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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第章

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   〃I'll see you in Menzoberranzan;〃 Nimor promised the Baenre。
   The Anointed Blade invoked the power of his ring; and disappeared from the force globe into the weling shadows。
   Four hours later; the pany stood again beneath the bronze mask of Vhaeraun in the chapel of Minauthkeep。 Battered; filthy mail had been laboriously cleaned; broken links mended; arming coats laundered。 Those who had lost their packs; bedrolls; or other gear carried replacements purchased from Jaelre merchants。 For the first time since leaving Gracklstugh Halisstra felt clean; rested; and reasonably well prepared for the next step in her journey。 She sorely missed the mail she'd worn as First Daughter of House Melarn; and the thundering mace her mother had given her a century past; but she still had her lyre; and Seyll Auzkovyn's mail and sword were not entirely useless substitutes。
   The sword in particular seemed a fine piece of work。 It carried a potent virtue of holiness that made it tingle unpleasantly in the dark elf's grip; but Halisstra suspected its blade would be unbearable to any fell creature who felt its bite。 Considering the fact that she intended to descend into the Abyss itself; where such creatures would likely set upon the pany in numbers; she was willing to endure the sword's distasteful enchantment for a time。
   Tzirik had donned a suit of black mithral plate armor decorated with grotesque demonic figures and chased with gold filigree。 A wickedly spiked mace hung at his belt; and he wore a great masked helm in the shape of a demon's skull。 He radiated confidence and energy; as if he'd waited a long time for the opportunity to serve his god with worthwhile stakes at hand。
   〃As you know;〃 said the priest; 〃there is more than one way to leave this plane of existence and venture into the dimensions beyond。 I have examined the issue at length; and I have decided that we shall travel in astral form。 Now; if…〃
   〃That would require us to leave our bodies atose while our spirits journeyed to the Abyss;〃 Quenthel interrupted。 〃Why would you even hope I might consent to that?〃
   〃Betrayal;〃 Jeggred rumbled。 〃He intends to have his rades slit our throats while our bodies lie uninhabited。〃
   The draegloth took a step forward; baring his fangs at the Vhaeraunite priest。
   〃I choose to travel in astral form for two reasons; Mistress Baenre;〃 Tzirik replied; ignoring Jeggred。 〃First; it is marginally safer; in that if someone's roving spirit happened to be killed while visiting the Demonweb Pits; that person would not truly be dead…he would awaken here; unharmed。 A spirit is a difficult thing to destroy; after all。 Second; as far as I can tell; we have no real alternative。 I have already attempted to plane shift bodily to the Demonweb Pits; and the spell failed outright。 I believe the barrier or seal of which the Masked Lord spoke prevented the direct transference of a physical body into Lolth's demesnes。〃
   〃Yet you believe you'll be able to carry our astral forms there; when the realm is still sealed?〃 Halisstra asked。
   〃I know of only two ways to take you to the Demonweb Pits; and if one doesn't work; the other must;〃 Tzirik said with a shrug。 〃The Masked Lord himself has instructed me to take you there; so there must be a way。 Still; if you happen to know of any permanent gates or portals connecting our world with the Abyss; or the Demonweb Pits itself; I suppose you could make use of such a device。〃
   〃Show me that physical travel will not work;〃 Quenthel said。
   〃Step close;〃 Tzirik said from behind his mask; his voice carrying a certain dry amusement; 〃and join hands with me。〃
   The drow shuffled close and joined hands in a circle with Tzirik; who took a place between Quenthel and Danifae; laying his left hand over their joined hands and leaving his right free to make the gestures necessary for the spell。 He collected himself; then chanted out a rolling; powerful prayer whose unholy words filled the air with a nearly tangible darkness。
   Halisstra watched carefully to make certain that the priest cast the spell correctly; and as far as she could tell; he did。 For a moment she thought it would work; as the Jaelre chapel grew misty and faint around them; and her body seemed to somehow drop away from the world without moving an inch…but then she sensed through some preternatural perception an impediment; a barrier that prevented the pany from materializing again in a new place and seemed to almost jolt them back to Minauthkeep。 She reeled drunkenly as her senses whirled。
   〃That happened the last time I tried it;〃 Tzirik said。
   Thunder gathered in Quenthel's brow; but she managed to keep her calm as she detached her hand from Danifae's and steadied herself against Jeggred。
   〃Pharaun;〃 the high priestess said; 〃what did you observe?〃
   The wizard raised an eyebrow; perhaps surprised to be consulted by the Baenre; and said; 〃It seems plausible enough。 If we travel by projecting our spirits into the Astral Plane; we won't be going directly from this plane of existence to the Abyss。 We'd actually traverse the astral sea and approach Lolth's domain as spirits。 It may be that the mysterious barrier we encountered does not bar such an approach。〃 The wizard smoothed his robes; considering。 〃And that might explain why our conjured demons couldn't manage the trick either。 They do not travel between planes by astral projection; as they have no souls。〃
   Quenthel muttered something to herself; folded her arms; and turned back to Tzirik。
   〃Fine;〃 she said。 〃You have convinced me。 Where do you intend to leave our bodies?〃
   Tzirik walked over to one wall of the chapel and depressed a hidden stud; revealing a secret chamber behind the bronze mask of Vhaeraun。 It was not large; but eight elegant old divans…furnishings that might have dated back to the castle's days as a home to the surface elves of Cormanthyr…were arranged in a tight circle in the room; heads together; feet outward。
   〃Only a handful of my people know of this room's existence;〃 said the priest; 〃and I have instructed them to make no intrusion for as long as may prove necessary。 You need not fear any harm here。〃
   Ryld; who stood a little behind Jeggred; turned away from Tzirik and gestured subtly to Pharaun and Halisstra; So if our spirits are defeated while we are astral; we return to our bodies。 What happens to our spirits if someone sticks a knife in our bodies?
   Death; the wizard replied。 A cautious fellow would make sure his body was someplace safe and guarded by trustworthy sorts before sending his spirit off to some other plane。
   Ryld grimaced; but made no other reply。
   The pany followed Tzirik into the small room。 Halisstra stared with some trepidation at the old couch in front of her; knowing that she was doing so but unable to look away。 She wasn't the only member of the pany regarding the divans like a collection of coffins; Quenthel must have been having the same thoughts。
   She looked up from the couch to Tzirik and said; 〃We will leave behind a guard。 Someone I trust will be here to watch over our bodies until I return; just 
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