her eyes; trying to build a mental picture of Cormanthor and the lands around it。 She was in the eastern part of the forest; she knew…so was her best course east; toward the rising sun? There was little on that side of the forest except for the human settlement of Harrowdale。 if she recalled her geography。 Or was she better off turning south? Several more dales lay in that direction; so her odds of reaching civilization seemed better that way; even if that meant she would have a longer trek to reach the eaves of the forest。 North she ruled out at once; since she was fairly certain that Elventree lay in that direction。 Any way she went; she would be turning her back on the Jaelre and her sacred mission; at least for a time。
   〃This would be easier if the goddess would consent to answer my prayers;〃 she grumbled。
   When she realized what she'd said; she couldn't help but glance around and put a hand to her mouth。 Lolth did not look kindly on plainers。
   She passed a cold; wet; and miserable day hunched down among the rocks of her small hiding place; drifting in and out of Reverie。 More than once she wished she'd had the presence of mind to order Feliane to guide her to the Jaelre; or at least give up her cloak and pack before dashing off in a panic。 Lord Dessaer's rangers were most likely on her trail; of course; and they would not show her much mercy if she fell into their hands again。 Even so; Halisstra was beginning to feel that a quick execution by the surface elves might be preferable to a long and lonely death by starvation in the endless forest。
   At nightfall she rose; gathered her belongings; and scrambled out of her hiding place。 She stood on the forest floor; looking toward the direction she reckoned west; then south; and west again。 South might offer a better chance of finding a human or surface elf settlement; but she couldn't bring herself to abandon the hope of rejoining her rades。 Better to try one more march west; and if she still hadn't found Pharaun's river by dawn; she'd think about giving up the effort。
   〃West; then;〃 she said to herself。
   She walked for a couple of hours; trying to keep the moon left of her; even though she felt it rather than saw it。 The night was cold; and high thin clouds scudded by overhead; driven by a fierce blast of wind that didn't reach down to the shelter of the trees。 The woods were cold and still; probably pitch black by a surface dweller's standards; but Halisstra found that the diffuse moonlight flooded the forest like a sea of gleaming silver shadow。 She paused to study the sky; trying to gauge whether she was allowing the moon's passage to affect her course too much; when she heard the faint sound of rushing water。
   Carefully she stole forward; trotting softly through the night; and she emerged at the bank of a wide; shallow brook that splashed over a pebbly bed。 It was wider than any she'd seen yet; easily thirty to forty feet; and it ran from her left to her right。
   〃Is this it?〃 she breathed。
   It seemed large enough; and it was about where she'd expected to find it…a march and a half from the place where she'd been captured。 Halisstra crouched and studied the swift water; thinking。 If she made the wrong decision; she might follow the stream into some desolate and unpopulated portion of the woods and die a lonely death of hunger and cold。 Then again; her prospects weren't very bright no matter what she did。 Halisstra snorted to herself; and followed the stream to her left。 What did she have to lose?
   She managed another mile or so before the night's walk and the cold air made her hunger too great to be borne any longer; and she resolved to stop and make a midnight meal of whatever supplies she had left。 Halisstra shook her pack off her shoulder and started to look around when an odd whirring sound fluttered through the air。 Without even thinking about it; Halisstra threw herself flat on the ground…she knew the sound too well。
   Two small quarrels flew past her; one sinking into a nearby tree trunk; the other glancing from her armored sleeve。 Halisstra rolled behind the tree and quickly sang a spell of invisibility; hoping to throw off her assailants' aim; when she happened to glance again at the bolt。 It was small and black; with red fletching; the bolt of a drow hand crossbow。
   Several stealthy attackers moved closer through the wood; their presence indicated only by the occasional rustle of leaves on the ground or a low signaling whistle。 Halisstra carefully stood; still hiding behind the tree。
   In a low voice she called; 〃Hold your fire。 I killed the Eilistraeen priestess who carried these arms。 I serve the Spider Queen。〃
   Her voice carried the hint of a bae'qeshel song that gave her words an undeniable sincerity。
   Several drow stalked closer; their feet rustling softly in the underbrush。 Halisstra caught sight of them; furtive males in green and black who prowled through the moonlit forest like panthers。 They peered into the darkness; searching for her; but her spell concealed her well enough。
   She set her hand to the hilt of Seyll's sword and shifted slightly to ready her shield in case they found a way to defeat her invisibility。
   One of the drow in front of her paused a moment and replied; 〃We've been looking for you。〃
   〃Looking for me?〃 Halisstra said。 〃I seek an audience with Tzirik。 Can you take me to him?〃
   The Jaelre warriors halted。 Their fingers flashed quickly; signing to each other。 After a moment; the warrior who had spoken straightened and lowered his crossbow。
   〃Your pany of spider…kissers came to Minauthkeep three days ago;〃 he said。 〃You were separated from them?〃
   Hoping that Quenthel and the others had done nothing to make enemies of the Jaelre; Halisstra decided to answer honestly。
   〃Yes;〃 she said。
   〃Very well; then;〃 the stranger replied。 〃High Priest Tzirik ordered us to find you; so we'll take you back。 Why; and what bees of you there; is up to him。〃
   Halisstra allowed her invisibility to fade; and nodded。 The Jaelre drow fell in around her and set off at a quick pace toward the south; following the stream。 She might have had no idea where she was; but the Jaelre seemed to know the woods well enough。 In less than an hour; they came to a ruined keep; its white walls gleaming in the moonlight。 The stream passed a stone's throw from the fortress。
   I had the right stream; Halisstra noted with some surprise。
   She'd kept her course for two nights and veered only a couple of miles too far to her right; it seemed。 She thought about what would have happened if she'd crossed the stream and continued。 The thought made her shiver。
   The Jaelre scouts led Halisstra into the ruined keep; past watchful guards who crouched in hidden places and kept an eye on the forest all around。 She discovered that the place was in much better repair than it seemed from outside。 Her guards esco
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