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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   Nimor surveyed the place from astride his war…lizard; watching as the great Houses of Menzoberranzan filed into the cavern; forming up in glittering squares beneath a dozen different banners。 He'd had more than two days to reconnoiter the various crevices; caves; and passages leading to the open spot。 The strategic value of the Pillars of Woe was obvious。 Only one road lead south through a torturous canyon; yet several tunnels met where he'd led the drow; each leading into Menzoberranzan's Dark Dominion。
   〃A good place for a battle;〃 he said; nodding to himself with satisfaction。
   His mount; vicious and stupid beast that it was; still seemed to dully sense the impending conflict。 It hissed and pawed at the pebble…strewn floor; its tail twitching in agitation。
   Nimor waited near the center of the scout line holding the gap between the Pillars; at the head of a force of almost a hundred Agrach Dyrr riders。 Those among his scout force who had any other House allegiance lay sprawled among the rocks and crevices of the gorge below; where Nimor and his men had slaughtered them soon after reaching the Pillars of Woe。
   Nimor ached to go riding up to greet Mez'Barris Armgo; Andzrel Baenre; and the rest of the army's priestesses and manders。 He could see their pavilion; already rising in the center of the cavern。
   The difficulty with a betrayal spanning a whole battlefield; he thought; is that one simply can't be everywhere at once to savor the moment in its entirety。
   He noted a lean runner…lizard pelting from the mand pavilion toward where his pany waited。
   〃It seems I am wanted; lads;〃 he called to the Agrach Dyrr soldiers waiting behind him。 〃You know what to do。 Wait for the signal。 When it es; hold nothing back。〃
   Nimor kicked his war…lizard into motion and rode back a short distance to meet the messenger。 The rider was a young fellow in the livery of House Baenre…no doubt a favored nephew or cousin; given a relatively safe task in order to gain a blooding without too much risk。 He wore no helmet; allowing his hair to stream out behind him like a mane。 A bright red banner fluttered from a harness secured to his saddle。
   〃You are Captain Zhayemd?〃 he called; slowing his lizard to greet Nimor。
   〃I am。〃
   〃Your presence is requested at the mand pavilion immediately; sir。 Matron Del'Armgo wants to know where the gray dwarves are; and how best to dispose the troops。〃
   〃I see;〃 Nimor replied。 〃Well; ride on back and tell her I'll be along presently。〃
   〃With respect; sir; I am to…〃
   Three great horn blasts; two short followed by one long; bellowed up from the space between the Pillars of Woe; echoing so loudly it seemed the rock itself had given voice to the cry。 The messenger broke off and twisted his mount around; padding past Nimor to peer back toward the Pillars。
   〃Lolth's wrath; what was that?〃 he said。
   〃That;〃 said Nimor; 〃would be the signal for the duergar attack。〃
   From the depths of the gorge beneath the Pillars of Woe came the ground…shaking rumble of an army on the move。 Below Nimor's line of scouts; hundreds of duergar lizard riders suddenly rose from beneath carefully arranged blankets of camouflage and pelted up and into the gap Nimor's scouts were supposed to hold。 Behind the duergar cavalry; rank upon rank of duergar infantry ran forward; shouting their uncouth war cries; hammers and axes raised high。 The Agrach Dyrr riders scrambled to their saddles; taking position to bottle up the charge between the mammoth columns of rock…and; as arranged; they wheeled in unison and dashed to one side; leaving the line unguarded。
   〃The Agrach Dyrr! They betray us!〃 the messenger shouted; horror and shock on his face。
   He wrenched his mount around; but Nimor leaned out from his saddle and ran the boy through。 The young Baenre clutched at his wound; swaying; and toppled from the saddle。 Nimor slapped his sword against the lizard's rump and sent the beast bolting off back into the main cavern; the dead messenger dragging behind it with his feet tangled in the stirrups。
   Nimor spurred his mount up onto an uneven shelf of rock about fifteen feet above the cavern floor; overlooking the Pillars。 From that vantage he could see most of the cavern。
   〃A good view of the fray; my prince!〃 he called。 〃What a magnificent day for your triumph; eh?〃
   〃I'll tell you in a quarter…hour if we have a victory or not。〃
   From the shadows at the back of the ledge; Horgar Steelshadow emerged。 He and his personal guards were warded by a well…crafted illusion; invisible to anyone below; unless one knew precisely where to find them。
   〃Do not e closer; Nimor;〃 the crown prince said。 〃I do not wish someone below to notice you disappearing into a wall; and bee overly curious about what might be up here。〃
   〃Surely you mean to join the battle; Prince Horgar? I know you are a dwarf of no small valor。〃
   〃I will venture into the fray when I'm certain I will not need to issue any more orders; Nimor。 In another few moments you won't be able to hear a fellow shouting in your ear。〃
   Nimor turned his attention back to the battle。 The Agrach Dyrr riders; well clear of the Pillars; charged madly in a circle; skirting the perimeter of the cave and avoiding the main mass of the Menzoberranyr army。 Their task was to get to the rear and aid the Agrach Dyrr infantry in sealing the tunnel through which the Army of the Black Spider had just e。
   Duergar cavalry streamed up and through the gap; overrunning the positions that had been supposedly held against them and spilling out onto the cavern floor。 Several of the House contingents in the van of the march milled about in evident disorder; surprised to find themselves suddenly faced with a thundering charge in an open field instead of siege…work and camp…building behind a stout line。
   Other Houses responded to the sudden assault with adroitness and valor。 The huge Baenre contingent raised a fierce war cry of their own; and dashed forward to seize the pass before any more duergar could flood through it。
   〃A bold move; Andzrel;〃 Nimor said; not without admiration。 〃Unfortunately; I think it's too late to put the cork back in that bottle。〃
   Nimor flicked his war…lizard's reins and positioned himself for a better view of the cavern center。 He'd expected the mad rush of motion; the sight of armored ranks surging forward to crash and retreat like the bloody surf of an iron sea; but the sound of the battle was intolerable。 Caught by rock above; below; and to all sides; the roars; screams; and clang of weapons on shields became pletely indistinguishable; growing into a single great thundering sound that continued to build and build as more and more warriors became embroiled in the fighting。
   〃The noise will stand to our advantage;〃 he cried over his shoulder to Horgar; though he could not hear his own words。 〃The manders of the Army of the Black Spider must decide how to respond; and give the appropriate orders。〃
   〃Aye;〃 the gray dwarf monarch answered。 Nimor had to strain to understand him。 〃The middle of a fight is hardly the best time to draw 
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