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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   〃When will this condition end?〃 Halisstra asked。
   〃Again; Vhaeraun either does not know or does not wish for me to know;〃 Tzirik said。 〃The better question might be; will it end? The answer to that is yes; it will end in time; but before you take too much fort in that I must remind you that a goddess may have a very different sense of what we would consider to be a reasonable wait。 The Masked Lord might have been referring to something that would happen tomorrow; next month; next year; or perhaps a hundred years from now。〃
   〃We can't wait that long;〃 Quenthel murmured。 Her expression was distant; fixed on events in faraway Menzoberranzan。 〃A resolution must be reached soon。〃
   〃Take up the worship of a more caring deity; then;〃 Tzirik replied。 〃If you're interested; I would be happy to discourse at length on the virtues of the Masked Lord。〃
   Quenthel bristled; but held her tongue…a feat of remarkable self…control for the Baenre priestess。
   〃I decline;〃 she said。 〃Does the Masked Lord have any other advice for us; priest?〃
   〃In fact; he does;〃 Tzirik replied。 He shifted in his seat; leaning forward to convey his point to Quenthel。 〃These were the exact words he spoke to me; so take note of them。 'The children of the Spider Queen should seek her for answers。' 〃
   〃But we have;〃 Halisstra cried。 〃All of us; but she does not hear us。〃
   〃I don't think that's what he meant;〃 Danifae said。 〃I think Vhaeraun is suggesting that we won't learn anything more unless we go to the Demonweb Pits ourselves; and beseech the goddess in person。〃
   Tzirik remained silent and watched the Menzoberranyr。 Quenthel paced in a small circle; considering the idea。
   〃The Spider Queen requires a certain amount of initiative and self…reliance in her priestesses;〃 the Mistress of Arach…Tinilith said; 〃but she also demands obedience。 To go before her in her divine abode in the expectation of answers 。 。 。 Lolth does not smile on such effrontery。〃
   Halisstra fell silent; thinking furiously over what Tzirik suggested。 Ventures into other planes of existence were not unknown; of course。 Pharaun's spell had carried the pany across the Plane of Shadow; after all; and there were many more universes that mortals armed with the right magic could reach; a multitude of heavens and hells; wonders and terrors beyond the confines of the physical world; but the notion of attempting such a journey without Lolth's explicit invitation terrified Halisstra。
   〃The penalties for failing to understand the goddess's will in this matter would be severe indeed;〃 Halisstra said。
   〃Have we not just heard the goddess's will?〃 Danifae asked。 〃She led us to this place and this question through her silence; just as surely as if she had placed the mands directly in our hearts。 She might be angered if we fail to do this。〃
   Halisstra was accustomed to a feeling of certainty when it came to interpreting the Spider Queen's wishes。 Before the divine silence had fallen over the priestesses of Lolth; she'd known the rare touch of the goddess's whispers in her mind。 It didn't happen often; of course…she was only one priestess; and Lolth was served by uncounted thousands…but she knew what it felt like to understand to the depths of her soul what the Spider Queen wished; and how she could acplish it。 Halisstra felt nothing。 Lolth's will; evidently; was that she should figure it out for herself。
   Halisstra glanced up; where the bronze mask of Vhaeraun hung over a black altar。 The foreignness of the place seemed palpable; a tangible expression of everything she had lost。 Instead of standing before the ancient altar in the proud temple of House Melarn; Lolth's divine certitude thrumming in her very soul as she performed the rites of sacrifice and abasement the Spider Queen demanded; she stood alone; lost; an interloper in the temple of a pretender god; groping blindly for a hint of Lolth's intentions for her。
   She imagined standing before Lolth; her soul naked to her goddess; her eyes blasted by the sight of Lolth's dark glory; her ears scoured by the sound of the Spider Queen's sibilant voice。 Perhaps it was effrontery to think that Lolth would erase her doubts; supply answers for her questions and a balm for her wounded heart; but Halisstra discovered that she did not care。 If Lolth chose to discard her; to punish her; then she would; but then why had she destroyed Ched Nasad and House Melarn if not to bring Halisstra before her and receive her plea?
   〃I agree with Danifae;〃 she said at last。 〃I cannot see what the point of this has been; other than to summon us before the goddess's throne。 We will find our answers in her presence。〃
   Quenthel nodded slowly and said; 〃I read her will in the same way; sisters。 We must go to the Demonweb Pits。〃
   Ryld and Valas exchanged worried looks。
   〃A sojourn to the sixty…sixth layer of the Abyss;〃 Pharaun observed。 〃Well; I have dreamed of the place。 It would be interesting to see if the reality matches my dream from years ago; though I have to say; I do not relish the thought of meeting Lolth in person。 She minced my soul to pieces when I had that vision。 It took me months to recover。〃
   〃Perhaps we should return to Menzoberranzan and report what we have learned before we consider anything rash?〃 Ryld asked; clearly alarmed by the prospect of descending into the infernal realms。
   〃Now that I understand the goddess's will; I do not wish to delay in obeying it;〃 Quenthel said。 〃Pharaun can use his sending spell to apprise Gromph of our intentions。〃
   〃More to the point;〃 Valas said; 〃how exactly does one get to the Demonweb Pits?〃
   〃Worship Lolth all your life;〃 Quenthel replied; a dark look clouding her eyes; 〃then die。〃
   Halisstra glanced at the high priestess; then looked at the scout and said; 〃Were the goddess granting us our spells; we could do it easily enough。 Without them; it is not so easy。 Pharaun?〃
   The wizard wrung his hands。
   〃I will learn the proper spells at the first opportunity;〃 he said。 〃I suppose I will have to locate a wizard of some acplishment who happens to know the right spells; and persuade him to share one with me。〃
   〃That will not be necessary; Master Pharaun;〃 Tzirik said。 He stood up from his seat and descended the dais; powerful and confident。 〃As it so happens; my god has not seen fit to deprive me of my spells。 I have an interest in seeing for myself what transpires in Lolth's domain。 We can leave as soon as tonight; if you like。〃
   pany by pany; the Army of the Black Spider marched proudly into the open cavern behind the Pillars of Woe。 It was nothing pared to the vast cavern of Menzoberranzan; or the inprehensible gulf of the Darklake; but the plain at the head of the gorge was still impressive; an asymmetrical space perhaps half a mile across; its ceiling rising a couple of hundred feet overhead。 Innumerable columns supported its roof; and shelflike side caverns twisted away on all sides like highways beckoning in the dark。
   Nimor surveyed the place from astride his war…lizard; watching as the great Houses of Menzoberranzan filed into the cavern; for
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