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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   〃Do not resist;〃 it said; its voice harsher。
   Halisstra could feel the creature's spell drawing over her; sapping at her resolve; seeking to subjugate her will to its own。 She knew that if she gave in she would go willingly to her death; even lie down helplessly while the lamia devoured her if it asked her to; but the sting of Danifae's slap had reawakened the wellsprings of her will; just enough to fight through the lamia's sweet words。
   〃We are drow;〃 Halisstra managed to gasp。 〃Our wills may not be broken by such as you。〃
   The lamia bared its teeth in fierce anger and drew a bronze dagger from its hip; but Halisstra and Danifae backed out of the shadowed alley into the sun。
   The dragon's gone; signed Danifae。
   Halisstra shook her head and replied; An illusion。 We were deceived。
   Something was still hovering in the center of the street; a faint flickering phantasm that might have been about the size of the thing they had seen before; and they could hear as if from very far away its hissing protests。
   〃Illusion;〃 Danifae spat in disgust。
   The dragon…wisp gnawed at the corners of their minds; joined by other; more insistent murmuring and shadows。 Buildings seemed to shimmer and vanish; replaced by ruins of different appearance。 Dark and horrible things slithered through the rubble; closing off retreat。 Ghostly drow dressed in resplendent robes appeared; smiling and happy; calling for them to join them in their blissful revels if only they would surrender first。
   The lamia padded softly out into the street after them; holding its dagger behind its back。
   〃You may resist our enticements for a time;〃 she purred; 〃but eventually we will wear you down。〃 She reached out with her hand again。 〃Won't you let me smooth away your cares? Won't you let me touch you again? It would be so much easier。〃
   A swift; graceful movement caught Halisstra's eye; and she glanced quickly to her left。 Another lamia; this one male; had leaped to a wall top overshadowing their retreat。 He was bronzed and handsome; lithe and tawny; and he smiled cruelly down on them。
   〃Your journey must have been long and tiresome;〃 he said in voice of gold。 〃Won't you tell me of your travels? I want to hear all about them。〃
   From the dark doorway of the court of justice; a third lamia emerged。
   〃Yes; indeed; tell us; tell us;〃 the monster crooned。 〃What finer way to pass the day; eh? Rest; rest; and let us care for you。〃
   It leaned against a great spear and smiled beatifically at them。
   Halisstra and Danifae exchanged a single glance; and fled for their lives。
   Gromph Baenre; Archmage of Menzoberranzan; was dissatisfied。 Though the slave revolt had been quelled without too much trouble; it disturbed him greatly that so many drow males had made mon cause against the matron mothers。 Not only that; they had made mon cause with slave races to turn against the city。 It bespoke desperate fear long suppressed; and something else beside…it suggested an unseen enemy who found a way to give that fear a voice and a mission。 Drow simply did not cooperate so easily with each other that a coordinated rebellion could take shape secretly and spring full…grown to life。
   The watchful lull that blanketed the city in the aftermath of the crushing of the revolt and the illithilich's demise struck Gromph as something malevolent and deceitful。
   He stood up from his writing desk and paced across his chamber; thinking。 Kyorli; the rat that served as his familiar; eyed him with cool disinterest as it munched on a slice of rothe cheese。
   The sight of the rat somehow reminded the archmage that he hadn't heard from Pharaun in a while。 The arrogant popinjay had reported that Ched Nasad was in a state of chaos。 Perhaps it was time to check in on him。
   Gromph stepped through an archway into an open shaft and levitated up to the room that served as his scrying chamber。 Of necessity it was somewhat less well warded than other portions of his demesnes; since he required a certain amount of magical transparency in order to cast his mind out into the wide world around his palace。 He reached the chamber and sat cross…legged in front of a low table on which rested a great crystal orb。
   With a pass of his aged hands; he muttered the device's activating words and manded; 〃Show me Pharaun Mizzrym; the impudent whelp who thinks he can replace me someday。〃
   The last was not strictly necessary; but Gromph found it helpful to give voice to his frustrations before attempting to scry。
   The orb grew gray and milky; swirling with fog; then it exploded with unheralded radiance。 Gromph swore and averted his eyes。 For a moment he believed that Pharaun had devised some new spell to discourage enemies from spying on him; but the Archmage soon recognized the peculiar quality of the brilliance。
   Wondering what the Master of Sorcere could possibly be doing on the surface; Gromph shaded his eyes and peered again; looking closer。 He saw Pharaun; sitting in the shadow of a crumbling wall as he studied his spellbooks。 None of the other dark elves who had acpanied the wizard were in sight; though Gromph could see a nearby archway leading out into a hatefully brilliant courtyard beyond。
   The tiny image of Pharaun looked up and frowned。 The wizard had sensed Gromph's spying; as any skilled wielder of magic was likely to do。 Pharaun made a few silent passes with his hands; and the picture faded。 Pharaun had cast a spell to block the scrying; though chances were good he had no idea who might be watching him。
   〃So you think you will elude me so easily?〃 Gromph said; staring at the grayness。
   He steepled his fingers before him and cast a spell of his own; a mental sending to dispatch a message straight to the errant wizard。
   Where are you? What transpired in Ched Nasad? What do you intend to do next?
   He posed himself to receive Pharaun's reply…the spell of sending conveyed the recipient's response within a few minutes。 The moments crept by; as Gromph gazed out the high; narrow windows of his scrying chamber; awaiting the younger wizard's response。
   He felt the feathery touch of Pharaun's words appearing in his mind: Anauroch。 Ched Nasad was destroyed by rebellion and stonefire。 Lolth's silence did extend there。 We now seek a priest of Vhaeraun in hope of answers。
   The contact faded after those twenty…five words。 That particular spell didn't permit lengthy conversations; but Pharaun had answered Gromph's questions with uncharacteristic efficiency。
   〃Ched Nasad destroyed?〃 breathed Gromph。
   That merited immediate investigation。 He turned again to his crystal orb and manded it to show him the City of Shimmering Webs。 It took a moment for the mist to clear; and reveal to the Archmage a plete calamity。
   Where Ched Nasad had stood; there was nothing but remnant strands of calcified webbing; dripping slowly into a black abyss like molten glass from a glazier's pipe。 Of the city's sinister palaces and wall…climbing castles; virtually nothing remained。
   〃Lolth protect us;〃 murmured Gromph; sickened at the sig
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