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〃Let go!〃 Lang shoved Louie with that strange strength Rick had seen him exhibit on one or two rare occasions。 But cough Louie was hurled back with extreme force; taking an impact against a tree that made Rick wince; he bounced back for more; taking up the chase again。

〃Rick!〃 It was Lisa; perhaps no other voice could have made him stop and turn around just then。 She was ing along at a run; too; with Scott Bernard and Marlene。 The children and most of the others were following more slowly in good order; but Rick noticed that Kazianna was nowhere to be seen。

He got on the tac net to the guards posted back at the landing zone。 〃Hold Doctors Lang and Nichols under close arrest until I get there…and keep 'em away from each other!〃

He had time to repeat the message for clarity's sake; with the guard detail mander acknowledging; before Lisa caught up。

〃Rick; Marlene says everything's starting to unglue or melt down。 Something's trying to change even the Regis's plans。〃 Marlene was nodding。 〃I can feel it; even though my connection with the Protoculture isn't as strong anymore。 I believe that the Regis and something else are about to lock in some tremendous struggle。〃

〃Haydon? 〃

Lisa nodded; 〃It sounds like a good bet。 I wanted to hear what Aurora had to say; but she's gone; too…she and Miriya and Kazianna。〃

She pointed to a disappearing Quadrono armored suit; vanishing in the direction Max and the Black Knight had taken。 〃Something about that black mecha; and none of them would take the time to explain。〃

Rick wanted to wait until they were all back aboard the SDF…3 to clear things up; but he understood that there might not even be that much time。 〃What do Roy and the other kids say?〃

〃They're too upset to make a lot of sense; but they obviously think something very dangerous is about to happen。〃

〃That's it; then; we get everybody back to the ship before we do anything else。〃 As he said it; they heard the sound of heavy engines; and one of the two shuttles lifted off。 Rick got the group moving as fast as he thought they could stand。 Luckily; Kazianna had left her Zentraedi behind to help maintain security。

Just before the party reached the landing zone there was another roar; and an Alpha went leaping away after the shuttle。

When the group got to the remaining shuttle; they found dazed security people dealing with their own wounded。 〃I…I'm not sure how it happened; sir;〃 a rattled mander told Rick。 〃We had Doctor Lang and Doctor Nichols in custody…and then suddenly Lang had knocked out three of my best people; and the shuttle hatch opened all by itself to let him in。 〃Everybody piled on Nichols to make sure he didn't get away。 We had 'im held down pretty good until one of the Battloids just knelt down; without anybody even at the controls; to get him loose。 Then he boarded and flew off after Lang。〃

〃The new age of miracles;〃 Vince muttered。

Rick didn't answer。 Lisa had already sent someone to see if the remaining shuttle was working; it was; as were the mecha。

〃Various people have had their mental powers expanded in one fashion or another;〃 Jean Grant observed。 〃It seems that; at least in some cases; those expanded powers are now growing。 〃

Rick heard a thoughtful note in her voice and turned to her to see her looking at the SDF…3 children。 Lisa blurted; 〃Jean; what are you saying?〃

For a moment Rick feared the same thing his wife did: that Jean's point was that the children were now to be considered a threat; that it had at last e down to war within families。

But instead; Jean Grant showed the first hint of a smile they had seen from her in a long time。 〃What I'm saying is; the children think it'd be a good idea to get out of newspace?and the Regis is somewhat occupied all of a sudden…and somewhere not too far away; our spacefold drives are sitting there waiting for us。〃

In the moment's silence that followed Rick heard the strange cries and stridulations of Omphalos's wildlife。 Vince threw an arm around his wife and kissed her。 〃You're one of a kind; kid。〃

Rick was already giving hand signals。 〃Okay; get ready to board。 We'll all have to squeeze onto one shuttle。〃

〃Are we going home; Daddy?〃

He reached down and gathered up his son。 〃Yes; we are。〃


How hot a pilot was Max Sterling? Perhaps this simple observation makes the point best: Among the VT fighter jocks; his modest; upbeat middle…American manner of speech replaced the Chuck Yeager drawl that had dominated among pilots for decades and sifted down among other fliers as well。
If you don't understand how very much that meant; go ask any old stick…and…rudder hand。
Theresa Duvall; Wingmates: The Story of Max and Miriya Sterling 

All his training; experience; and remarkable skills came to nothing in that critical moment after Max was struck by the Black Knight。

But blind chance stepped in to fill the gap; if only for a half instant。 A springy hawser of vine had bee looped around his Battloid's foot; and it served the dual purpose of swinging him around to where he could get a grip on the immense tree trunk from which he was suspended and allowing him to lash out with his foot。

But most importantly; it bobbed him out of the line of fire of his foe's dory…shaped hand weapon。 The purple lightning snapped and discharged; blowing a distant limb to vapor; before the enemy could correct its aim; the massive metal battering ram that was the Battloid's foot connected。 The Battloid…scale hand weapon went flying。

At the same time; Max was firing thrusters; righting himself。 He rose on full back and leg blasts to grapple with his enemy; pounding the weapon out of its fist。 Locked together; they fell to bend down a stout branch that; even though it cracked somewhat; sprang back like a diving board to flip them into empty air。 They left behind a trail of smoldering foliage and a few fires; but the vegetation was too wet to burn easily。

Again they fell; but this time Max had both hands fast at the Black Knight's right wrist。 Both fired thrusters; heaving this way and that; kicking and flailing。 Max saw the ground ing at him and twisted to cushion his landing with blaring power bursts。 The black mecha wasn't as alert; and he managed to land on top of it。

They had e down in a large clearing; branches and leaves and lengths of vine raining down after them; along with burning bits of debris。

The enemy lay there stunned and partially staved in; shorted power leads crackling and throwing off sparks。 Max seized a hold; planted his feet; twisted; and pulled with all the might he could focus through the thinking cap。 With a shower of sparks and the tearing loose of strangely designed linkages; the right arm came off。

While the foe thrashed and bounced about the clearing in spasms; Max jumped clear to lay the globe aside carefully。 He wanted more than anything to make sure Dana was all right; but there was no time。 The living demon that was the black mecha might e at him again at any moment。

There wasn't even time to answer as; amazingly; he heard Kazianna Hesh's voice e over the net; though he thought his corn equipment had been knocked out。 〃Max! Where are you?〃

Even more strangely; h
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