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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   The battle had raged for several hours。 Instead of holding an impregnable line between the Pillars of Woe; the Army of the Black Spider had found itself beset on all sides by a foe who'd picked the terrain and the moment to strike。 Of course; like a great dumb beast with a mortal wound in its belly; a broken army could take a long time to die; thrashing and convulsing for hours as its blood slowly ran out。 In the battles of the World Above; perhaps the defeated drow would have thrown down their arms and hoped for good terms from the victors。 In the ruthless calculus of warfare in the Underdark; quarter was neither given nor asked。 The gray dwarves had no intention of allowing a single dark elf to survive the day。 The warriors of Menzoberranzan knew that; and they fought to the death。
   Some of the smaller Houses were smashed apart and scattered throughout the cavern; leaving drow in pairs or threes to sell their lives as dearly as they could。 Bands of duergar; bugbears; ogres; and other soldiers loyal to the Crown Prince of Gracklstugh roamed the cavern; drunk on slaughter as they hunted the wretched drow whose panies had been scattered by the assault。 Some Houses stood where they were in the great cavern; fighting furiously as the duergar tide rose higher and higher; assailing them from all sides; and some of the Houses held together and tried to cut their way out of the fray; hoping to snatch survival from the specter of a catastrophic defeat。
   The soldiers of Barrison Del'Armgo had been driven into a narrow; twisting side…tunnel; and forced from the field。 Retreating through a passage only twenty feet wide; the proud warriors of the Second House held off repeated duergar assaults。 Mez'Barris was penned in and unable to join with any other Houses; while her supplies burned along with the rest of the train; fired by the Agrach Dyrr infantry who had brought up the rear of the day's march。 Del'Armgo would have a long and hungry march home。
   House Xorlarrin's pany; well stocked with the potent wizards the House was famed for; was caught near the center of the cavern; far from any place of relative security。 The Xorlarrin mages kept five times their number of duergar at arm's length for most of the day by raising walls of fire and ice; and lashing out with sweeping blasts of destructive energy…but their wizards were tiring; exhausting their spells。 Hundreds of duergar lancers mounted on war…lizards waited for the chance to ride down the Xorlarrins when their arcane defenses failed。
   The proud pany of House Baenre; more than five hundred strong; stood like a rock as lesser Houses were shattered and pulled down around them。 As Nimor had predicted; Andzrel Baenre had been forced to relinquish the Pillars of Woe soon after seizing them; and his forces had slowly battled their way across the cavern to the tunnel mouth through which the Army of the Black Spider had marched only hours before。 The Baenre turned their full attention on the Agrach Dyrr who barred escape back down the path of the march。 Quarrels; javelins; and deadly spells flew thick and fast as the two Houses battled furiously。 While the Baenre outnumbered the treacherous Agrach Dyrr more than two to one; the warriors of the First House were obliged to defend themselves against attacks on all sides while they tried to cut their way through to escape。
   Nimor stalked toward the thick of the fighting; picking his way past the dead and the dying。 Fortunately; he'd readied several spells of invisibility for the day; otherwise he would have been waylaid time and time again by raging tanarukks or grim duergar anxious to slay any drow they encountered。 Hundreds of Horgar's Stone Guards clashed with the Baenre footsoldiers ahead of him; while the Agrach Dyrr barricaded the mouth of the main tunnel on the opposite side。 Nimor carefully skirted the fight; catching sight of Andzrel and Zal'therra beneath the Baenre banner。
   The Baenre leaders led their soldiers into the thick of the battle against the Agrach Dyrr; slowly but surely cutting their way through the warriors of the treacherous House。 A tight knot of bodyguards surrounded them。
   The assassin grinned; seeing his opportunity。 The Baenre leaders had mitted themselves to the fray。 If he could destroy them; he would decapitate the Baenre contingent; and if their force disintegrated; there was an excellent chance that nothing of the Army of the Black Spider would survive the day。
   Nimor spotted Jazzt Dyrr; who stood back from the melee; directing the Agrach Dyrr soldiers。 The nobleman held his hand to a bloody slash across his ribs。 The assassin hurried over and released his invisibility。
   〃A job well done; my kinsman;〃 he shouted to Jazzt。 〃Continue to hold the Baenre on this side; and the crown prince's guard will grind them to nothing。〃
   Jazzt looked up。 Fatigue and pain faded from his face as he surveyed the fight。
   〃Easier said than done;〃 he said。 〃The Baenre fight like demons; and more than a few of our own lads won't be going home。〃 He straightened; and offered Nimor his hand。 〃I had my misgivings about you; Zhayemd; but your plan seems to be unfolding well enough。 I'd say we could use you here; but I take it from the blood all over you that you're keeping yourself busy。〃
   〃The great Houses still hold in the center of the cavern floor; but this is the spot of decision;〃 Nimor replied。 His eyes were fixed on the Baenre banner。 〃Lend me whatever lads you can。 I mean to kill the Baenre manders。〃
   〃Good; we need the help;〃 Jazzt replied。 He gestured sharply; and brought up a reserve of a dozen seasoned warriors。 〃You lads; you go with Zhayemd。 Take the Baenre banner!〃
   Nimor readied his rapier and dagger while the fresh fighters gathered behind him。 The melee edged closer; as the Baenre continued to claw their way toward escape。 He could see the Baenre standard; waving above the center of the fight。 Andzrel himself stood near the forefront; surrounded by the best House Baenre had to offer; while Zal'therra hobbled along a few steps back。 The priestess was struggling with a bad wound in her hip; and she had her arm around another Baenre as the line advanced。
   Nimor waited until the leading Baenre guardsmen were within a spearcast of his soldiers; and shouted; 〃Up and at them; lads!〃
   With a ragged cheer the warriors of Agrach Dyrr dashed forward from their hiding places; some firing crossbows into the Baenre before discarding the weapons and drawing blades。 Quarrels hissed in the tunnel mouth。 Some bounced from the armor of the Baenre guards and priestesses; but other quarrels struck home。 The Baenre guards readied themselves for Agrach Dyrr's charge as best they could。 Zal'therra hopped to one side of the tunnel and defended herself with a huge; black; two…headed flail; unwilling to trust her injured leg enough to press into the skirmish but still far from helpless…as an Agrach Dyrr soldier learned when she expertly tripped him and followed up with a blow that pulped the wretch's skull。 In a moment the din of steel on steel and the awful sound of steel in flesh filled the corridor; acpanied by the screams; grunts; and curses of t
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