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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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rong enough to destroy Gromph。〃
   〃I don't understand;〃 Sos'Umptu replied。 〃You seek allies?〃
   〃It occurs to me that we might do well to ally ourselves with a great House of middle rank; perhaps two;〃 said Triel。 〃It seems a sound precaution against any effort by the Second or Third Houses to rally the rest in mon cause against us。〃
   Sos'Umptu stroked her chin and said; 〃You believe matters have bee as dangerous as that? Mother would never have agreed to such a thing。〃
   〃Mother lived in a different time;〃 Triel said。 〃Do not pare me to her again。〃
   Triel fixed her eyes on her sister until the priestess dropped her gaze。 Sos'Umptu was clever; but not strong。 If she joined forces with Quenthel; or maybe a cabal of the more capable cousins such as Zal'therra; she would be a threat to Triel; but until then she could be trusted…within reason。
   〃What if Gromph's assassination was an attack on House Baenre;〃 Triel asked; 〃and not simply a means to open the post of archmage?〃
   〃In that case; we would be well advised to raise another Baenre wizard over Sorcere。 Failing to do so would make us seem weak; and if the other Houses perceive us as vulnerable; they might be tempted to try the very thing you fear。〃
   〃Your advice does not provide me much fort; Sos'Umptu;〃 Triel grated。 〃And I am concerned; not afraid。〃
   〃There is another possibility;〃 Sos'Umptu said。 〃Delay。 Maintain that Gromph is still Archmage of Menzoberranzan for as long as possible。 For that matter; spread the story that you have sent him off on a special mission and he will not be back for a while。 The longer we delay; the more likely it is that events will make the circumstances of his disappearance clearer。 If the Army of the Black Spider finds victory in the tunnels to the south; then your position might be strengthened enough that you can do as you will with the archmage's post。〃
   Triel nodded。 It was a sound piece of advice。 Though she hated to admit that if Lolth continued to refuse her spells she might face a challenge for the leadership of the House; it didn't hurt her to begin strengthening her own ties to Sos'Umptu。 She might need all the sisters she could get。
   The door to the chapel creaked open; and a plump male dressed in elegant black robes entered。 He resembled nothing so much as a housecat that had been fed too much; satisfied with his own superiority。 Nauzhror Baenre was Triel's first cousin once removed; the son of one of her mother's nieces。 His familiar; a hairy spider as well fed as the wizard himself; perched on Nauzhror's shoulder。 He was accounted a Master of Sorcere; the only Baenre so recognized other than old Gromph himself; and was reputed to be an abjurer of some skill。 Younger than Gromph; he had a habit of maintaining an insouciant smirk that made it hard to gauge what he was thinking。 Try as she might; Triel could not imagine him wearing the robes of the Archmage of Menzoberranzan。
   〃You sent for me; Matron Mother?〃
   〃I am going to make it known;〃 Triel said; 〃that my brother Gromph is engaged in a mission of great importance and secrecy; and will return to resume his duties as Archmage of Menzoberranzan in due time。 In the meantime; I am going to allow the Masters of Sorcere to designate a substitute to attend to the responsibilities of the position。 You will support the best candidate from either House Xorlarrin or Agrach Dyrr。〃
   Nauzhror's smirk failed him。
   〃M…matron Mother;〃 he stammered。 〃I 。。。 I had thought that perhaps I should assume the…〃
   〃Are you Gromph's equal; Nauzhror?〃 Triel asked。
   The abjurer might have been soft in appearance; but his eyes betrayed a hard and calculating mind…and a pragmatic one; as well。
   〃Were I the archmage's equal; Matron Mother; I would have challenged him for his title already。〃 He thought for a moment; reaching up to stroke the spider that sat on his shoulder。 〃In time I expect to equal and perhaps surpass his skill; but I must study the Art for many years before I can call myself his peer。〃
   〃As I thought。 Consider this; then;〃 Triel said。 〃Whomever engineered Gromph's disappearance will most likely make short work of you if you presumed to call yourself Archmage of Menzoberranzan。 The day may e when you realize your ambition; cousin; but that day is not today。〃
   Nauzhror did not hesitate to incline his head and reply; 〃Yes; Matron Mother。 I will do as you mand。〃
   〃You are now acting House Wizard of House Baenre; Nauzhror。 If it turns out that my brother is no more; you will hold the position in earnest; but for now I have need of your spells and counsel。 Settle your affairs in Sorcere for the time being。 I will have your personal effects brought here。〃
   Nauzhror genuflected and said; 〃I thank you for your confidence in my abilities; Matron Mother。〃
   〃My confidence in your abilities extends exactly this far; cousin: Do not get killed;〃 said Triel。 〃As of this moment; any male with the least aptitude for wizardry in House Baenre is yours to train。 We need a cadre of skilled arcanists to equal those fielded by Del'Armgo or Xorlarrin。〃
   〃Such a collection of talent cannot be produced overnight; Matron Mother。 It will be the work of years to match Xorlarrin's strength in wizardry。〃
   〃Then it is a work best begun immediately。〃
   Triel studied the corpulent wizard and found herself hoping against hope that her House's future did not rest in his oily hands。
   〃There is one thing more; Nauzhror;〃 she said as the wizard stepped away。 〃Consider it your first duty as House Wizard。〃 Triel moved close and fixed her eyes on his; daring him to smile into her face。 〃You will find out what has happened to my brother。〃
   Ryld barreled through a short; curving corridor; Jezz and Valas at his heels。 Danifae helped Quenthel to stagger along behind them。 The weapons master followed the corridor back to his right; and emerged into a large hall or ballroom of some kind。 The beholder mage drifted there; a hulking monstrosity in the form of a chitin…covered orb six feet across; its ten eyestalks writhing as it hurled spell after spell at Pharaun and Jeggred。 The wizard stood encased in a globe of magical energy; some kind of defensive spell that protected him while he dueled spell…for…spell with the monster。 Jeggred stood immobile; his face locked into a needle…fanged grimace as he struggled to throw off the influence of some baneful spell or another。
   〃Persistent insects;〃 the beholder snarled as it caught sight of Ryld and the others。 〃Leave me be!〃
   The creature floated back through an open archway; retreating to another portion of its lair。
   Pharaun turned wearily to face the others。 One side of his clothing was spattered with smoking holes; where some kind of acid had burned him; and he trembled with fatigue。
   〃Ah; I see my worthy panions have at last elected to join me;〃 he observed。 〃Excellent! I was afraid you might miss the pleasure of hazarding life and limb against a murderous foe。〃
   〃What's wrong with Jeggred?〃 Quenthel managed。
   〃He's ensnared by a holding spell of some kind; and I expended all of my dispelli
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