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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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sted a bolt of lightning in his direction; but he tumbled aside and kept ing。 Another eye fixed on him; and the beholder's drone took on a peculiarly horrid and deadly sound。 Rather than wait to find out what spell the monster could cast with that eye; Ryld altered his path and bounded into the air; reaching out to sever the tentacle cleanly with Splitter's gleaming blade。
   The beholder's drone broke in a piercing shriek of pain。 The monster whirled to face Ryld with its jaws gaping; but the weapons master took careful aim and severed another waving eye before ducking down and scrambling beneath the bloated sphere of the hovering creature's body。 None of the beholder's eyes could see directly beneath its own bulk。
   Dropping to one knee; Ryld shortened his grip on Splitter; and thrust the greatsword up into the chitinous underside of the monster。 Black thick gore streamed down the blade; and the huge monster shuddered and shrieked again。
   〃Well done!〃 Jezz cried。
   The Jaelre renegade menced to bark out arcane words; his hands weaving in mystical patterns。 He conjured up a seething missile of mystic acid that burned another eyestalk from the beholder's body as the monster rolled and twisted in agony。
   Ryld yanked out his sword and rolled aside even as the beholder tried to crush him beneath its bulk; its jaws snapping at him。 He found himself looking directly at the front of its body; where its great central eye had once gazed out from an armored carapace。 The central eye was nothing but an empty socket。 An old lesson came to the weapons master's mind: a beholder that wished to learn magic had to blind itself in order to do so。
   The lesser eyes flailed and twisted on their tentacles; trying to focus on Ryld。 The weapons master saw his opportunity and his target at the same moment。 With one swift bound he drove Splitter like a lance straight through the empty central socket and deep into the creature's alien brain。 With grim determination he sawed the greatsword in and out; side to side; while dark gore spurted and streamed from the awful wound。
   The beholder gave one great shudder; its jaws snapped shut; and its waving eyestalks…those that remained…went limp。 It sank slowly toward the floor。
   Ryld glanced up and saw another devil closing on him; apparently having discerned his true form through the illusion; and he snatched out his short sword to gut the fiend as it threw itself on him。 The devil knocked him to the floor; its foul blood pouring out all over him。 Ryld gagged in revulsion and shouldered the jerking corpse aside; wrenching his sword out of the creature's midsection with his right hand while he dragged Splitter clear of the beholder mage's eye with the left。 He shook his head to clear his eyes of the blood of his foes。
   By the chamber's entrance; Jeggred sprawled to the ground beneath another terrible spell from the pit fiend; a roaring column of fire that blackened the draegloth's fur and might have incinerated him outright if not for the half…demon's native resistance to fire。
   Jeggred screeched and rolled across the floor; trying to smother the burning embers; but as the pit fiend followed to strike at him again; Danifae appeared in front of it and dealt the monster a mighty blow that cracked its kneecap。 The devil staggered and flared its wings for balance…and Valas buried three arrows in its back; sinking each shaft feather…deep between the fiend's shoulder blades。
   Ryld started forward cautiously; preparing to engage the devil lord in his own turn; but Pharaun; blistered and smoking; rose from the spot where the devil's fireball had blasted him; and lashed out with a brilliant spray of iridescent colors that caught the pit fiend as it turned to confront the archer。 A green ray carved a deep; black; boiling wound in the center of the pit fiend's torso; while a virulent yellow ray exploded with crackling arcs of electricity as it grazed the devil's hip。 The monster staggered back two steps; and toppled; a smoking corpse。 The chamber fell silent as the echoes of its thunderous fall died away。
   Pharaun picked himself up gingerly; cradling one arm close to his body。 One hand and part of his face were mottled and pink; abraded horribly by the fleeting touch of the beholder's disintegration ray; while his robes smoked with the fading effects of the dark fireball the pit fiend had conjured。 The other dark elves slowly relaxed their guard; glancing around in some surprise to find no more foes on the field; and no life…threatening injuries among their number。 Quenthel fumbled at her belt and produced Halisstra's healing wand; which she began to use to repair her own injuries; murmuring quiet prayers as she wielded the device。
   〃That;〃 said Pharaun; 〃was not easy。 We should have demanded something more from the Jaelre for our services。〃
   〃You came to us; spider…kisser;〃 Jezz said。
   He limped up to study the beholder's corpse where it sprawled on the steps of the ancient dais。 Valas and Danifae followed; both keeping an eye on the stairwell behind them。
   〃Spread out and search for the book;〃 said the Jaelre。 〃We must locate the Geildirion and withdraw before all the devils in Myth Drannor descend upon us。〃
   Jezz followed his own advice at once; ransacking a set of dusty workbenches and cluttered scroll racks along the far side of the beholder's room。
   Ryld sat down on a step and started to scrape the blood from Splitter's blade。 He was exhausted。 Jeggred; on the other hand; threw himself into the search; hurling heavy pieces of disused furniture aside and pulling down bookshelves。 It occurred to Ryld that the draegloth was unlikely to find that the beholder had stashed a valuable book underneath the wreckage of a dusty old couch; but it seemed to keep the half…demon occupied。 Ryld settled for staying out of the draegloth's way。
   〃Hold still; all of you!〃 Pharaun said sharply。
   The wizard spoke a spell and menced to turn slowly in a circle; studying the whole room intently。 The rest of the pany; including Jezz; halted their hurried ransacking and watched him impatiently。 Pharaun continued past Jeggred; past Valas; and halted as he faced a blank wall。 He smiled in a predatory fashion; evidently pleased with himself。
   〃I have defeated the defenses of our deceased adversary;〃 he said。 〃That wall is an illusion covering an antechamber。〃
   He gestured again; and part of the wall not far from Ryld abruptly vanished; revealing a large alcove or niche filled with ramshackle bookshelves cluttered with various old tomes and scrolls。 Jezz hopped awkwardly to the bookshelf and started rifling through the titles; shoving each into a satchel at his hip。
   〃Ryld; Jeggred; keep watch;〃 said Quenthel。 She stood straighter; and the dazed look in her eyes was gone; but she frowned as she replaced the healing wand in her pack。 〃Valas; tidy up the beholder's gold and jewels。 There's no point in leaving the loot here; and one never knows when it might be helpful。〃 She looked over at the Jaelre sorcerer; who stood holding a great tome covered in green scales。 〃Well; Master Jezz; is that the book you wished to recove
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