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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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s; and curses of the fighters。
   Andzrel; unlike his kinswoman; threw himself into the fight; wielding a double…ended sword with expert skill and lashing out with brutal spinning kicks to hammer his foes to the ground while they parried his flashing blades。 Nimor watched in admiration as the furious assault swayed back and forth; then; the Agrach Dyrr making way; he approached the Baenre weapons master。
   〃Greetings; Andzrel;〃 he called。 〃Your master of scouts must report that the duergar seem to have slipped past our line at the Pillars of Woe; and now pose a considerable danger to the Army of the Black Spider。〃
   Andzrel Baenre fell still as the skirmish swept away from him。 Hard anger seethed beneath his disciplined manner。
   〃Zhayemd;〃 he spat。 〃You have made a grave mistake in confronting me。 You would have been wiser to savor the fruits of your treachery from afar。〃
   〃We shall see;〃 Nimor replied。
   He leaped forward and aimed a murderous thrust straight for the center of the Baenre's torso; but Andzrel was not unprepared。 The weapons master twisted aside and brought up his double…sword in a spinning parry that deflected Nimor's blade; and whirled in close to slam his armored elbow against the side of the assassin's head。 Had Nimor been the slight drow he appeared to be; the blow might have fractured his skull。 Instead it merely jolted him; hard。 He responded by spinning the other way and bringing up his off…hand dagger in a hidden slash that scored Andzrel beneath the breastplate。 The weapons master took half a step back and leaped into the air; planting his boot in the assassin's ribs; but Nimor merely grunted and threw Andzrel back with contemptuous strength。
   Andzrel rolled and came up with his sword high; his eyes wide。
   〃What in all the goddess's hells are you?〃 he muttered。
   Before Nimor could pose a suitable answer; the weapons master's hand flashed down to his boot and he hurled a knife straight for Nimor's throat。 The assassin threw his arm in front of his face and caught the blade in the meat of his left forearm。 He snarled and pulled it out; blood spattering the dusty cavern floor。
   Andzrel didn't wait for him; of course。 The Baenre followed his thrown dagger by hurling himself forward and rolling under Nimor's guard; trying to run him through with a quick jab。
   Nimor jumped clear over the weapons master; pulling his feet up close to his body; and landed on the other side。 As Andzrel reversed his thrust and came back up; Nimor punched his rapier through the Baenre's breastplate and scored a deep wound in the weapons master's side。 Andzrel grunted and stumbled; losing his balance。 He sprawled to the ground at Nimor's feet; his two…ended sword flat on the ground below him。
   〃A good effort;〃 Nimor said; drawing back his sword to finish off the Baenre。
   Before he could strike; a globe of amber energy encased him。 Magical force halted the thrust of his blade as surely as if he'd tried to skewer Narbondel; and resisted his knife as well。
   〃What in the Nine Hells?〃 Nimor demanded。
   The assassin snarled in rage; even as he realized that the sounds of battle in the tunnel had increased threefold at the same instant。 He glared out of the sphere; trying to determine where it had e from and what was happening。
   Outside; dozens of fresh Baenre troops poured into the fight from the tunnel behind the Agrach Dyrr; catching Jazzt and his footsoldiers between hammer and anvil。 The Agrach Dyrr blocking the tunnel were quickly driven away or killed; clearing the retreat for the House Baenre contingent。 Nimor watched in cold wrath as the Baenre began to stream past his magical prison; reinforcing their embattled kin。 In the space of a few moments; the battle rolled away from him and back into the main cavern。
   Nimor glanced back down the tunnel; and found himself looking at a tall; round…bodied wizard in the colors of House Baenre; who studied the amber globe with a smirk of self…satisfaction。 Zal'therra and Andzrel both stared at the newer as well。
   〃Nauzhror;〃 said the priestess。 Blood streamed from her injured hip。 〃Your timing is impeccable。〃
   〃A fortunate accident; really;〃 the wizard purred。 〃The matron mother instructed me to obtain news from the field; and so I scried the army; found the battle underway; and noted your difficulties。 I made use of a very valuable scroll to raise a gate and bring you some help。〃 He turned and studied Nimor in the globe of energy。 〃Isn't this fierce fellow Captain Zhayemd of Agrach Dyrr?〃
   〃So he says; anyway;〃 Andzrel gritted。 〃Can you destroy him in that sphere?〃
   〃Not right away。 It simply captures someone for a time; encapsulating the victim in an impervious shield of magical force。 It will fade in a short while; after which you may kill him at your leisure。〃
   〃Later; then;〃 Andzrel said; dismissing the question of the trapped Nimor。
   With one hand he groped for a small vial at his belt…a healing potion; Nimor guessed…and drank it down。 He glanced back at the fighting; his face expressionless as he studied the savage melee。
   Zal'therra limped up beside him and said; 〃Make ready to charge。 With Nauzhror's reinforcements; we can turn the tables on these cursed dwarves and tanarukks。〃 She looked over to the wizard。 〃How many soldiers did you bring?〃
   〃Only a single pany; I fear。 The matron mother did not want to risk any more of our strength in a lost battle; if things go poorly。〃
   Zal'therra began to protest; but Andzrel set a hand on her arm。
   〃No;〃 he said; 〃the matron mother was right。 Now that we've secured our line of retreat; we must withdraw any Houses we can from the fight。 The duergar and their tanarukk allies have won the day。〃
   Nauzhror's eyes widened and he asked; 〃Is it as bad as that?〃
   〃If we move swiftly;〃 Andzrel answered; 〃we will bring a good portion of our soldiers off the field yet。 Once we've got the important Houses out of the fray; we can make a fighting retreat all the way to Menzoberranzan if we have to。 There is no time to lose; if we want to save Xorlarrin and Tuin'Tarl。 Fey…Branche is all but gone; I haven't the faintest idea what happened to Barrison Del'Armgo; and Duskryn and Kenafin were swept away by the tanarukks。 Menzoberranzan can't lose any more drow here。〃
   〃Your retreat will only delay the inevitable;〃 Nimor said。 〃You can't stop it now。〃
   Andzrel leaned on his two…bladed sword and threw a dark look at Nimor。
   〃On second thought;〃 the weapons master said; 〃I'll detail a few lads to wait for this sphere to fade。 I see no reason to let him live a moment longer than I have to。〃 He met Nimor's eyes with a cold expression。 〃Your House will rue the day you betrayed our city; traitor。〃
   Nimor tried the force globe again; to no avail。 Andzrel; Zal'therra; and the Baenre wizard turned away and followed their soldiers into the renewed battle; while several Baenre guards trotted back and took up stations surrounding the sphere of force。
   〃I'll see you in Menzoberranzan;〃 Nimor promised the Baenre。
   The Anointed Blade invoked the power of his ring; and disappeared f
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