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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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t is hardly the best time to draw up your plan of battle!〃
   A brilliant lightning bolt tore into the duergar ranks; followed by a thunderclap audible even over the din of the battle。 Exploding balls of fire and scathing sheets of flame streaked across the battlefield; as wizards on each side began to make their presence felt。
   Nimor frowned。 A handful of powerful wizards could decide the issue; even in the teeth of the ferocious duergar assault and the duplicity of his allies in Agrach Dyrr; but there were wizards among the duergar troops; too; many of them disguised as mon riders and infantrymen。 As the drow mages struck at the attacking gray dwarves; they gave away their own positions。 Duergar wizards answered each bolt of lightning; each blast of fire; in kind; and in moments the cavern was filled with flashes of painful light and ruddy fire; the air hot and acrid with the mighty magic thrown heedlessly from one side to the other。
   Try as he might; Nimor couldn't tell whose magic would prevail; as the whole terrible scene descended into plete anarchy。 In the space of a few dozen heartbeats; the sheer mass of Menzoberranyr troops in the middle of the cavern checked the initial rush of the duergar charge; the two armies tangling in a long line of contact that snaked across the cavern floor for hundreds of yards。 Standards waved and fell; war…lizards reared and plunged; as the great charge bogged down into a thousand individual duels。
   Rushing columns of heavily armored duergar pressed through the seams where dark elf Houses met; streaming in and around their desperately battling foes。 Nimor smiled grimly。 The dark elves had very little notion of how to weld their panies together to make an army into a single weapon; but each House contingent was a small army of deadly; seasoned veterans by itself。 The duergar assault had smashed the Army of the Black Spider into twenty smaller forces that swarmed and stung back like a basket of scorpions that had been kicked over。
   〃Our victory is still in question; Nimor;〃 Horgar called from above。 〃The cursed wizards have checked our first assault!〃
   〃Yes; but you have forced the Pillars; have you not?〃 Nimor shouted back。 〃I'd thought the initial charge would break the Menzoberranyr outright; but it seems the House armies are not so easily swept away。〃
   As he surveyed the battle; Nimor thought the gray dwarves; with advantage of surprise; would most likely be able to defeat the Houses of Menzoberranzan in detail; but it would be a long hard day of fighting to reduce the dark elf force。 House Baenre; in particular; had managed to close the Pillars of Woe for the moment; and the longer Andzrel held the pass; the better the dark elves' chances were。
   Fortunately; Nimor had taken steps against this very possibility。 The Menzoberranyr seemed heavily engaged to the front with the gray dwarf assault。 It was time to slip his knife between Menzoberranzan's ribs while their swords were locked。
   〃Now; Aliisza;〃 he said into the raging air。
   Nimor wheeled his mount around; drew his sword; and spurred his war…lizard down into the confused fray。 Mez'Barris Armgo and Andzrel Baenre were somewhere near the center of the fight; and he intended to make sure they did not escape the destruction of their army。
   A little less than half a mile away; crowded into a small tunnel that descended from the east toward the upper field at the head of the Pillars of Woe; Aliisza stood with her eyes closed; her mind focused on the spell that allowed her to observe Nimor。 By virtue of the magic she used; she heard his every word as if he'd spoken clearly in a quiet room。 She shook herself and allowed the spell to dissipate。
   〃It's time;〃 she said to Kaanyr Vhok。
   〃Good;〃 the warlord said。 His pointed teeth were bared in a fierce smile; anticipating battle。 He glanced at the assassin Zammzt; who stood nearby。 〃Well; renegade; I suppose this is your lucky day。 I will throw my warriors against the dark elves; not your duergar allies。〃
   Zammzt inclined his head and replied; 〃I assure you; you will not regret it; Warlord。 Destroy this army; and Menzoberranzan will lie naked before you。〃
   Kaanyr strode past the alu…fiend and the dark elf to the place where his standard…bearers stood。
   〃Sound the charge!〃 he cried。
   Instantly; a dozen bugbear drummers struck their instruments; sounding a simple three…beat ruffle; repeating three times。 Thronging the tunnel below; the tanarukks of Kaanyr Vhok's Scoured Legion howled in bloodlust and pressed forward; stamping their feet and clashing their axes as they poured down the tunnel。 Kaanyr drew his own molten sword and joined his charging troops; as his guards and standard…bearers hurried to keep up。 Aliisza caught her breath at the sight; and took to the air to wing after Kaanyr's standard。 A battle like this didn't e along every day; after all。
   Ahead of the charging tanarukks; one of the cavern walls on the flank of the Army of the Black Spider seemed to shimmer; and abruptly vanished; revealing a gaping tunnel mouth that had been concealed by a clever illusion。 The screaming horde of slavering tanarukks poured from the hidden roadway; streaming out to take the drow army from behind while the great Houses were engaged by the duergar riders who had e up through the Pillars of Woe。 Aliisza glimpsed Kaanyr's red banner flying proudly at the head of the force; and the Scoured Legion slammed into the battle。
   Only a handful of minor Houses stood in the path of the onrushing horde。 The wave of bloodthirsty orc…demons overran them; a spear of red…hot iron punching deep into the army's flank。 Aliisza found herself whooping in exultation and terror; gripped by the terrible spectacle and helpless to express her excitement in any other way。 The Army of the Black Spider was hopelessly entangled in the very battle it did not want to fight; a wild melee in open terrain against the bined armies of Gracklstugh and Kaanyr Vhok。 Like islands in a swirling sea of foes; each House of Menzoberranzan stood alone against a tide of steel and spell; battling for its life。
   The alu…fiend alighted atop a blunt stalagmite and stared down at the battle below her。
   Ah; Nimor; she thought。 What a great and terrible thing you have done!
   Nimor Imphraezl; Anointed Blade of the Jaezred Chaulssin; waded through a scene such as all the devils in all the hells could hardly have imagined。 The blood of dozens of highborn drow mingled on his rapier and splattered his black mail。 His war…lizard was long gone; burned out from under him by a lightning bolt hurled by a Tuin'Tarl wizard; and his limbs ached with fatigue and a dozen minor wounds; but Nimor grinned savagely; giddy with the results of his deadly work。
   〃Who has acplished something now; Revered Grandfather?〃 he laughed aloud。 〃Zammzt may have delivered Ched Nasad into your hands; but I have brought low the favored city of the Spider Queen!〃
   The battle had raged for several hours。 Instead of holding an impregnable line between the Pillars of Woe; the Army of the Black Spider had found itself beset on all sides by a
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